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"Top 4 Mermaid Sightings Around the World"

There Is A Fascination About Mermaids, But Do They Really Exist

By Abdul Hannan SaifPublished 3 months ago 4 min read

when I say mermaids what comes to mind yeah that's what we want them to look like but in actuality if mermaids do exist wouldn't it make sense that they're kind of like a fish nasty scaly slimy maybe a little slippery their hair is probably not that flowy because it's been soaking in salt water like forever mermaids have been a subject of fascination for centuries cultures from all around the world all seem to have mermaids in their folklore all with very similar descriptions but do they exist skeptics of course are many but some believe so here's my list of the top four mermaid sightings from around the world.


Christopher Columbus, of all people, reported sightings of mermaids while he was out at sea. Here's what he said about mermaids: "They were not as beautiful as they are painted." Although, to some extent, they have a human appearance in the face. And of course, there is that theory that sailors, after months at sea, mistook manatees to be mermaids. Okay, I don't buy that theory because have you seen a manatee before? How much rum do you have to drink to mistake this gentle creature for a mermaid?


During World War Two, in 1943, Japanese soldiers stationed on the shores of the Ke Islands in Indonesia reported seeing several mermaids. They claimed to have spotted them swimming in the water and one on the beach. The mermaid on the beach was about four feet nine inches tall, had pinkish skin, a human-looking face, and limbs with spikes along its head, and a mouth like a carp. When Japanese Sergeant Tara Haribo heard the news of a dead mermaid that had washed ashore, he went to examine it. After seeing it with his own eyes, he became convinced of their existence. Upon returning to Japan, he urged scientists there to study these mermaids. However, his claims were dismissed, and no research was done as they believed he was insane.


There have been several sightings of mermaids in Zimbabwe, which is kind of funny. It is claimed that the construction of dams was delayed due to the presence of mermaids. Apparently, these creatures harassed the construction workers while they were trying to install water pumps. It is unclear how they harassed them, whether by making catcalls or by splashing water on them with their tails. The Minister in Como was reported as saying in Zimbabwe State Approved Herald, a newspaper that's at fault, that the officers he sent there have vowed not to go back. They even hired white workers thinking that the local workers did not want to work, but even they have returned saying they would not work there again.


In Israel, there exists a unique opportunity for those who believe in mermaids and wish to earn a large sum of money. The Israeli government has sanctioned a reward of 1 million dollars to the first person who can provide conclusive footage of a real mermaid. This reward is not being offered by any local organization, but it is a government-sanctioned initiative due to the numerous sightings of mermaids in the area. According to local reports, a mermaid has been spotted on several occasions during sunset. This rare opportunity to capture the elusive creature has attracted the attention of many people, including those who are passionate about marine life and folklore. The Israeli government is taking this initiative seriously and has already received several applications from people who are eager to capture the mermaid on camera.

so here's the deal with me do I believe that mermaids exist I want to say yes why because here's the thing 95% of the world's waters oceans rivers everything our on explore we don't know what's in there can you definitively tell me that mermaids don't exist how would you know because we haven't explored most of the world's oceans there's so much out there I mean there could be mermaids there could be the Loch Ness monster there could be mermaids hang out with the Loch Ness monster who knows there could be a whole civilization of mermaids underwater we don't know because we never seen it just because we haven't seen it can we discount it I don't think so also think about this throughout history civilizations all around the world now they all have tales of mermaids and I'll describe them about the same way now this is a time when cultures had no communication amongst each other it's not like a 100 BC China is holding a mermaid Khan and everyone's dressed up as a mermaid walking around because you know is mermaid calm 100 BC you got to have your cosplay and ladies and gentlemen that's where cosplay came from 100 BC mermaid Con so how are they all coming up with the concepts of mermaids I don't know but that's something to think about.


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Abdul Hannan Saif

Blogger | Writer | Explorer | wish to inspire, inform and help others to see fascinating discoveries and live a fulfilled life!

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  • Bro3 months ago

    Wow..!!! ❤️

  • anha saif3 months ago

    Wao great information 👏🏻

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