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What Kind of Water Sign Are You?

Water Sign in Astrology

By Kalpa Ranjan ChakmaPublished 2 years ago 4 min read
Water Sign in Astrology

The four elements that the zodiac signs are based on are Fire, Earth, Air, and Water. Some signs are associated with more than one element, such as Cancer, which has aspects of both Water and Earth signs, but these different aspects make each sign special in its own way. What kind of water sign are you? Does your personality fit into any of the following categories? In this article, we'll learn how to tell if you're a Cancer or a Pisces!

The Water Signs - Intro

The Water Signs are Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces. These three signs represent an intuitive approach to life. They are highly sensitive and compassionate people who have a hard time standing up for themselves.

Aries - The Ram

Aries is spontaneous and ambitious, which means they’re often exploring new territory or taking on new challenges. This versatility also leads to creativity and competitiveness—which is why Aries love playing sports. (Even if they aren’t that good at them.) Aries is never shy about expressing themselves, so you can count on a little boldness in any situation—which isn’t always easy for other signs to deal with.

Taurus - The Bull

The Water Signs are known for their compassion and empathy, and Taurus is no exception. Taurians are incredibly loyal to those they love and stick by them through thick and thin. Don’t mess with a Taurean when they’re down: you won’t like what happens next. It can be hard for Taurians to find themselves, but once they do, look out!

Gemini - The Twins

These water signs are ruled by Mercury, making them very intellectual. They thrive on social gatherings and group activities that provide a steady stream of stimulation for their minds. It’s important for Gemini to have balance in their lives and to avoid being pulled in too many directions—if they don’t, they’ll begin losing sight of who they are. Taurus - The Bull: These water signs tend to be loyal, hardworking, and patient.

Cancer - The Crab

This sign is ruled by both Cancer and Cancer, and it, therefore has one foot in each element. Because of its dual rulership, you’ll find that Cancers are highly intuitive; they have a way of getting to know people and situations at a deep level. They’re also intensely emotional, so much so that they’re often accused of being moody.

Leo - The Lion

Like their animal namesake, Leos are known for their boldness and courage. Leo's characteristics include being confident, strong-willed, and creative. Leos may seem like lions on stage or in a film—but when meeting new people, they may be too shy to show it! Leos are passionate about many things in life—and are drawn to those who share their interests. A Leo will always remain true to themselves, even if others don’t understand them.

Virgo - The Virgin

A Virgo gets things done. They are perfectionists, to say the least, and like to have a plan for everything. They live life day-by-day, so you will often find them making plans on a day-to-day basis as well. But never fear! This person is far from boring - in fact, they're quite interesting and full of intelligent conversation and wit - if you can get past their critical personality.

Libra - The Scales

Are you in a relationship with someone who’s constantly debating and arguing about things—constantly trying to one-up your points by dropping some scientific truth on you? If so, you’re probably dating a Libra. Libras are air signs, meaning they love intellectual debate and information is one of their greatest pleasures. That said, if you need closure after an argument or conversation, don’t expect it right away from your Libra.

Scorpio - The Scorpion

Scorpios are full of charm and passion. As a water sign, they feel things deeply. Some might even say their emotions are difficult to control and they can be jealous. But you won’t find many Scorpios complaining. They know how to grab life by its horns (and sometimes sink their claws into it). They’re introspective, and known for being deep thinkers. However, don’t let them drown you in an overly serious conversation.

Sagittarius - The Archer

Sagittarius, as with all fire signs, is a passionate sign. We Sagittarians always want to be on an adventure, exploring new ideas and ways of living life to its fullest potential. But we don’t just go into a situation blindly—we want to understand everything about it first. The Sagittarian thirst for knowledge is well known, and we usually need to know what’s going on before we get involved in something.

Capricorn - The Goat

People born under Capricorn are natural leaders. They like to take charge, and they are often quite methodical. They have strong opinions, and it can sometimes be hard for them to keep up with other people’s more scatterbrained ways of getting things done.

Aquarius - The Water Bearer

Aquarius can hold a lot of water (in fact, it’s one of only two zodiac signs that are actually containers) and as a result, tends to see things in terms of holding or not holding. In other words, your approach is contingent on whether you think something holds water or not.

Pisces - The Fish

The Pisces personality is intuitive, sensitive, and introspective. They are caring and supportive partners who try to avoid conflict, especially in their relationships. The Pisces man or woman makes a loyal friend but an unpredictable lover; you might say that they have one foot in and one foot out. Pisces knows how to get what they want from others without being too confrontational about it, which can be a big turn-on for some people.


About the Creator

Kalpa Ranjan Chakma

A Content Writer, Affiliate Marketer, and WordPress Web Designer.

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