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10 Predictions of What the World Will Look Like in 2022.

It's time for a change

By John AbesellomPublished 2 years ago 4 min read

10 Predictions of What the World Will Look Like in 2022.

When people think about the future, they often imagine a bleak and dark place. But what if we could imagine a brighter world? One where technology has helped us to live in greater harmony with the environment, with each other? It's time for a change.

We asked experts in diverse fields from all over the world to share their predictions for 2022. Here are some of their thoughts:

1. What will the world look like in 2022?

- "We will have more space for nature, with less pollution and conflict. There will be more focus on decolonizing traditional knowledge to ensure it is available to all."

- "We will live in a world where the distinction between virtual and augmented reality becomes increasingly blurred."

- "2022 will see us moving away from the idea of 'jobs' as we know them now. For many people, their work today may not exist in 2022."

- "There will be a greater emphasis on innovation and creativity, which might result in an increase of inequality within developed countries."

2. The Future of Work

It's no secret that all sorts of jobs are being automated. The most recent example is the introduction of self-driving cars.

But will this be a bad thing? One expert, Mary Meeker, predicts that more jobs will be created in the future as a result of automation.

For example, what if some people become drivers for these self-driving cars? And some people will be needed to make sure all these new cars are put together correctly. Future employees may not have the same job for their entire life, but they'll always have work to do.

3. The Future of Education

Education in 2022 will look very different. The internet has enabled people to learn in any location, time, or pace that suits them. This has led to the emergence of new teaching methods and an increasing interest in lifelong learning skills.

This means more people will want to achieve their dreams through education. With online courses, people can take advantage of opportunities they might not have had before. Education will be more accessible, flexible, and valuable than ever before.

4.Technology will save water

"In 2022, it will not be uncommon to see messages on billboards telling people when to turn off the tap or use a different appliance in order to save water. In some countries, it will be compulsory for people to only use water for certain purposes at certain times. The development of desalination plants will also help."

- Sharon McQuaite, Dean of the Faculty at Wits University

5. Technology will save food

"In 2022, we'll be using sensors to monitor food and package data. We'll also use models and simulations to produce more resilient crop systems. Our goal is to help farmers and consumers grow and purchase safe food."

6. Environment and Climate Change

In 20 years, we'll have a much better understanding of the impact pollution has on our health, but it will still be a problem. In 2022, we'll be able to see how pollution affects our bodies and what the long-term effects are, but it will still be an issue that needs to be addressed.

The future is going to require a lot more work and research in order to combat climate change and environmental issues like air and water pollution. We'll need to take more individual responsibility for our own actions and how they contribute to climate change.

By 2022, we'll understand where we need to make changes in order for the environment to thrive. But we'll also know that it's not as simple as planting trees or recycling. It's going to require a lot of work from many different people around the world—and it won't happen overnight.

7. Technology will save the environment

We're at the point where environmental degradation is getting worse, not better. If we're going to save our planet, it's time for a dramatic shift in the way we do things.

Luckily, technology is on our side. With innovation coming from many different directions, civilization will finally be able to achieve sustainable living.

Plus, with so many advances happening in clean energy and other environmentally-friendly technologies, there are plenty of ways to help the environment without sacrificing the quality of life or economic growth.

8. Technology will solve climate change

One of the biggest challenges facing our planet is climate change. But what if there was a way to tackle this problem?

A novel technology called "carbon capture" promises to clean up the atmosphere by removing carbon dioxide from the air.

To do this, certain trees are planted that have metal nanoparticles in their leaves. The trees then capture carbon dioxide which is then converted into natural gas. This gas can be used for cooking or heating, or you could get it converted back into fuel for your car.

The technology could also be used at industrial sites where carbon emissions are released into the atmosphere, instead of being released directly into the air. This would help regulate emissions and reduce pollution.

Carbon capture has been tested extensively, with promising results so far. Technology will not only help us in the future; in 2022, it could save our planet!

9. Politics and Cooperation

- Leaders will have to cooperate with each other more because there won't be any other way to solve the world's problems.

- People will be living in a more localized society, where they are surrounded by resources that they can't afford to buy on the open market.

10. World leaders will cooperate to end extreme poverty, hunger, and preventable diseases

Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada

"Canada is committed to working with international partners to reduce poverty and hunger dramatically by 2030. We are proud to have already met the Millennium Development Goal for reducing extreme poverty rates in developing countries."


About the Creator

John Abesellom

I am highly motivated, result-oriented individual, willing to go an extra mile to reach my goals.

  • Confident
  • Honest
  • Always +Ve thinker

A beloved husband for a blessed wife and A lucky father for a beautiful daughter.

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