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This is the Apex

How the Ukraine-Russian war will change humanity

By Gen Published 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago 3 min read
This is the Apex
Photo by Camden & Hailey George on Unsplash

I think we all instinctively know that the time is now. That the war raging against Ukraine from Putin and his regime, is the ultimate test of humanity's evolution. We are at the tipping point, in which what we do now as a collective whole will define the world we live in for generations to come. If we don't successfully stop this now, we are marching humanity into a very real possibility of a third world war, where power hungry souls who believe in their invincibility play a very dangerous game of nuclear tic tac toe.

I asked myself, why now? What makes now so pivotal? Why didn't the powers that could not interfere with certain other countries when they were being torn apart? The answer I've came up with is that we're at our wit's end!

In the past few years, we have battled with both the blessings and curses of a connected world. Everything from crowdfunding to cyberattacks to #metoo and cancel culture. We have been fatigued by the never-ending pandemic, the doomsday clock regarding our environment, the great resignation of workers choosing to not to go back to work, to saying no to being underpaid and overwhelmed. People have and are divided over climate change and politics and the very fundamental values that we often take for granted, that of our safety and security and our freedoms. Society has been pushed and pushed and pushed to so many extremes. We're tearing each other apart on the daily. I supposed Putin thought now would be the ideal time to venture forward to enact his plan, while the whole world is so damn distracted. He's done it before with Georgia and Crimea and succeeded. The irony is that this war seems to be actually uniting us. I don't think Putin was expecting that to happen. I don't think he realized that folks are just so damn tired of it all.

Am I oversimplifying it? Maybe. And it sounds perhaps such a dumbass reason to finally see the light to realize what we are truly capable of as humans on this big, beautiful planet. That we can be more, that we can grow and evolve beyond the divisions and thrive despite whatever is thrown our way. That we can overcome. Letting Putin win means we are giving up on so much more than we understand. It says that we can constantly be ruled by fear and in doing so, we truly become sheep for the slaughter. Welcome to a world where all your dystopian nightmares come true!

Yet, as I am witnessing this crucial moment of history unfold, as much as I find myself distraught over the horror happening in Ukraine, I am also riveted by the reports of the tremendous outpouring of bravery, love and support. First from the Ukrainians themselves, their leadership, their people, choosing to stay and fight, and second, for the many who are rushing in arms wide open to help them, with their resources, their love, their prayers, their bodies and their souls, with their everything.

People all over the world are volunteering to go to Ukraine to help, because I think, deep down, they know that there's an end game coming, and that they are not only fighting for the Ukrainians and their freedoms, that they are fighting for theirs, their families and the world's. And maybe, just maybe, after all is said and done, we'll reach the point where war is finally seen as beneath us, a mere childish thing of the past, that ended it's course in Ukraine.


About the Creator


Art, nature, reading and writing have always been healing balms for my soul. However, life as it usually does, takes you on twists, turns and detours and I left my writing behind. I'm finally coming home.

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