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What Proof Do We Have That We Aren't In A Higher Beings Dream

What Really Is Reality???

By Frederick EmersonPublished 3 years ago 6 min read
What Proof Do We Have That We Aren't In A Higher Beings Dream
Photo by Wolf Zimmermann on Unsplash

I think about it quite a lot.

"How do I KNOW that I exist?"

Many, who never really give it a second thought, would say, "What do you mean? You feel things, right? You are experiencing something right now, right? Of course, you exist!"

But for people who can barely think beyond the thoughts that have been given to them, they will never understand the question, "what does it mean to exist, like really exist?"

Existence is defined as "the fact or state of living or having objective reality."

I am currently on the fence that reality is perhaps both subjective and objective.

I don't see it wholly objective or wholly subjective but meshed somewhere in between both of those abstracts (if they exist at all).

Just because we can feel things does not make them TRUE.

And we know this is evident in the fact that people can feel someone hates them when in "reality" (and I use this term loosely), the person they think hates them, doesn't even know they "exist" (again, I use this term loosely).

Many people allow their feelings to dictate the way they live their lives and, as such, perceive the world around them.

And it makes me wonder, what the hell is real, and are any of us actually existing, or might we just part of some higher beings' dreams.

How Do We Know We Aren't Just Part Of Some Higher Beings Dream?

By Илья Мельниченко on Unsplash

So, if you are still reading, good.

You may be wondering where is this crazy idea coming from or what is this guy prattling on about?

And no problem, I will answer that.

I had a dream a few years ago, one that I still remember to this day.

It was a dream I had while teaching English in Korea — and in this dream, I was in Germany.

I was a soldier, and we were on a train riding down a snowy train track to a secret facility.

We had a kid with us who we were going to kill.

The reason we were going to kill him was that he was a zombie or he had a virus that would turn him into a zombie.

He was considered patient zero, and we had to take him to this facility to kill him; otherwise, he would have caused an outbreak.

Now, while in the dream, I KNEW all of this information despite JUST entering the dream.

I just KNEW what was going on.


I don't know.

You can live out an entire lifetime in a dream that spans a few minutes in what we call "reality" and know someone and events with such information and accuracy.

It is scary and amazing at the same time.

But to get back to my point.

I knew what was going on, BUT…I also know who I am at my core.

The idea of zombies existing was ludicrous to me.

The idea that they were going to kill this young kid annoyed the hell out of me.


I started arguing with the German soldiers IN THEIR LANGUAGE, saying, "We can just keep him isolated. Why do we need to kill him?"

And they started looking at me smugly and said, "I was out of line."

See, I was a soldier, and this also made me start to question the "reality" I was experiencing.

When they told me to back down and be quiet, I got mad, and I took the kid and ran into the next cart.

I locked the cart door and barricaded it as much as possible so that they couldn't get in.

And the kid looked at me SCARED as hell and said, "Please don't let them kill me."

I told the kid, "I'm not going to let that happen."

It was a dream, but I kept who I AM at my core in this dream.

I would do the same thing in "reality" what I did in the dream.

I still had my core conscious self with me.

And I started questioning myself and thinking…

"Wait a second…I was in Korea. How did I end up in Germany?"

"Why do they think Zombies exist? That is all fiction. What is wrong with these dudes?"

"Wait…how do I know how to speak German?"

"I told myself I would never be a soldier…why am I a soldier?"

And with that last question, I realized…

"OH! This is a dream!"

I don't know about you guys, but I can always get a hint that I am in a dream when things around me are a bit too batshit insane and when I am acting out of character.

Also, the dream world is very foggy and hazy, like it's always misty for some reason (for me).

When I said to the kid, "Oh! This is just a dream, you're not 'REAL,'" the look on his face was of shock and fear.

A look that said, "Please don't be crazy. I need you."

I wish I would have saved him because maybe he did exist in some other universe, reality, or dimension.

Because once I realized I was dreaming, I WANTED OUT.

When I know I am dreaming, I immediately always try and find a way to kill myself to wake up.

Even if I have a dream that I am married to Megan Goode (God, she is so BEAUTIFUL and CHILL AS HELL), the idea that it is fake makes me hate it, and the idea that I am trapped in that reality makes me hate it more.

As I said this to the kid, the guards came in, pulling out their guns to shoot the kid.

But I jumped in from the bullets, and just like in the Matrix, the bullets all stopped in front of me.

The dream world was trying to keep me locked inside.

As the bullets stopped, the guards were all shocked as hell, and some were calling me a "demon."

I had had enough of the nonsense and jumped out of the window to my death…to which I had awakened and written this crazy dream/nightmare down.

Are We Just Some Beings' Dreams?

By Jordan Wozniak on Unsplash

Now, this whole dream fiasco made me wonder then and now, how do we know we really "exist"?

To the kid in my dream, he KNEW that he existed and that I needed to protect him.

Those guards KNEW I was a demon.

To them, they felt as if they existed, and before I had questioned myself, I had assumed what was going on in the immediate moment where my consciousness entered that dream world, that what was going on was a reality.

But it was only until I questioned — that the whole fabricated reality I was experiencing came tumbling down.

Just because we FEEL reality is true does not make it true.

We may feel pain and pleasure, but these are just things the brain has been wired to make us feel.

Like in the Matrix, "what is real?"

"How do we define what is real?"

The human mind can be duped so easily.

Just look at politics and how they can create a false narrative that creates many people's false reality.

Reality is not what we think it is.

And I wonder at times because of how batshit the world is…


Sound off below; I'd be very curious to discuss with others on this issue.


About the Creator

Frederick Emerson

I am Frederick Emerson, a prolific blogger with a decade of experience in the digital sphere. Through my thought-provoking content, I have captivated readers and sparked engaging conversations on a wide range of topics.

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