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Two Modes Forward

This season is yours for the taking if you can stay out of your own way.

By paisley Published 3 years ago 4 min read
photo by Alex Andrews via pexel.com

Wily Gemini, you have options. The world is your oyster if you want it to be. The power to shift the tides is ultimately just a choice you have to be willing to make. So the question to ask is: Are you ready to choose yourself?

You're used to structuring your life around others, functioning in an operating system that fluctuates between "how do they perceive me?" and "how do I get them to do what I want?" This self-serving approach has run its course of usefulness to you. Now is the time to trust. Trust in your own abilities and power, but also trust in those around you to not let you down. Our thoughts shape our reality, so expecting disappointment in order to protect yourself only guarantees it will be so. Live and let live, Gemini. Then watch as your life begins to align.

For matters of the heart, you're best off letting love come to you. What we chase runs away. So, believe in the kind of love you deserve and let it become yours. It may find you in an unexpected time or place but that is not for you to fret over. Remember the theme of this season is trust. Recognize that in every facet of life you have a choice between two paths–one of struggle and one of ease. We create our own obstacles by allowing them to obstruct us when we can choose to look for the way around.

Throw your focus into what makes your soul sing. Existence is an experiment in self-discovery enshrouded by a series of distractions. The challenge for all of us is to wade through the background noise in order to find our focus. Your many talents coupled with your propensity for diversified interests can make it difficult to find which of your callings are most tuned into your authentic sense of self. This is a blessing to embrace! Do not be afraid to dabble in what feels right as you discover what fits best. You may find yourself called in many different directions at once; pace yourself and enjoy the process. Self-actualization is not a sprint or a race at all, the beauty is in the act of letting go.

To this end, lean into your relationships with the Earth Signs in your life. Their foundation of stability will help keep you anchored as you float amongst the mystic shores of change. No person is an island and contrary to what you may believe, you aren't the exception. Open yourself up to being vulnerable with the person or people who have shown you the most consistency. At a certain point, we must all choose to let others in and to let others love us. This love can come from a romantic partner or close relative, but it may also come in the form of genuine kindness given from a co-worker or your local barista. When you allow room for love to live, you will find it entering your world from every angle.

Remain centered on every aspect of yourself–body, mind, and spirit–for the month of June. Allow yourself to be selfish, understanding that "selfishness" is not a dirty word. Take your spiritual healing seriously and commit with the same fire to doing for you what you're used to doing for others. Look for the choices you are faced with every day and in weighing them out, prioritize your future self in particular. That may mean doing the workout today you were putting off for tomorrow or it could be buying a pint of your favorite ice cream and hiding it at the back of your freezer to find at a later date. The more you set up future you for success, the better off you will be.

So, trust the journey and embrace the process for all of its clumsy moments or feelings of uncertainty. Growth is an imperative pillar of the human experience. It is natural and in our best interests to lean into its discomfort, trusting that we cannot be led astray. When we know there is nothing to fear, we are able to fully take the reigns of our own being. Dare yourself to step into the unknown and become the active player in your own life.


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