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The Rise of Gen Z

Shaping the Future of Society and Business

By Amna Published about a year ago 3 min read
The Rise of Gen Z
Photo by Mimi Thian on Unsplash

Generation Z, or Gen Z, is the generation born between the mid-1990s and the mid-2010s. They are the youngest generation in the workforce, but already, they are beginning to shape the world around them. Gen Z is the most diverse and tech-savvy generation in history, with unique characteristics that set them apart from previous generations. In this article, we will explore the defining traits of Gen Z and their impact on society.


Gen Z is the first generation to have grown up with access to the internet and smartphones. They are digital natives who are comfortable with technology, and it is an integral part of their daily lives. Social media platforms like Instagram, TikTok, and Snapchat are popular among Gen Z, who use them to connect with friends and share their lives. According to a report by Pew Research Center, 95% of teens have access to a smartphone, and 45% are online almost constantly.

The reliance on technology has led to a new way of communication among Gen Z. They prefer texting and messaging over phone calls, which they find too time-consuming. Social media platforms have also become a new way of communication, with Gen Z using emojis and memes to convey their emotions and opinions.

Despite the benefits of technology, Gen Z faces challenges in navigating the digital world. They are exposed to a constant stream of information, which can be overwhelming and lead to information overload. The rise of cyberbullying and online harassment is another challenge, with Gen Z facing pressure to present a perfect image online.

Diversity and Inclusion

Gen Z is the most diverse generation in history. They are more likely to be raised in households with two working parents, and to have friends and family from different racial, ethnic, and cultural backgrounds. According to a report by the Pew Research Center, 48% of Gen Z identify as non-white, making it the most racially and ethnically diverse generation in US history.

Gen Z is also more accepting of diversity and inclusivity. They reject traditional gender norms and are more likely to identify as non-binary or gender fluid. They are also more accepting of people of different sexual orientations and are more likely to support LGBTQ+ rights.

This acceptance of diversity has led to a push for more inclusivity in society. Gen Z is leading the charge for social justice, fighting for equality and representation for all people, regardless of race, gender, or sexual orientation. They have been at the forefront of social movements like Black Lives Matter and #MeToo, demanding change and pushing for progress.

Values and Priorities

Gen Z has unique values and priorities that are shaping the future of society and business. They prioritize authenticity and transparency, and are drawn to brands that share their values. They value social responsibility and are willing to spend more on products and services that support causes they believe in.

Work-life balance is another priority for Gen Z. They value flexibility and the ability to work from anywhere, and are willing to sacrifice higher salaries for more flexible work arrangements. They also prioritize personal fulfillment and purpose over financial gain, and are more likely to pursue careers that align with their values and interests.

The impact of Gen Z on the workplace is already being felt. They are bringing new perspectives and priorities, and are forcing companies to rethink their approach to work. Companies that fail to adapt risk losing top talent to competitors that offer more flexible and purpose-driven career opportunities.


Despite the many positive attributes of Gen Z, they face challenges unique to their generation. Mental health is a significant concern, with Gen Z facing high levels of anxiety and stress. The pressure to perform and succeed in a hyper-connected and fast-paced world can be overwhelming. Social media also plays a role in the mental health challenges faced by Gen Z, with constant comparisons and a culture of perfectionism leading

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    AWritten by Amna

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