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Do This She Will GO MAD For You | 7 Weird Ways HIGH VALUE Males Make Women Chase Them

Men are supposed to chase women; there is no other way around it. That's what society has taught us. Let me tell you something: you can make her chase you. High-value men do it so effortlessly, but how can they do it and you can't? In the modern world, men are conditioned to be submissive to women; men too follow the hierarchy. It's the opposite. Know this: men also have charismatic personalities, but society is telling them that men are garbage. High-value men live far ahead of the average man, living the life of their dreams. They make even high-class women chase them, from their mysterious personalities to their weird ways of talking to women. They are irresistible personas that every woman desires. You can also possess such an irresistible aura by watching videos like this. Let me go over seven weird ways that high-value men make women chase them.

By Space OnlinePublished about a year ago 5 min read

Make Men Obsess Over You

Men are supposed to chase women; there is no other way around it. That's what society has taught us. Let me tell you something: you can make her chase you. High-value men do it so effortlessly, but how can they do it and you can't? In the modern world, men are conditioned to be submissive to women; men too follow the hierarchy. It's the opposite. Know this: men also have charismatic personalities, but society is telling them that men are garbage. High-value men live far ahead of the average man, living the life of their dreams. They make even high-class women chase them, from their mysterious personalities to their weird ways of talking to women. They are irresistible personas that every woman desires. You can also possess such an irresistible aura by watching videos like this. Let me go over seven weird ways that high-value men make women chase them.

Number 1, they keep their cards close to their chests. High-value men always keep their cards close to their chests; by doing so, they create a mysterious aura that women find irresistible. Understand this: transparency is good, but mystery is better when it comes to women. It takes on added significance. Women love mystery, and even more so, those men who are unpredictable, because they love to unravel those mysteries shrouded in the chests of high-value men. Know this: if you are an open book to her, you lose your charm and aura of mystery. Build some suspense and create an unfathomable mystery. If you have this technique up your sleeve, it'll create an attraction so strong that she won't be able to resist.

Number 2, they end the hangouts. Whether it's your first date or a short hangout, women often put an end to it by saying things like her friend is waiting for her or she left some things undone at home. Know this: if you give her this opportunity, you lose your value. A high-value man, on the other hand, will never give her this luxury. He knows that letting her make this choice could lead to much worse things. If he is on a date, he'll notice when she's about to say those words. But before she does, he'll say his goodbye and tell her he needs to attend an important meeting. He'll tell her that he had a good time with her, but he also has other important things to do in life. While leaving her, he would give her a hint that he would like to meet her again but would let her say the word. If you leave her in a position to decide whether she wants to meet again, she will definitely want more.

Number 3, they know where to draw the line. There is no denying that high-value men understand women the best, but they don't abuse that power. High-value men take advantage of this opportunity to attract women in a positive way. How? When they are in a relationship with a woman they like and she likes them too, now, a simp would make a mistake by directly telling her that he likes her. Don't make this mistake. Why? Women are beguiling, but if they believe a man's level is lower than theirs, their ego will be inflated, and then all she wants is for the simp to feed into her ego more and more. You see, knowing that he likes her, a high-value man would never make hasty decisions. Instead, he will give her enough time to miss him, already so she will ask him out for dinner. In response, he will play around. One moment, he will tell her that he is not sure; now, the second, he will call her and say yes. That's how they create an air of mystery around them.

Number 4, they challenge her indirectly. One of the weird ways that high-value men make women chase them is by challenging them indirectly. As humans, we are all drawn to activities that are challenging. High-value men deploy this technique on women by challenging them directly to do something or to get more in their brains. High-value men would indirectly say something like, "I would date a woman who can meet me without putting on makeup." Know this: asking these types of questions would trigger her emotional responses, and she will have no other things to do but to complete the task you assign to her. If you challenge her, she will want to spend more time with you, know more about you and your life, and see you as more than just a friend. By the time she knows it, she will already be addicted to you.

Number 5, they project confidence that women crave. When high-value men are around a woman, they carry themselves as men oozing with confidence. They move with purpose, stand up straight, speak calmly, and use that assertive yet low tone of voice that creates an air of allure. Understand this: if you are confident in yourself, this will give her the impression that you have something going for you. But do not mistake confidence for arrogance. Be confident and cocky while remaining humble. Know this: a high-value man is confident enough even if she isn't interested, and his resilient personality will not be affected by the power of rejection. Instead, it'll make her humble by giving her the message that he is not desperate for her. And know this: a man with mountain-sized confidence will always take the spotlight, and everyone will see him as a strong man brimming with energy.

Number 6, they never make the first move. Understand this: if you want her to chase you, let her make the decision. A high-value man never loses his cool and always avoids making the first move. This way, he tells her that he is not needy or desperate to be with her. Rain or shine, he is the man who cares less. Know this: by doing so, you are giving her a chance to decide if she is interested or wants to leave. When a woman sees you with a calm demeanor, she understands that you are not desperate for her and will subconsciously submit to you. Understand this: if you want her to chase you, you must resist the temptation to text her first, respond quickly, and always say yes to whatever she says.

Number 7, they ask the right questions. Women can be more sensitive than men in some situations, especially when it comes to their personal lives or relationships. Most men make a mistake by asking the wrong questions in conversation, which ultimately turns her off. High-value men, on the other hand, play every card with utmost care. They understand how and when to ask the right questions. They may ask questions with wit and sarcasm, but this fosters a positive influence and subconsciously captures her attention. Instead of asking her, "Do you have a boyfriend?" he will ask thought-provoking questions like, "Where is your happy place on Earth you want to go to?" A high-value man never gets into the silly details. Instead, they use their intelligence to read her mind and act accordingly. Understand this: wit combined with wisdom crafts hyper-intelligent people on their toes. I will say no more. Now you know the game. It's up to you how to play it. And by the way, if you want to level up in life, subscribe to the channel and show some love by hitting the like button.

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