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100 curious facts you should know

Here you will find several curious facts that will surprise you.

By Isabela Stender Published 5 days ago 7 min read

This list is about the multitude of curiosities that exist or can occur in our own lives and also in the lives of other living beings that inhabit the Earth. Child surprising curiosities about some things in our world.

Strange and impressive curiosities in some cases, some curiosities that you knew and others that perhaps you did not know but that you can now know.

1. The elephant is the only mammal that cannot jump.

2. A man named Charles Osborne had hiccups for 69 years.

3. We blink more than 10,000,000 times in a year.

4. Owls are the only birds that can see blue.

5. Bees' eyes have a certain type of hair.

6. Cat urine glows under black (ultraviolet) light.

7. At birth we have 300 bones, but as an adult we only have 206.

8. The hedgehog's heart beats an average of 300 times per minute.

9. Human teeth are almost as hard as stones.

10. A mole can dig a 300-foot-long tunnel in just one night.

11. Ancient Egyptians slept on pillows made of stone.

12. The Earth weighs about 6,588,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 tons.

13. The human heart beats more than 100,000 times in a day.

14. A person has more than 1,460 dreams a year.

15. Thomas Alba Edison was afraid of the dark.

16. Dolphins sleep with one eye open.

17. More than 1,000 birds die annually from crashing into windows.

18. The male sperm is the smallest cell in the body. In contrast, the female ovum is the largest

19. The dust you have at home is made up of 90% dead cells from our body.

20. In 30 minutes, the human body releases enough heat to boil almost half a liter of water.

21. First-born children are more likely to gain excess weight than children born after them.

22. Some people only need four hours of sleep due to the mutation of the hDEC2 gene, which regulates the duration of sleep and wakefulness, reducing the amount of rest time we need each day.

23. Aloe vera leaves contain thorns on the edges to tolerate dryness and store the water they need to live.

24. The largest organism in the world extends about 880 hectares and is a fungus found in the Malheur National Forest, in Oregon, United States.

25. The Mariana Trench is the deepest place in the Earth's crust located in the western Pacific Ocean and reaches a maximum known depth of 10,994 meters.

26. Planet Earth is the fifth largest planet in the sun-oriented system, surpassed by Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune.

27. Roughage, a river in the depths of the Peruvian Amazon that is about to boil, generating smoke in the jungle.

28. The coldest place is Antarctica. In winter temperatures can drop to -73º C!

29. Antarctica has 70% of the earth's fresh water.

30. There is a regular disaster called “Limnic Eruption” or “Explosive Lake Phenomenon”. It happens when carbon dioxide erupts from the depths of a lake, suffocating the vegetation, fauna and human population.

31. Feed nearly 200 frozen bodies on Mount Everest.

32. If you watch a series with canned laughter, you are most likely listening to dead people laugh, because the recordings are really old.

33. You have never really seen yourself, only your reflection, photographs or videos of yourself.

34. It is assumed that within 4 billion years our galaxy will collide with the Andromeda galaxy.

35. If you sleep the eight hours a day recommended by medicine, when you turn 99 you will have spent 33 years asleep.

36. Water is the main temperature regulator of the planet and our body.

37. The Earth contains about 525 million cubic kilometers of water.

38. Most of the foods we consume daily provide the body with a large amount of water.

39. A person can survive a month without food, but can go a maximum of seven days without drinking water.

40. The human body contains on average about 37 liters of water.

41. The Vatican accumulates the second largest gold treasure in the world after the United States.

42. The first alarm clocks were people. His job was to wake up the workers at dawn so that they would arrive at the factories on time.

43. The first pillows were made of stone and served to keep our faces away from insects at bedtime.

44. Carrots weren't always orange. In the past they were purple on the outside and white on the inside.

45. The first orange carrot was artificially produced in Holland, in the 16th century, to match the variety of the real Dutch house.

46. ​​Nutmeg in large quantities can be lethal.

47. Honey is the only food that does not rot.

48. To make a kilo of honey, a bee must travel through 4 million flowers.

49. Bees can recognize human faces.

50. Giraffes do make sounds, but at a frequency that is too low to be heard by the human ear.

51. Fish also drink water and have the ability to eliminate the excess salt they ingest along with the water.

52. Camels are capable of drinking more than 100 liters of water in one sitting.

53. Anteaters eat about 35,000 ants a day.

54. The human body has 639 muscles in total.

55. The number of eyelashes on the predominant eyelid ranges between 150 and 200. In the sub-pair eyelid we have between 80 and 90 eyelashes.

56. It is estimated that within our body, we have 100,000 kilometers of veins, that is, two and a half times the circumference of the earth.

57. The heart beats about 115,000 times a day, that is, an average of 80 times per minute or about 42 million times a year.

58. Each person secretes between 1 and 2 liters of spit per day.

59. On Jupiter and Saturn the rain is made of diamonds.

60. An elephant's trunk has 40,000 muscles.

61. It is impossible to lick your elbow.

62. Crocodiles can't stick out their tongues.

63. Chocolate contains phenylethylamine PEA, a regular substance that stimulates the action of falling in love in the body.

64. The fur of a polar bear is black. Its fur is also not white but rather light.

65. The shark is the only fish that can wink both eyes.

66. February 1865 is the only month in historical records that did not have a full moon.

67. If the population of China paraded next to you in a line of one, the line would never end due to the rate of reproduction.

68. The electric chair was invented by a dentist.

69. Leonardo Da Vinci invented scissors.

70. Did you know that you share your birthday with at least 9 million other people in the world?

71. The strongest muscle in the body is the tongue.

72. Sneezing with your eyes open is impossible.

73. In the roughage world there are more chickens than people.

74. The average waiting time until we fall asleep is seven minutes.

75. On average we eat the equivalent of 28 pigs in our entire life.

76. Einstein did not speak fluently during his childhood and his parents thought he was retarded.

77. No piece of paper can be folded in half more than 7 times.

78. Venus is the only planet that rotates clockwise.

79. A person will die faster from not sleeping than from not eating, a man can only last 10 days without sleep, and can go several weeks without eating.

80. Bets of the 1800s, shoes for the left and right feet were the same.

81. Since we are born, our eyes are always the same size, but our nose and ears never stop growing.

82. If you put an egg in the middle of two lit mobile phones, it will cook in approximately 62 minutes.

83. Every month that begins on Sunday has a Friday the 13th and every month that begins on Thursday has a Tuesday the 13th.

84. The most resistant material created by nature is spider web.

85. If for some reason the sun stopped emitting light, it would take us on Earth 8 minutes to realize this.

86. The date on wine bottles is the date the grapes were harvested, and not the date such wine was bottled.

87. The letter J is the only letter that does not appear in the periodic table.

88. The longest alphabet in the world is that of Cambodia, it has 74 letters.

89. In 18th century Germany, women's feminine blood was added as an aphrodisiac to foods and drinks.

90. Bats always turn left when leaving a cave.

91. The sea bream has a member 1.5 times larger than its body.

92. One drop of oil is capable of converting 25 liters of water into non-consumable water.

93. At the bottom of the deface roughage a fish that has teeth so large that it cannot close its mouth.

94. The cockroach can live nine days without its head, risking dying of starvation.

95. When the ancient Romans had to tell the truth in a trial, instead of swearing on the Bible as today, they did so by squeezing their testicles with their right hand. From this ancient custom came the word "testify."

96. The quacking of ducks does not generate an echo.

97. The brain weighs an average of 1,380 grams in men and 1,250 in women.

98. Like humans, dogs and cats are also right- or left-handed.

99. Apples are more effective than caffeine to stay awake in the morning.

100. More people use blue toothbrushes than red ones.


About the Creator

Isabela Stender

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    Isabela Stender Written by Isabela Stender

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