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How Pickleball can Build confidence for people with disabilities?

A disability does not make playing Pickleball an inability!

By Jason BarilPublished 12 months ago 3 min read

Playing sports can have numerous benefits for people with disabilities. Apart from the physical aspect, sports can also help to develop mental strength, confidence, and self-esteem. One such sport is Pickleball, which is a fun and social game that is becoming increasingly popular among people of all ages, including those with disabilities. In fact, Pickleball is the fastest growing sport in the United States. In this blog, we will explore how playing pickleball can help to build confidence in individuals with disabilities.

1. Physical Activity- Playing pickleball is a great way to get some exercise and improve your physical health. Regular physical activity not only helps with managing weight, but also leads to improved physical stamina, muscle strength, balance, and coordination. Physical activity releases endorphins that boost mood and reduce feelings of depression, anxiety, and stress. Get that body moving folks, it does a body good.

2. Positive Social Interaction- Pickleball is a social sport that can help individuals with disabilities to connect with others and develop positive relationships. Being part of a team or playing with friends can increase social skills and provide a sense of belonging. Pickleball is a relatively easy game to learn and can be played by people of any ability level, making it easier for individuals with disabilities to participate and feel included. Pickleball is about levels so individuals can find similar skill level players to play with and against.

3. Setting and Achieving Goals- Pickleball requires strategy and skill, and it can be challenging to master. However, individuals can set achievable goals and work towards them. The sense of accomplishment and satisfaction from improving their game can help build self-confidence. Playing pickleball can also teach valuable life skills such as perseverance, determination, and goal-setting. Accomplishing goals is a powerful thing and really helps individuals with or without disabilities.

4. Enhancing problem-solving and decision-making skills- Pickleball involves quick decisions, and every time you hit the ball, you choose a strategy. The game requires you to think quickly, plan your moves, and adjust to changes in the game. These skills, with regular practice, can help to develop quick problem-solving skills and decision-making capabilities. Over time, this can increase a person’s confidence in their ability to make effective decisions. This helps everyone but people with mental disabilities even more.

5. Coping with Setbacks- Pickleball, like any sport, cannot always be won. It’s important to learn how to lose and deal with setbacks. Losing teaches individuals to handle disappointment, and to recover from setbacks. This can help to build resilience and increase self-confidence. Losing is an integral part of sports, but it is the attitude towards winning and losing, rather than winning itself, that determines confidence. Losing is feedback and feedback is the breakfast of champions.

Playing pickleball can have a positive impact on individuals with disabilities, helping to develop physical and mental strength, social skills, self-confidence, and life skills. The game is fun, inclusive, and can be played by people of any ability level. The benefits of playing pickleball are numerous and can empower individuals with disabilities to live more active and fulfilling lives. By encouraging people with disabilities to take part in sports like pickleball, we can help to build a more inclusive and supportive society.

On a side note I started playing Pickkeball two years ago and it has been one of the greatest things to do in life. I play almost everyday and play in twenty to twenty five tournaments a year. I encourage everyone to get out there and give it a try. I know it is not for everyone but if it is for you it will change your life. See you on the courts!

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About the Creator

Jason Baril

Hello, everyone! My name is Jason Baril, and I'm excited to share my story with you all. attorney, I have a few passions that keep me busy - law, pickleball, technology, and writing.

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