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The Pomegranate Seeds

A twist of the greek tale

By Khadidja GarbaPublished 3 years ago 13 min read

I was 7, the first time my father laid his hands on me, or at least one that I can remember. I accidentally lured one of the horses out of the stables and set them free, when he said the words,

“You are a disgrace.”

I remember his stern look of anger and embarrassment that day. I did not know what to feel. That day, I asked the question to myself.

Did he love me?

Fall. The wind whistling in the trees, and the leaves, dead upon release from the branches, crunching beneath my soles. It is a nice day outside. Oh, how I hate it. I stare at the ground at the warm colors of autumn spread across my garden, then slowly bend to pick one up. Analyzing the darkened curves of the lines and the bright shade of crimson, glowing in the sun.

“Your eyes reflect the shade of the leaves my dear. Here, see?” as my mom puts the leaf against my plump face,” I know you cannot see it, but your eyes are the most elegant shade of red I have seen. So rare but beautiful. My boy”

I enclose my palm over the leaf I was holding, reminiscing the memories of my mother. She was a sweet, light woman, with dark gold hair and bright blue eyes. She was pure, yet fragile. That is why she died when I was 5. Slain by the barbarians that invaded our palace. I close my eyes with despair as I crush the leaf and scream to the skies with the stinging pain of my memories. It is not like any one can hear me anyways. I am all alone. No parents, no kin, no lover, nothing. It is sad but I am used to it. My heart has hardened to the point I do not even feel anything anymore. It was a nice day outside, until the thoughts of the old pierced through the melodic aura of the air.

“I’m going back inside.”

As I enter the castle, I am met with the thick fume of mossy stone and old rugs. Why did my parents even give me this place knowing it gave me nightmares walling through the corridors? I have gotten used to it though. The castle is merely just a living quarter now, nothing to fear of be afraid of, just the echoing sounds of your voice and thoughts. I strictly remember, when my father died, I let go all the castle attendees for what reason, I do not know. I was an ambiguous teenager, and had that thought of, people should not be enslaved to the higher beings. That is plain wrong. However, I should have kept the cook. I am not even aware how I am still alive right now after eating days’ worth of soup and beans. I guess that is my plan tomorrow. Ride around the town to see if anyone is willing to work for me. I look outside and see the sky turning into shades of pink, purple, yellow, orange, and red, which indicates it is time to go to bed. No need to stay up any longer and keep thinking of the past. I lay on the dense mattress as I stare at the ceiling, acting as if I can see the stars through the cobblestone. I look to my right, between the bars, as I see the glistening shimmers of light, scattered in the dark blue sky. There was a myth that once people die, they become a star and shine with the other rested souls. I wonder if my father is there, as if he deserves to be one. He emitted darkness and had a cloud of negativity, everywhere he walked. Ha! Imagine him being a star now. How ironic. As I take one last glance at the illuminations, my vision gets fuzzy as I dose into the night.

“Pluto, my son, wake up! You need to hide”

I wake up urgently as I see my mom jolting my shoulder.

“What’s happening mom? Is everything ok?” I ask.

“No, which is why I need you to hide. Anywhere that they will not be able to find you,” orders the mother, as she looks back alarmingly like she is waiting for someone to come in.

She said “they” in a weird tone, like she is angry with them or something. I do not really understand anything since my head is still foggy from the slumber I had only recently been awakened from.

“Who is they? What’s going on mom?” I stutter. I can see real fear in her eyes, nothing like her usual cheery soft ones. A look of pure dread and fright.

“No time for questions. Hide now!” she urges as I hear footsteps connecting with the rock floors. They are heavy, not like our maids and butlers who are very graceful. As I think who it could have been, my mom snatches me out my bed and pushes me in a closet. Now I am fully awake and petrified on what is happening. My mother looks at me with her faint, bright blue eyes, tells me her last words:

“We will meet again. I love you my angel,” as she closes the closet door. I hear deep voices and banging on the door of my room. The wooden door splints as the heavy footed, deep voiced people were now in my bedroom. I peek through the opening of the closet door, crouched, as I see my mom kneeling, begging for her life, while a dark armored man, takes his knife, and slits her throat. I see my mother grasping her neck as she falls, ragdoll like, and go pale, when the life leaves her body. The men exit and start to flee as I hear more heavy footsteps coming down the corridor. They pass and I see the colors of our province flag, the National Guards are here. I emerge from the closet, approaching my mother’s cold body. Tears start to stream my face as I hold her hand trying to feel whatever warmth it had left.

“Mom? Mom! Mom, please wake up. No no no no no, don’t go. Mom!” I plead, shaking her body, hoping that she would miraculously wake up and hug me again with her warm embrace. But instead, I feel the cold metal of one of the guards as they pry me from my mother.

I awake with the sun’s rays beam in my eyes. I squint as I get up and get ready. I have to go into town today. Mind you I don’t like people that much so it will be a simple ask around and leave. I go to the stables to get a ride to town. All the horses tussle their manes in the wind. They were the only thing I kept from my father’s inheritance other than the land. Approaching the stables, one stands out from the rest. A calico looking fur coat and shimmering tangerine mane. That’s Brandywine. He has been my best friend since I could walk and has been my only friend living here. I grab the rough bristle brush and start to graze his fur. He’s a sight to see. I saddle him up and hop on and proceed to town. As I come into town, I examine all the wooden stands, and behind each one a vendor hoping to get a good income for the day. As Brandywine picks up the sediment, I hear a call to me.

“Well if it isn’t lil’ Cherry Blossom coming to finally join us towns people.”

I grimace in embarrassment after hearing that name. “Cherry Blossom” I despise that nickname to this day. It makes me sound so weak. I turn around to see a broad, muscular man, bronzed skin and a grown-out bowl cut.

“Oi, Milo, what did I say about calling me that?” I call back to him as he saunters over to me with a wide smile plastered on his face. Oh Milo. We used to go to grade school together before my father died, and we were actually quite acquainted then. Sadly, after the passing of my father, I left to study on my own. Still, from time to time I see him in the town markets hauling goods and helping people. That was Milo. A gentle giant. We are total opposites that it amazes me that we were acquainted at a point.

“Are ya juss gonna stare into space without giving a man a hug?” He reaches and pulls me off my horse and into his arms. I forgot how strong he was even though his muscles assist to that conclusion. “So, what’re ya doing in town for? You rarely come out anymore you hermit crab,” as he tussles my hair.

“I’m just here to find a cook. I get sick if I keep eating stale bread and beans.”

“Well, why doncha juss find yaself a wife?”

“You act like it’s easy.” I glares then roll my eyes with a smirk as if he is joking but the look in his eye tells seriousness.

“It’s plenty easy, ya see I got myself 4.”

“FOUR?’” I question with astonishment. Like that is an accomplishment, anyways. That is just too much.

“What do you need 4 for?”

“Well, they all seemed to love me, and I couldn’t choose so I picked all of them,” he said with a large grin on his face.

He cannot be serious.

“Ok, ok, we are getting off of topic. The main thing is, I need a cook. That is all. Do you know of anyone looking for hire?”

“Nah mate but I can ask around for ya if you’d like.”

“Alright meet me back here when the bell strikes 10.”

He nods and I hitch myself back onto the horse and ride further through the market. I look around to see if there are anyone holding signs or anything that signals to being a cook for someone else. Examining more into the area I see I look out of place with Brandywine marching which other people are simply strolling from stand to stand. So, I hitch him up near a nice old lady that aid she would watch and feel him for (insert money name here) Now, I am walking my way through the market. It is easier to see from this view that up high on a horse, so in that instance, leaving Brand wine to rest was a good idea. Still searching for any signs of a wanted cook, I see a tent which looks very off putting compared to the rest of its surroundings. I walk in cautiously as I am met with a frail looking lady that wears a silk, multicolored robe and silver brittle hair. In front of her, was a shiny clouded glass ball, which I could not see the contents of, Now, my father warned me about these types of people, that they just scam you out of your money and go, but to hell with my father, I’m beyond intrigued.

“Hi deary,” the woman said in a raspy little voice, “would you like to ponder into your future for (currency)?”

“Sure, what have I got to lose?” I take a seat and stare confusingly at the lady as she rotates her hands around the now glowing glass ball and whispering words.

“I see, a girl, sweet and kind, very youthful. She’s picking flowers, ah yes, she is a childish one.”

“What does this have anything to do with me?” I ask, now thinking if this was worth my time or money,

“Be patient,” she said in a bit of an attitude,” let me finish.” I sit back, still slightly unamused as I let her go on.

“She is in a garden, with a mix of red, yellow, and orange leaves. And you are there with her. You are both happy. You are laughing as she smiles.”

Now I am immersed. How does she know what my garden looks like? Who is this girl that she keeps going on about?

“Who is she, what does she look like?” I question in extreme curiosity.

“Ehen,” she says while holding out her hand. I place more coins into it as I lean in for her to explain.

“She has fair skin, and burgundy hair, and blue eyes.” She says.

“Ok, what is her name?” I ask desperately.

“That is something for you to find out” she grins looking down.

“What do you want, more money? Horses? I can give you anything”

“I’m sorry but I’m not going to take a man’s money if I don’t have all the answers, but I trust in you to find her. Treat her well Pluto”

How does she know my name? Dark magic? I need to get out of here. “Well thank you for the, reading? I have to go meet my friend now he’s probably waiting,” I smile, nervously at her before hurriedly walking out of the tent. I rush away from that weird lady’s place and bump into a big figure.

“Whachu inna rush for, mate?’’ Milo says with a female to his side. “This is Vanessa and she is a great cook and she doesn’t charge much. You’re welcome” He grins. What could I ever do without him. I thank him and lead Vanessa to Brandywine so we can return to the castle. When we approach the hole, she is a bit hesitant but I assure her she won’t be harmed, she will just be limited access to Earth. She’s a quiet one. Doesn’t speak, just observes her surroundings. She doesn’t look like the girl the old hag described though. She has dark brown hair and tanned skin with emerald green eyes.

“Were here.”

“Oh, it’s…nice,” she says looking around. She eyes the diamond and ruby bushes and her mood seems to perk up a bit.

“It’s your pay. Take as much as you like,” I say so she doesn’t have to ask. I show her around the castle and ask for what she needs. Then, finally, she’s cooking and I’m laying on the bed. What was that old lady talking about? Who was that girl? I think as I look out the window. I can still see the stars from down here, very fascinating indeed. I am staring at the window as I smell an aroma of cabbage stew with lamb and pita bread. Oh, how I missed actual food. I fix myself up, then walk down the stairs and get ready to eat. Vanessa places the food in front of me an starts to walk away.

“Where are you going?” I say in a bit of a stern tone. She looks at me, terrified. “Sorry, sorry, I meant why are u leaving? Come eat with me,” I say trying to smile and not scare her away.

“O-ok.” She was a bit hesitant but still prepared her plate and took a seat across from me at the table. It was a silent dinner, so I ask,

“Do you feel lonely here? Would you like to have other people working here or something so you are not bored?” She looks up at me as if I killed a man. I try to relate to her but she is so quiet, it’s impossible!

“Yeah, I-I mean yes sir,” she says looking down at her trembling fingers in her lap.

“That settles it,” I say as I get up form the table,”Tomorrow we will find you a few workmates. This space needed a use anyways” She looks up at me once again then looks back down but this time with a small grin. Finally, I got to her.

It’s nighttime now and Vanessa is asleep. I walk by her bedroom door and see her curled up with blankets. I smile as I walk away to my own room. As I am on my way, I pass a few other rooms that were vacant, but once I passed one, I saw something on the bed. I take a step back and peer into the now occupied room. There is a girl, or young woman, sitting on the bed staring out the window. I can’t see her face but her hair is a crimson red, and frail peachy hands. Could it be? I slowly enter the room and inch my hand closer and closer to her shoulder to get a look at her face. We are now side by side when she turns her head slowly to me, softly smiling. Blue eyes. It’s the girl that the old lady was talking about. What is she doing here though? I reach to touch her face when she dispersed into the air. What was that? I walk back to my room, staring at the ceiling, wondering why was that girl there? And what was that ghost like, dream thing? It all didn’t make any sense. I doze off int sleep still thinking. My mind racing with thoughts.

The next day I hire some other employees, some butlers maids and guards, not like anyone would come and attack but still nice for the workers to feel safe And all was well, until one of the guards notified me that there was someone trying to open the bush that is the entrance to the underworld. Me and a few of the guards got on our horses and open up the trapdoor to see, the girl that was in the fortune and the room in my castle. I was amazed, she was real. I go up to touch her face to se if she was really real or just my imagination but then she jolted back, obviously because I’m a stranger.

“Sorry. Let me introduce myself. I’m Pluto,” I say hoping I didn’t mess that future for us up.

“Hi,”she says coyly looking down, “I’m Persopina.”


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    KGWritten by Khadidja Garba

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