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Will the Real Twin Please Stand Up?

A Gemini's Tale

By A.C. RowePublished 3 years ago 5 min read
She wore a thousand faces; all to hide her own_ Atticus Poetry

You know to be quite honest, I personally am in love with being a Gemini. It's like I get the best of both worlds. No- Scratch that. ALL worlds. I mean there are several questionable moments in my life where I have been like: Damn, who am I today?! So let's just break this down, as complicated as it can get.

Gemini's tend be hated. NOT going to lie, they tend to be on a line of skizm in the astrology world. We make excellent actors, writers, lawyers, politicians and double agents. (none of these things promotes great trust) Gemini women? Indecisive, flighty, air-headed, totally nice (but people think, not really) and we tend to be on the beautiful side. Okay maybe that's a bit biased, but hey. I did say that I love being a Gem. The amazing men are true Gemini Castors and Polluxes out there. Everyone thinks they are arrogant, and total players. So what's the real deal, Who's the REAL face of a Gemini. Answer: There is no direct one. Walk with me.

Honestly ,most of us are pretty down to earth and straight-forward. While having a silver tongue and an eloquent way with words; we tend to say straight what we're thinking. No puns, innuendos or hidden meanings. We LOVE to be able to say exactly what we mean and most of the time true friends and colleagues find that refreshing. The rest of the world? Not so much. We come off as having too much candor and our silver tongues become steel swords so sharp that they cut through like a brain ninja. To many signs this is off-putting which is hilarious since everyone thinks their sign is the most honest.

Another thing about Geminis, as much as everyone thinks the men are players and the women are never satisfied; we are always looking for someone to tick off all of our boxes in the romance division. And if you can? Well look out! You are about to be showered with unconditional love, unwavering support and total loyalty That doesn't mean that you can stop trying though. We like to know that we can always be the object of your affection at the drop of a hat and will be willing to experiment with that notion as well as others.

So ,with all these advantages why are Gems seem so hated? Well, one reason is that we can be mercurial at best (Hello? Mercury is the ruling planet) We tend to molt and shed a plethora of different needs, wants and desires and personality traits. We never look back and are always wanting to grow. While we are total homebodies at heart, we will all of sudden feel like we need to spend a year somewhere where no one knows us. Always be on your toes with a Gem. We tend to be the ones that throw the dart at the map and say, we are off! to you it will be sudden, but in all transparency...we've thought about it before we acted. Second thing: We NEED alone time. Like legit. We are full force, keeping the balance of life, checkbooks, moods, and work, but when it's time to recharge we need total alone time to concentrate on ourselves and all of our personality traits. Some partners abhor this (yes, talking to the Leos of the stars) this and can come off as distancing ourselves. Well, that's what we are doing ;we are distancing ourselves. It doesn't mean we don't love you, care, notice or anything of the sort. We just also know that we are not the sign to be totally devoted at all times and sometimes we either can't seem or don't want to (it's the latter most of the time) to balance out your feelings. So that comes off as selfish, perhaps rightfully so? Disclaimer: A Gemini who does not get to recharge can turn into a supernova and implode everything around them.

And third but not lastly (I could go on forever but I wont) We have a bullshit detector that is on high alert at all times. Very rarely will another sign (without our blind choice to disregard or ignore) be able to "pull one over" on Geminis. We are sharp,witty,clever and very intuitive with what we see and feel. Our first initial response or thought is usually spot on (now only if we can quiet the second guessing) This usually promotes a problem when in social dynamics. We tend to know something about every stinking thing (which is annoying for some), and we tend to be very well rounded in multiple subjects and will tell you so. A Gemini will also tell you when you're blowing smoke up everyone's ass in a subtle yet direct way. If there is a loop hole a Gemini will find it and if there isn't then a Gemini will invent one so convincingly that you will be standing there wondering how you didn't see it and we have already moved on to topic number five.

The "flighty and the air-head" persona that is given off is very misleading. We can be very focused (and when this happens, look out) but honestly we are internally balancing thirteen different things on our to-do list while listening to Mozart, planning a party ,and for some reason being obsessed with preparing for Survivor (because why not?) A quick shout out goes to Virgos though, NOBODY and I mean nobody multi-tasks better and more successfully than a Virgo (Sorry Taurus, you do great but Virgos are masters and they give gold stars) While balancing multiple personalities comes off as forgetful and flighty we tend to like this crazy cacophony that all facets of our personality have caused. After that somehow ( I don't even know) it all seems to work out....enough. While most signs would be afraid, ashamed or closet the fact that they have multiple sides to their personality (so that they appear as stable and sane) Geminis not only embrace all of our personalities like a parent embraces all their children; We also embrace that we need these facets. The good, bad, ugly, mischievous, dark, silly and macabre. We love them all and all parts are wholly important into making us who we are.

It's almost a challenge throw down to the other signs of infinite stars in this galaxy, and it's a challenge that will be accepted graciously and dare say a little mischievously? Try to hate a Gemini from afar because the moment you let one of us into your circle, heart or bed. You will be hopelessly wanting us forever.


About the Creator

A.C. Rowe

Aspiring novelist and freelance writer. A.C. Rowe spends most of the time doing projects, writing blogs and article posts when not traveling or tending to a hyperactive husky and two sassy cats.

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    A.C. RoweWritten by A.C. Rowe

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