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The Tragedy of Darth Plagueis

A 'Star Wars' Dark Side Story

By Steve BrewerPublished 4 years ago 10 min read

It has been a few years since I published my Star Wars Dark Side Stories which I can't believe, it honestly feels like I published them yesterday. If this is the first of my A Star Wars Dark Side Story articles you read I will do a brief intro for you.

The Dark Side Stories are meant to explore darker storylines within the Star Wars lore that didn't fit within the entries of the main Star Wars saga. I was originally inspired by the success of "Rogue One: A Star Wars Story" and this was my way of suggesting other potential spinoff movies.

I have provided the links to my previous Dark Side Stories articles below, please be sure to check those out and to share them with your friends as both help me continue to develop and publish these articles.

My previous Dark Side Stories:

Abeloth: A Star Wars Dark Side Story

Project Blackwing: A Star Wars Dark Side Story

The Sith Triumvirate: A Star Wars Dark Side Story

I know Chancellor Palpatine told Anakin the story of Darth Plagueis in "Episode Three: Revenge of the Sith" so I will keep this section relatively brief.

Darth Plagueis was the Sith master who found and trained The Emperor in the ways of the Dark Side of the Force. Plagueis was adept at manipulating midi-chlorians, the microorganisms that live symbiotically within living beings but in higher concentrations in force. He was able to use the midi-chlorians to extend his life and create Anakin Skywalker.

Plagueis was alive during the events of "Episode One: A Phantom Menace" but remained in the shadows while his apprentice, then the Senator but later Chancellor Palpatine, directly manipulated the events seen during the film. When he felt he had learned all he could from his master, Palpatine murdered Plagueis and assumed his position of master.

The Tragedy of Darth Plagueis: A Star Wars Dark Side Story

"The Tragedy of Darth Plagueis: A Star Wars Dark Side Story" will begin with Plagueis meditating and reaching out through the Force. After a few moments of figures swirling in mist and disembodied voices, he is guided to a woman whose voice could be heard over the rest. He concentrates which causes the woman to grab her stomach. She moves her hands and a gold light can be seen inside her stomach. Palpatine asks if he had accomplished his goal to which Plagueis awakens from his meditation and answers that it is done.

After the title card, we see Plagueis dreaming of a pod race through a desert. He watches as a young human boy expertly navigates around the other racers and obstacles on the track. Plagueis watches the boy carefully and realizes that the boy is using the Force to sense what to do before he needs to do it. This causes Plagueis to realize that the boy is the One and says this out loud. A tremor in the force emanates between Plagueis and the boy and several voices can be heard; one shouts "Anakin, drop!", another says "Fear leads to anger" and yet another says "watch your career with great interest". The tremor and the voices distract the boy causing him to crash and Plagueis loses the connection.

Palpatine is in a meeting with the leaders of Naboo when he hears a voice call his name. The leaders ask him to speak with the Queen about delaying the upcoming coronation due to the threats the Trade Federation have made toward Naboo. Palpatine states he has a meeting with the Queen and will suggest it to her then before adjourning the meeting. He follows the voice to a nearby plasma processing facility where he finds Plagueis waiting.

Palpatine objects to being summoned during a meeting that was vital to their plans. Plagueis rebuffs him by stating that he is still Palpatine's master causing Palpatine to snear. Plagueis cuts him off and demands to know if the blockade will happen as planned. Palpatine states the Trade Federation is ready and he is finishing the final preparations of the plan to get him elected Supreme Chancellor. Plagueis expresses his approval but is interrupted by Palpatine who demands to know why Plagueis came to Naboo in person.

Plagueis stated he felt a disturbance in the Force and was on his way to investigate. Palpatine states that he felt it too and that it came from the One before stating that they should have sought them out sooner. Plagueis tells him that the One will be brought to them through the will of the Force and for Palpatine to remain focused on their plans. Plagueis boards his ship and departs from Naboo as Palpatine sends a transmission to Maul to follow him. Maul, already in his own ship, follows Plagueis. Plagueis senses Maul's presence and changes the destination of his hyperspace jump before doing it.

Palpatine and the then Queen of Naboo walk together and discuss the tensions between the Trade Federation and the Republic and how the Federation has been in conflict with Naboo in the past. Palpatine suggests that the Queen postpone the coronation of the next queen which is days away to which the queen refuses and says that democracy must continue. The Queen asks Palpatine to return to the Senate to continue negotiations with the Trade Federation and broker a peace. Palpatine tells the Queen that he will leave for Coruscant that night before excusing himself.

Palpatine returns to his quarters and sends a message to Plagueis telling him that their plan is progressing. After Palpatine informs Plagueis that the Queen is not delaying the coronation Plagueis orders Palpatine to return to Coruscant so the blockade can begin. Once the transmission ends Palpatine sends another to his own apprentice, Darth Maul, telling him that the blockade will soon begin. Maul tells Palpatine he has found Plagueis but is prepared to return to his master's side. Palpatine tells Maul to continue tracking Plagueis and he will send for him when needed.

Plagueis exits hyperspace and enters a nearby asteroid field as Maul exits hyperspace. The two engage in a cat and mouse chase through the asteroid field with Plagueis flying as close to the asteroids and their collisions as possible while Maul evades them and continues pursuing. Plagueis eventually gives Maul the slip when he uses the Force to cause the asteroids to alter their courses and one clips Maul's ship, disabling his ship. Plagueis exits the asteroid field, enters hyperspace again, and comes out at Tatooine. Plagueis lands his ship, exits, and walks through the city using the Force to guide him. He eventually comes upon Watto's shop and is greeted by Watto who asks what he wants. Plagueis asks if Watto has a rare part and explains he is willing to pay well for it. Watto calls Anakin in to sit with Plagueis as he goes to where he stores the high-end parts to retrieve the part Plagueis asked for.

Plagueis allows Watto to exit before introducing himself to Anakin and asking if he likes working in the shop. Plagueis remarks on the scrapes and bruises on the boy who states he's a pod racer and was recently in a wreck. The two speak for several minutes with Anakin revealing his desire to explore the galaxy but is apprehensive. Plagueis states the apprehension is from Anakin being afraid of what could be lurking in the galaxy. Anakin confirms this and Plagueis explains that there are sights worth seeing with examples including the angels of the moons of Iego. Anakin asks how Plagueis could know so much and what he does to which Plagueis lies and tells him he is a spice trader and sees much in his travels. Watto returns with the part, Plagueis pays and tells Anakin he will see much of the galaxy himself.

As he exits the shop, Plagueis stops and looks back at Anakin. He has a vision in which he sees the events to come; Anakin meeting Qui-Gon Jinn, their run-in with Darth Maul as they tried to leave Tatooine, Yoda telling Anakin about sensing fear in him, Anakin destroying the Trade Federation ship and ending the blockade, Obi-Wan telling Anakin he will train him as a Jedi, and Palpatine telling Anakin he will keep a close eye on him. Anakin asks if Plagueis is fine causing the vision to end and Plagueis to leave the shop.

Across the galaxy, Palpatine is in a meeting with Jedi Masters Yoda and Windu to discuss the Trade Federation threatening to blockade Naboo. Palpatine states that he doubts the Trade Federation will resort to such drastic action and maintains his hope that diplomacy will quell the tensions. Windu asserts that the Jedi will help with the diplomacy efforts to which Palpatine thanks them before receiving a transmission from Naboo. Palpatine tells the Jedi that the new Queen had been crowned and had instructed him to continue his diplomacy efforts with the Trade Federation. Windu and Yoda tell Palpatine that they have a meeting with Supreme Chancellor Valorum and will deliver this news to him before they depart.

After the Jedi leave Palpatine sends a transmission to the Viceroy of the Trade Federation to begin the blockade. The Viceroy tells Palpatine that he will deploy his fleet to Naboo immediately. Palpatine then sends a message to Maul and asks if he found Plagueis. Maul tells Palpatine he lost Plagueis in the Outer Rim but is attempting to find his trail again. Palpatine tells Maul he now senses that Plagueis found what he was searching for and will soon return to Coruscant. Palpatine orders Maul to return to the capital to which Maul complies.

Plagueis returns to Coruscant and lands his ship in the midst of a violent thunderstorm. He exits the ship and finds Palpatine waiting for him who greets his master and asks how his business off-world went. Plagueis ignores the question and asks about the blockade to which Palpatine informs his master that the Trade Federation has deployed one of its fleets and it will be in place in a few hours. Palpatine says that nearly all the preparations have been completed and that there is one last thing he has to take care of as he pulled out his lightsaber.

Palpatine attempts to strike Plagueis down but his attack is parried by Plagueis who had drawn his own lightsabers. Palpatine tells Plagueis that his time has come and that Palpatine will not be subservient to anyone anymore. Plagueis replies that he knows how this battle will end, but will still fight to honor the ancient Sith tradition of the apprentice defeating their master to assume the title of master. Palpatine says so be it and releases force lighting that Plagueis deflects with his lightsaber. Palpatine draws in closer, but Plagueis used the Force to push the lightning and Palpatine back. Plagueis advances as Palpatine gets back to his feet and the two lock lightsabers.

Maul appears from behind Plagueis with one end of his lightsaber ignited. Palpatine attempts to distract Plagueis as Maul approaches and moves to strike, but Plagueis parries the strike. Plagueis tells Maul he is not as talented in concealing his presence in the Force as his master, Palpatine, and he needs to allow them to duel without interference. Plagueis disengages both causing Palpatine and Maul to lock lightsabers and uses the moment to force push Maul off the platform. Palpatine uses the force to conjure a large lightning bolt from the storm that strikes near Plagueis but misses. Enraged, Palpatine tries again but Plagueis diverts the second bolt causing it to strike near Palpatine instead.

Further down the skyscraper, Maul uses the Force to pull himself close to the side of the building and grabs a ledge. He begins to climb and use the force to help him ascend the skyscraper faster. At the top, Plagueis uses the force to bring multiple strikes down around Palpatine causing him to move closer to Plagueis. The two exchange blows with neither being able to overcome the other causing Plagueis to ponder if Palpatine is truly ready to be the Master of the Sith. Palpatine says he is ready just like Plagueis is ready to die and unleashes force lightning which Plagueis is unable to block in time.

Plagueis is gravely wounded and falls to his knees. Palpatine uses the force to throw Plagueis's lightsabers off the building and demands to know the location of the One. Plagueis refuses to answer causing Palpatine to unleash another blast of force lightning. Palpatine repeats the question causing Plagueis to laugh and give the same answer as before, that the force will bring the One to Palpatine to help balance itself. Palpatine sneers that his master will not live long enough to see the goal of the Sith achieved with the fall of the Jedi Order and kills Plagueis with his lightsaber. Maul appears on the platform behind Palpatine who tells him that it is done and his plan is now in motion. Palpatine erupts into sinister laughter as the storm rages around them.

We then see the blockade assembling over Naboo as Palpatine's laughter continues until the screen goes black.

For the role of Darth Plagueis, I thought of no one better than the legendary Doug Jones who is known to play creature roles in heavy prosthetic makeup. I know he would deliver a fantastic performance and do the role the justice it deserves.

The rest of the cast will largely be reprising their roles with the exception of young Anakin. I hope Jake Lloyd the best, but the same technology that allowed Tarkin to appear in "Rogue One" despite the actor's death could be used to allow young Anakin to appear in "The Tragedy of Darth Plagueis". Age regression technology could be used on the rest of the cast depending on the need, it is hard to believe that "Phantom Menace" came out over 20 years ago!

For the performance of Darth Maul, I would opt not to go a CGI route and would want to use practical effects and makeup.

star wars

About the Creator

Steve Brewer

Certified movie nerd with concentrations in Star Wars, Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, Marvel, fantasy, horror, and sci-fi.

Also an avid hiker, camper, racquetball player, cat dad, and loving uncle/godfather.

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    Steve BrewerWritten by Steve Brewer

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