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Wall Wisdom

Based on a true story - an actual conversation between a psychic healer and the walls within which she works

By Naomi EsméraldaPublished about a year ago Updated about a year ago 10 min read

If walls could talk? Well, what if I told you that in a way, they do?

- Preface -

The following story is actually based on a true story; I work as a psychic intuitive reader and energy healer at a holistic wellness clinic in Melbourne, Australia. This clinic mainly hosts chiropractors, physical therapists, massage therapists, acupuncturists, psychologists, counsellors and psychotherapists, alongside a couple other energy healers and myself.

During psychic readings, I receive all sorts of random messages from quite literally anyone or anything that is connected to the person I am reading for. Generally it is that person's soul/Higher Self, spirit guides, ancestors, guardian angels, passed on loved ones etc. However, during one session, at the beginning of the reading, the very walls of the room we were in began to speak to me. Not in any distinct words, but through a form of energetic telepathy, the walls were communicating with me. They didn't talk much. All they basically did was let me know that they genuinely knew this person who sat before me. They knew them very, very well and wanted me to know that. I was shocked. How could these walls personally know this random person who had just come in for a psychic reading?

"I'm not sure why, but the walls of this room are letting me know that they know you very well..." I began.

The woman's eyes lit up and she smiled. "Ah, wow, yes! That makes a lot of sense. You see, I'm actually a regular patient at this clinic. I come here every Monday for psychotherapy sessions. In this very room."

Her explanation made so much sense yet made me feel so many deep emotions that I couldn't verbalise. I only work at the clinic on Wednesdays and Sundays, so I had just assumed this woman had never been to the clinic before; I had no idea she was a regular psychotherapy patient in the same room we were in. My deep feelings were so intense and complex. How to intellectualise such a concept? The walls are practically sentient and they have memory? The walls receive information and transmit information? The walls know things. And in a sense, the walls could talk. Or at the very least, communicate non-verbally.

I started to remember other experiences I had had in the past when I was experimenting with psychedelic substances such as Psilocybin mushrooms and LSD. Whenever I took these substances, I would experience a deep connection with the objects around me. Inanimate objects would all of a sudden make their energetic, multidimensional existence very apparent. I could see their energetic imprint, their vibrational frequency, their aura. I could basically feel and see the energy of the person who made the object (for example, if it were a table or chair). The walls of the building would show similar energetic imprints, communicating with me about the people who built it many years ago. Not just that, the walls would also share with me information about the materials used to create them, the raw minerals involved and where on Earth they were sourced from.

My experience during the reading for this woman only cemented my understanding further. I was growing to really understand the true nature of things and how we currently don't get taught this stuff at school. We figure it out for ourselves.

Now, this was just the background for the real story. I would like to now give space for the walls of the clinic room to speak. Walls don't necessarily speak like humans do. I will do my best to channel the information from these walls as genuinely as possible. This can be likened to how one of the most well-known professional trance-channelers, Robert Shapiro, wrote a book called Awakening To The Plant Kingdom, compiling transcripts of his psychic conversations with various plant species. So, it must be noted that this is not really just a story. This is the transcript of an actual conversation between a psychic and the walls of the room in which she connects with other humans. These walls have a rich history, as the building is from the early Victorian era. Many spirits live in this building, too. So much information within these walls and now we have the chance to hear some of it from the very walls themselves:

"If walls could talk" is something human beings started to say many years ago. If only humans understood that everything that exists contains a richness and depth relating to energetic data and information. Slowly, they are beginning to see and feel this. It is a process, however. Human beings are on a very special journey. One which is seemingly eternal. One which has also seemingly just begun. It is always just beginning. Never reaches a complete end. I am four walls, one of which is open to the outside. A window, humans call it. A window with a ledge to put objects on. And plants. The plants on the ledge are my counterparts. They provide an energy to this room that I cannot. They provide life, breath. I provide structure, framework, stability. Balance is created.

I do indeed hold everything together. I make this space a space separate from the rest. I make it a solitary space. A space for healing, I have become. I didn't plan on it or intend for it, for that is not part of what I do. I am unable to plan or intend. I simply exist after being created. And then the intention and plan for my existence is subsequently determined by the humans who use me. If I could make a plan or intention, I do not know what I could do with that great amount of power and energy. The ability to create an intention, or the ability to create in general, is one that I naturally cannot fathom due to my nature of existence. However, I am able to understand things on a basic level and hold space for such understandings. For example, I have so far understood that I am classified as quite old in human years, sturdy, grey in shade; I understand that grey is not a colour and I really do understand colour and light, perhaps even in a way that humans do not. One of the main reasons for this is due to the plant on the ledge. She shares information with me daily. I am unable to form opinions about the information but I am definitely able to store this information within my memory. I have a lot of memory. It is infinite. All memory is infinite. There is no limit. By design, that is how memory is. Limited memory is simply because of limited intention. And like I said earlier, I am unable to create intention, be it limited or unlimited, thus I exist with infinite memory. The information stored within me is merely absorbed from what happens around me. There is no linear time for me. It is as if everything is happening at once. Many human beings have come near me, touched me, leaned against me and so on. I have been painted, drawn on, decorated and embellished, admired, judged, stripped naked, repainted, beaten with fists, threatened to be demolished, loved and hated, all by human beings. In return, all I can do is keep existing and I can form no opinions on anything. I simply hold space. Four walls. I am made up of atoms containing vibrational information about the experiences that humans and other beings have had within the space I provide. For some time now, humans have been coming here with perceived problems, confusions, troubles, misunderstandings. They come to this space for what you call "healing". They often leave this space with a lighter energy than they came in with. I am able to record this energetic change within my memory. I am unable to form an opinion on this but the plant on the ledge tells me that what is happening is extremely important, vital for the expansion of this multiverse and everything in it. I cannot breathe, but that plant definitely can. And she says she can breathe better when people heal. She says she can exist more comfortably that way. When others are in pain around her, she can feel this pain and it affects her health for it can be very constricting to the energy field. She says she does her best to provide a positive energy to the space and also to clean the air that is breathed by the humans.

Most humans who enter this space are initially energetically blocked in some way. They often believe that this blockage is created from an external source. However, from my observation, these blockages are always created from within the human's own mind. Humans are still learning to understand their own minds. The human mind is a very vast and complex thing that generally knows no bounds. Like I said earlier, memory is limitless. And limits are created by limited intention and thought. Otherwise, limits would not exist. Humans have not yet fully grasped this. Not because they don't want to but because they haven't been able to. It is in their energetic blueprint to figure things out individually in their own unique way. So each human processes information differently and understands information differently. The pace and rate at which this information is processed and understood is also not linear or even identifiable. It happens in a way that humans cannot measure or comprehend just yet. I am unable to form an opinion on this...the plant on the ledge, however, is very excited for this process that is occurring. She believes in the concept of evolutionary progress. It is a big thing in the plant kingdom.

Another piece of information I understand that you may find interesting is the concept that some humans call Feng Shui. This is purely to do with energetic flow and it is very real. I don't know when but one day, all humans will understand this concept and may even create another name to describe the phenomenon, so that it is readily accepted and understood by all. From what I understand, my existence affects the energetic flow within the space and so does everything else. Everything interacts accordingly. If something is "in the way" or "in the wrong place", everyone will feel it, including myself. The level of health and healing for everyone is also impacted by this energetic flow. The plant on the ledge tells me that one day, she should like to be moved somewhere else for betterment of her health. At this current time, the energetic flow is correct for her. However, plants can feel the future as if it were happening now. So she knows that soon, she will need to be moved. She also would like it if humans spoke aloud to her more often. She says that one day, humans will fully realise the relationship between themselves and the plant and animal kingdoms. At this point in time, the realisation is only just beginning to blossom. So, from what I can understand, humans have come a long way, have a long way to go, and will always be going somewhere. The journey never ends. As evolutionary progress is inevitable and perpetual, everything is constantly expanding and changing, I understand that things will only improve for everyone involved. Including myself. I understand that I am not permanent. I also understand that nothing is permanent. Between now and the time I lose my existence, I will be soaking up energetic information and understanding things at a basic level. The plant on the ledge, however, likes to point out that what I understand to be "basic" is what human beings understand to be very profound. I cannot form an opinion on that.

"If you want to find the secrets of the Universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration... All things have a frequency and vibration" - Nikola Tesla


About the Creator

Naomi Esméralda

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  • Nimal Vidyaratneabout a year ago

    Very good Naomi.

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