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Interesting facts about monkeys and cockroaches?

Facts about monkeys and cockroaches

By Parveen Baloch Published 15 days ago 3 min read

Monkeys are the only species of animals whose ancestors are considered to be the origin of human beings. Because their DNA and some other characteristics are almost 99% similar to human beings. Well, the truth behind this concept unknown? But we know that monkeys are really amazing creatures. Sometimes they scared human beings, while in some places they are friends to them. Monkey's exist in a variety of different and unique species. When we see monkey's in public places, we mostly get irritated, but actually they have unique and possessed amazing characteristics.

Amazing facts about monkey's 

1. Monkey's can count

It will not be wrong to say that Monkeys are considered one of the smartest species among animals. Because monkeys are one of those animals who can identify and count the written number.

2. A monkey was discovered in 2007

A specie of monkey was discovered recently in 2007. This species of monkey is called Lesula monkey, and It is found in democratic republic of Congo. The amazing facts about these monkeys are that, their face is very similar to human beings, and they are also considered the most social species of monkey.

3. Some monkeys have facial expression

Macaque monkey are those monkeys who use their facial expression to communicate and express any feeling like human beings. They use their hair, mouth, eyes and eyebrows to show the feeling or expression.

4. Monkey's Way of love is grooming

Monkey's usually lives in huge groups which are called mission, tribes, troops or cartload. In these groups they groom their families and show affection and love to each other. Like they clean one another's body, removing insects to have a good appearance.

5. Only a few monkeys can see colors

It was found in researches that old world monkeys can differentiate colors easily like human, but there are some new world monkeys that can't differentiate colors, and they can only see black and white shade.

The monkeys are not only interesting, but they also play an equal important role in maintaining the balance of ecosystem as other creatures. They disperse seeds throughout the forest, which is a huge help for forest growth. Not only this, but they also help in other activities. Even after having so much importance, still the species of monkey is near threatened or endangered.

Facts about cockroaches

There are several species of insects living with us. Some we ignore, but some irritates us too much, and among them, one is the Cockroach. Yes, most of the people suffers from cockroach phobia which is called katsarid phobia. A survey showed that humans are most frighten from the Cockroach. But cockroach is not that much scary, because it has some amazing positive roles in our nature. Here we have discussed the importance of cockroach in our planet.

1. Cockroaches are important for forest

Cockroaches eat dead organic matters such as leaves, wood and small insects from the forest and other places. During this process, atmospheric nitrogen is trapped, which plants can't use directly. When cockroaches eat these dead organic matters and poop, they release that trapped nitrogen into the soil, which is beneficial for plants growth.

2. They are city cleaners

For the cleanness of cities, the role of drains and sewage is extremely important. Cockroaches help to maintain the underground sewage, because they eat the dead and routing insects and other small animals, which are mostly reason for the blocking of the canals.

3. Cockroaches are food for several creatures

Cockroaches are the major food part of a wide variety of animals such as amphibians, reptiles and insects. The breeding process of cockroach is very fast, that's why they function as a stable food source for all these creatures. For example, woodpecker is an endangered species of bird and cockroach is almost 50% of his diet, which helps them to survive for a longer period.

4. Cockroaches are inspiration for innovation

Cockroaches are used for several technical innovations by the scientists. Actually, cockroaches have a very small and ideal body design which inspire a lot of innovation. Even some robots are also made from the cockroaches inspiration.

I hope most of us didn't know about these benefits of cockroaches. Because we have always considered cockroaches as disease spreading insect only. Surprisingly, cockroaches don't carry any internal diseases within them like rates and mosquitoes. They only transfer some germs because they live in such environment where these virus and bacteria grow. Whenever you see a cockroach, try not to kill, but use the natural way to make them go away.


About the Creator

Parveen Baloch

MPhil/Zoology, Freelance writer

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