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3 Horrifying Ways Doctors Used To Treat COMMON Medical Issues

Historical Medicine Is Often Incorrect And Quite gruesome

By TestPublished 5 months ago 3 min read

If I visit the doctor today for my common cold, they will probably prescribe some medicine or advise me to rest at home. However, if I had a cold and visited a doctor during the Middle Ages, the treatment would have been completely different and possibly even violent. I'm grateful that we have come a long way from those times when illnesses were assessed and treated in violent and torture-like ways. It's astounding to think that some of the medical practices that were once considered normal are now considered violent felonies.

Number 1:

Treating hemorrhoids during the Middle Ages if a person did not pray to Saint via Kruk who was known as the patron saint for hemorrhoid sufferers and gardeners they would suffer of course hemorrhoids also known as Saint via crest curse. If you were one of those unlucky sufferers you'd be sent off to the monks who would change scriptures and pray for your good health you wish just the opposite they're going to take a ride and heat it till it's glowing red then they're going to stick it up your bum now if you're wondering why a hot iron rod up here behind it's the opposite of gentle prayers it just is but rejoice there is a less painful alternative if you don't want a hot iron rod option then you would be sent to sit on st. via cross famous rock at the spots where the 7th-century Irish monk was miraculously cured of his hemorrhoids so basically some rock where a lot of people with hemorrhoids have said awesome by the 12th century things I've gotten a lot better when a Jewish physician prescribed something much simpler a good soak in a bath.

Number 2:

Kids coughing Bayer is mostly associated with aspirin these days but in the 1920s the German drug giant advertised heroin which of course is known today as one of the most addictive substances in the world but Bayer marketed it as a comedy for children they are paid for advertisements in various places around the world that promote a heroin as a fine treatment for children who are suffering from sore throats cold coughs and so forth with the images depicting kids reaching for the bottle of heroin or being spoon-fed by their parents people finally started to catch on to the fact that the use of heroin to treat calves led to a gradual addiction no duh when many flock to their local pharmacies to try to obtain more and more of the stuff the US government finally decided that maybe it should be available only by prescription only of course they waited until 1914 to do this meaning that there was a 15-year window in which you could just easily go to your local pharmacy and get some smack ultimately in 1924 the FDA this I did that making it a prescription drug wasn't enough so it was banned altogether.

Number 3:

The cannibal method do you suffer from persisting headaches muscle cramps or stomach ulcers well then maybe you need a good ol magical elixir with a dash of human flesh blood or bone the so called corpse medicine was a disturbingly common practice for hundreds of years the rumors believed that the blood of fallen gladiators could cure epilepsy 12th century apothecaries were known for keeping a stock of mummy powder which were basically ground-up mummies looted from Egypt also in the 17th century king charles ii was known for enjoying a drink of kings drops which is basically a drink made out of crumbled human skull and alcohol these cannibalistic medicines were thought to have magical properties basically by consuming the remains of a deceased person the patient is thought to ingest part of their spirits leading to increased vitality and well-being what's even more creepy is the type of cure prescribed usually corresponding to the type of ailments for example skull was used for migraines human fat for muscle aches you know I would hate to be that person who had eye problems so yeah the next time your doctor wants to give you a shot or tell you to stay in bed for a few days it's good to know that at least are not draining your blood or giving you dead people to eat.


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