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10 Guest Posting Mistakes to Avoid

How to Make the Most of Your Guest Posting Efforts

By Lacida MarketingPublished about a year ago 11 min read


Guest posting is an effective way to increase your online presence, build relationships with other bloggers, and drive traffic to your website. However, to reap the benefits of guest posting, it's important to avoid common mistakes that can harm your reputation and limit your success. In this article, we'll explore 10 guest posting mistakes that you should avoid. Whether you're new to guest posting or have been doing it for a while, these tips will help you improve your guest posting strategy and achieve your goals. So, let's dive in!

Mistake #1: Not following the guidelines

One of the most common mistakes that guest posters make is failing to follow the guidelines provided by the host blog or website. Guidelines are typically provided to ensure that the content you submit meets the standards and requirements of the site, as well as to make the editing and publishing process as smooth as possible. Failing to follow the guidelines can result in your post being rejected, delayed, or edited without your approval. Here are some tips to avoid this mistake:

• Read and understand the guidelines carefully before submitting your post.

• Follow the formatting instructions, such as word count, font style and size, and image specifications.

• Pay attention to the tone, style, and content requirements, such as the target audience, voice, and topic relevance.

• Double-check your post for errors, such as grammar, spelling, and punctuation.

• Contact the host if you have any questions or need clarification on the guidelines.

By following the guidelines, you can increase your chances of having your guest post accepted, improve the quality of your content, and demonstrate your professionalism and respect for the host blog or website.

Mistake #2: Poorly researched topics

Another common mistake in guest posting is submitting content with poorly researched topics. When you guest post, you are essentially borrowing someone else's platform to showcase your expertise and provide value to their audience. Therefore, it's important to invest time and effort in researching your topic to ensure that your content is accurate, informative, and relevant. Here are some tips to avoid this mistake:

• Choose a topic that you are knowledgeable and passionate about.

• Use reliable sources to gather information, such as academic journals, industry publications, and reputable websites.

• Fact-check your content to ensure that your information is accurate and up-to-date.

• Provide examples, statistics, and anecdotes to support your points and make your content more engaging.

• Consider the interests and needs of the host blog or website's audience when selecting your topic.

By conducting thorough research on your topic, you can provide valuable insights and perspectives that will resonate with the host blog or website's audience, establish your credibility as an expert in your field, and increase the chances of your guest post being accepted and shared.

Mistake #3: Weak headlines

The headline is the first thing that readers see when browsing through a blog or website, and it's also the main factor that determines whether they will click on your post or skip it. A weak headline can make your content go unnoticed, even if it's informative and well-written. Therefore, it's essential to create headlines that are attention-grabbing, clear, and persuasive. Here are some tips to avoid this mistake:

• Use power words and emotional triggers to evoke curiosity and interest, such as "surprising," "secrets," "ultimate," "proven," or "life-changing."

• Keep your headline short and to the point, ideally between 6 to 10 words.

• Include keywords that reflect the topic and benefits of your post, to help with search engine optimization (SEO).

• Use numbers, lists, or questions to make your headline more compelling and actionable.

• Test different headline variations using tools such as CoSchedule Headline Analyzer or Sharethrough Headline Analyzer to see which one performs best.

By crafting strong and compelling headlines, you can increase the click-through rate (CTR) of your guest post, capture the reader's attention and interest, and encourage them to read your content in full.

Mistake #4: Inappropriate tone or style

The tone and style of your guest post are crucial to its success, as they determine how the readers will perceive and engage with your content. Using an inappropriate tone or style can alienate your readers, come across as unprofessional, and damage your reputation. Therefore, it's important to consider the host blog or website's tone and style, as well as the preferences of their audience, when crafting your post. Here are some tips to avoid this mistake:

• Research the tone and style of the host blog or website by reading their previous posts and assessing their branding and messaging.

• Consider the demographics and interests of the host blog or website's audience when selecting your tone and style.

• Use a tone and style that aligns with your brand voice and personality, but also with the expectations of the host blog or website's readers.

• Avoid using jargon, slang, or offensive language that might be unfamiliar or inappropriate for the host blog or website's audience.

• Be respectful, courteous, and professional in your tone and style, regardless of the topic or content.

By using an appropriate tone and style, you can create a positive and engaging experience for the host blog or website's audience, establish a strong relationship with the host, and build your credibility and reputation as a thought leader in your field.

Mistake #5: Over-promoting your own website

Guest posting is a great way to promote your website or brand and attract new followers and customers. However, over-promoting yourself in your guest post can backfire and damage your reputation, as well as the relationship with the host blog or website. The primary goal of guest posting is to provide value and insights to the host blog or website's audience, rather than to promote your own agenda. Here are some tips to avoid this mistake:

• Focus on providing high-quality and informative content that solves a problem or meets a need of the host blog or website's audience.

• Avoid using your guest post solely as a platform to advertise or promote your own products, services, or website.

• Include a brief bio or author box that highlights your expertise and links to your website or social media profiles.

• Limit self-promotion to one or two subtle links within your content, and make sure they are relevant and helpful to the reader.

• Always seek the host's permission before including any promotional material in your guest post.

By avoiding over-promoting yourself in your guest post, you can establish yourself as a trustworthy and credible source of information, strengthen your relationship with the host blog or website, and attract a loyal and engaged audience to your brand or website.

Mistake #6: Plagiarism or duplicate content

Plagiarism or duplicate content is one of the most serious mistakes you can make as a guest poster, as it violates copyright laws and damages your credibility and reputation. It's important to ensure that your guest post is original, well-researched, and properly cited to avoid any legal or ethical issues. Here are some tips to avoid this mistake:

• Conduct thorough research and cite all sources of information, including images, statistics, quotes, and references.

• Use plagiarism checker tools such as Grammarly, Copyscape, or Turnitin to verify that your content is original and not copied from elsewhere.

• Rewrite or rephrase any sentences or phrases that may resemble existing content, even if you intend to cite or reference them.

• Avoid submitting the same content to multiple blogs or websites, as it can harm your SEO and damage your relationships with the hosts.

• Always seek permission or provide attribution for any third-party content you include in your guest post.

By avoiding plagiarism or duplicate content in your guest post, you can protect your reputation and credibility, avoid legal and ethical issues, and ensure that your content adds value and insight to the host blog or website's audience.

Mistake #7: Neglecting SEO

Search engine optimization (SEO) is crucial for any online content, including guest posts. Neglecting SEO can limit your post's visibility, reduce its impact, and undermine your goals as a guest poster. Here are some tips to avoid this mistake:

• Research the keywords and phrases that are relevant to your guest post and the host blog or website's audience.

• Use the target keywords in your post's title, headings, subheadings, and content, but avoid overusing or stuffing them unnaturally.

• Optimize your post's meta description, URL, and images by using descriptive and relevant text.

• Link to relevant internal and external sources to provide context and value to your post, but avoid linking excessively or unnecessarily.

• Use social media and other platforms to promote your guest post and attract traffic and engagement.

By optimizing your guest post for SEO, you can increase its visibility, attract more traffic and engagement, and establish yourself as a credible and authoritative source of information in your field.

Mistake #8: Ignoring feedback or comments

As a guest poster, it's essential to engage with the host blog or website's audience and respond to their feedback and comments. Ignoring or neglecting this feedback can harm your credibility, alienate your audience, and reduce the impact of your guest post. Here are some tips to avoid this mistake:

• Monitor the comments and feedback on your guest post regularly, and respond promptly and professionally to any questions, suggestions, or criticisms.

• Engage with the host blog or website's audience by replying to comments, thanking them for their feedback, and encouraging them to share their thoughts and opinions.

• Use feedback and comments as an opportunity to improve your guest post, address any concerns or issues, and clarify any points that may have been unclear.

• Avoid getting defensive or confrontational in your responses, even if you receive negative or critical feedback.

• Use the feedback and comments you receive to improve your future guest posts and establish a better relationship with the host blog or website's audience.

By engaging with the host blog or website's audience and responding to their feedback and comments, you can establish yourself as a trusted and respected guest poster, increase your impact and influence, and attract a loyal and engaged audience to your brand or website.

Mistake #9: Not promoting the guest post

Promoting your guest post is just as important as creating it. Neglecting to promote your guest post can limit its reach, reduce its impact, and undermine your efforts as a guest poster. Here are some tips to avoid this mistake:

• Share your guest post on your social media platforms, email list, and other relevant channels to attract more traffic and engagement.

• Tag the host blog or website and other relevant influencers or brands in your posts to increase visibility and reach.

• Encourage your followers and subscribers to share your guest post with their networks by providing them with compelling and shareable content.

• Use paid advertising or sponsored posts to amplify your guest post's reach and attract more targeted traffic.

• Repurpose your guest post's content into other formats such as videos, infographics, or podcasts to reach a broader audience.

By promoting your guest post effectively, you can increase its reach and impact, attract more traffic and engagement, and establish yourself as a valuable and influential guest poster in your field.

Mistake #10: Not building relationships

Guest posting is not just about creating content but also about building relationships with the host blog or website, its audience, and other influencers in your field. Neglecting to build these relationships can limit your impact, reduce your opportunities, and undermine your goals as a guest poster. Here are some tips to avoid this mistake:

• Engage with the host blog or website's team and audience by commenting on their posts, sharing their content, and participating in their community.

• Build relationships with other guest posters, influencers, and brands in your field by collaborating on content, sharing each other's posts, and supporting each other's work.

• Use your guest post as an opportunity to establish yourself as a thought leader, share your expertise and insights, and provide value to the host blog or website's audience.

• Follow up with the host blog or website's team after your guest post is published to express your gratitude, offer your assistance, and explore further collaboration opportunities.

• Use the relationships you build as a guest poster to expand your network, grow your audience, and increase your influence and impact in your field.

By building relationships with the host blog or website's team, audience, and other influencers in your field, you can establish yourself as a respected and valued guest poster, increase your opportunities and reach, and grow your influence and impact in your field.


Guest posting can be a powerful way to establish your authority, increase your reach, and attract more traffic and engagement to your brand or website. However, it's essential to avoid common mistakes that can undermine your efforts and limit your impact as a guest poster. By following the guidelines, researching your topics, creating compelling headlines, using an appropriate tone, avoiding self-promotion, avoiding plagiarism, optimizing for SEO, engaging with feedback and comments, promoting your guest post, and building relationships, you can become a valuable and respected guest poster in your field.

Remember that guest posting is not just about creating content but also about building relationships, providing value, and establishing yourself as a thought leader and influencer in your field. By avoiding these common mistakes and following these tips, you can make the most of your guest posting efforts and achieve your goals as a guest poster.


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