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What is a Soul Contract

Life Purpose

By Julie O'Hara - Author, Poet and Spiritual WarriorPublished about a year ago Updated 2 months ago 7 min read

A soul contract is just what it seems. Before incarnation, we meet with our spirit guides (overseen by the Divine) and define the lessons we are going to learn in this timeline. Timelines are different than lifetimes. You live many concurrent lifetimes in a time lines. Your soul contract is where you decide the lessons you will learn, the people you will meet and interact with, and your purpose in this lifetime. Many of us here on earth are searching for our purpose as we go through life.

What is a soul contract?

Succinctly, a soul contract is an agreement you make before incarnation, detailing your choices, life events and experiences, in an effort to have spiritual growth. A soul contract is an agreement that you make with your spirit guides before you reincarnate on Earth. It's the blueprint of your life. It outlines what you want to do while you are here, what you want to experience, and specifically, lessons that you will learn, want to learn, or feel the feelings that you want to feel.

This is where your Divine Will journey is defined. This also is the map of where you can make choices, Human Free Will and the consequences of those choices. Many souls return to Earth more than once in a timeline to experience things differently. From a scientific perspective, a soul contract is just energy frequencies that are embedded in your DNA.

How does your soul contract affect your life purpose?

A soul contract will provide you with your karma, your talent, and your goals. During these negotiations, the time of your birth, birthplace and birthtime are also determined defining your astrological makeup. Your astrological make up is actually a tool and gift to help you achieve the goals and purposes you wish to encounter in this lifetime. I liken the natal chart to a big stew; lots of things are put in it, some savory, some sweet, some salty, some spicey, but it all works together to allow us to fulfil our needs.

A soul contract impacts how you might feel about certain situations, what situations might trigger you more than others, and what some of your strongpoints might be when working through your karma and your goals.

It is amazing what you can learn through an astrological analysis and it ties in so closely with the soul contract. It can determine what you might be good at, explains your soul's destiny and the reason why you are here on Earth. Through a synastric chart (couple’s) or composite chart, I can often see whether someone is a twin flame or soulmate.

Your soul contract is pretty much ironclad, but that does not mean you are controlled by it. You can exercise human free will. As you get further on with your soul’s progression, the more you deviate from your soul contract and its intent, the more apt you will be returning again and again to different timelines and life times learn lessons you have tried to control. Often times, especially with atheists and agnostics, they are progressing through lifetimes and timelines of knowledge that basic fear-based spirituality is not what the divine is about and is false. But they have not made it to the point where they can recognize that love, compassion, and understanding is paramount. And their ego is lashing out like a small child who thinks that the louder they scream, the more apt reality will bend to what they want.

First of all, karma is not punishment. Karma happens when you let your free will get in the way (as noted above) and you don’t learn the lesson. Trying to control your narrative and not follow your contract due to spiritual ego usually results in lessons not being learned, and thus having to “come back” to learn that lesson. It is nothing shameful. Humans are endowed with tremendous spiritual ego and free will, and giving that up is very difficult, even for ascended masters. When your soul doesn't have the chance to do what it came to this life to do, it will incarnate once again whether in this time line through another lifetime or in another time line altogether, and the new lesson will be the exact opposite of what the previous soul did.

How do you read your soul contract?

You can access your soul contract through the Akashic records. Everyone has access to these records. Usually through deep meditation. There are some mediums and readers who are more adept at this, but you can do it yourself. I have some meditations I have curated from YouTube (not videos I have made) which are very good at helping you access your Akashic records. Hit me up if you want the links. The Akashic records are a nonphysical library that contains every thought, action, emotion and experience that you have had in all of your various timelines and lifetimes. They are curated by the cherubim. If you meditate deeply enough, you can access the records through your spirit guide. While it's not an easy process, anyone can do it.

The Aloki (a subset of the cherubim) also known as the angels of death (they are not scary) maintain the Akashic records. The Aloki are very involved with your life review also. We all have an aloki assigned to us and they are the first one to great you when you get ready to enter the light portal. You decide who your Aloki will be during your soul contract negotiation, and when you transition, they will be there to guide you. They tend to be powerful guides, full of light. They are not the dark scary beings in black robes with a scythe. That is a human construct to control you.

You do not have to be psychic (although all of us are psychic to a certain extent). But everyone has access. Be aware of charlatans and scammers who tell you otherwise. Energy exchange for psychic work is acceptable. Overt monetizing is not.

What are the different types of soul contracts?

Forming a soul contract isn't limited to just one person; in fact, soul contracts are experienced with family members, friends, or in romantic relationships. There are three common types of soul contracts:

Karmic Contract

Karmic contracts are frequently formed with toxic people, whether it's a romantic partner, bad friend, or even a mean boss. These relationships are unstable and intense and represents unresolved karma from a past life.

A karmic contract can be broken once the person has learned their karmic lesson and completely cuts out that toxic individual. I recommend after a karmic lesson has been learned to perform a cord cutting ceremony on that person so new karma cannot be generated with them. One side note on this is that sometimes one person can close out karmic debt with someone, but the other person does not close out the debt. When that happens the person not closing out the debt has to return and learn the lesson all over again. Since the original person has cut cords, they will not interact with this person in a future/parallel lifetime. This is how obsessive stalking behaviors occur, when someone gets an unrequited crush or thinks they have a relationship with someone that they do not. It is also that person that dislikes you for no apparent reason. If you run into someone who is disrupting your life, understand they are dealing with toxic karma and do not hesitate to do a cord cutting on them.

There is also a subset of karmic contracts which manifest as karmic soulmates. These can manifest as false twin flames, and are usually result in very difficult and painful lessons being learned.

Soulmate Contract

After breaking a karmic contract, one can form a soulmate contract that is based on unconditional love. It's an instant connection based on helping one another learn and grow, and performing soul work.

While a soulmate contract doesn't necessarily last forever, its purpose is to help you discover a new version of yourself; that purpose is fulfilled once the lesson is learned. Soulmate relationships are not always romantic, but they can be. This is your best friend you’ve been close to since childhood. You find this in parental relationships and frequently in intense romantic relationships.

Twin Flame Contract

A twin flame is the other half of your soul that was split in two, making a twin flame contract. These is a rare and intense soul agreement usually only offered to very old souls (often from the angelic realm. Angels are the first souls created; thus the oldest). The purpose of a twin flame contract is to put both individuals on the correct life path, and to experience liberated love.

Can you break a soul contract?

In most cases, breaking a soul contract occurs once its purpose is fulfilled. For example, a karmic contract is broken once the karmic lesson is learned and the individual distances themselves from the toxic person with whom the connection was formed.

One can also break a soul contract if they ask the universe to make an exception, promising to move forward, learn from mistakes, and become a better person through spiritual growth and healing.

- Julie O'Hara 2023

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Julie O'Hara - Author, Poet and Spiritual Warrior

Thank you for reading my work. Feel free to contact me with your thoughts or if you want to chat. [email protected]

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  • Elle Vihmanabout a year ago

    And new translation in Estonian https://yksikhunt.com/2023/05/09/mis-on-hingeleping/

Julie O'Hara - Author, Poet and Spiritual WarriorWritten by Julie O'Hara - Author, Poet and Spiritual Warrior

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