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The Philosopher King of Lemuria

Philosophical Metaphysical Discourse

By Joseph Antony BracamontePublished 3 years ago Updated 3 years ago 11 min read

The king of Lemuria was deemed a Philosopher King by the people of Lemuria and they always gave way in their lives to entertain the various peculiarities of the Philosopher King. On one particular occasion he demanded that everyone in Lemuria wear white for a Festival of Purity, he argued that the purity of white was necessary for the demands of the festival and insisted everyone should wear white to honor this momentous occasion.

When the Festival of Purity came the King wore black and he was not alone in his wearing black as many of the people of Lemuria also decided to wear black. Many also wore white and in the mists of the celebration there was much confusion.

The Philosopher King quickly roused the attention of the people in his direction and addressed Lemuria “The Festival of Purity we were to celebrate today required an emphasis on purity that we were to address by wearing garments of white as white is the color of light and represents that which we can see, there is purity in our vision therefore I deem white to be a pure representation of purity. Yet I wore black, the color of dark, which represents that which we cannot see and here I find purity also as the vision we cannot see shapes the one we can see.

So we see, people of Lemuria, that everyone dressed today in the color of purity, but as there was an unspoken choice in the matter a decision was made necessary and with it much thought was also required. White was presented as a representative for purity and all had to judge as to whether this was so. Some felt what could be seen to be pure and some felt what couldn’t be seen pure, together we form a pure vision of reality.”

Then the Philosopher King of Lemuria was asked “Do the ancestors see us?”

The King of Lemuria answered “Indeed they do see us, it is they who make us feel unwell when we act unwell, this is more evident in personal matters and affairs of the heart. In our professional matters we have the leading edge as it is we who are living the moment that is cutting the edge of our material existence; the ancestors are close behind and here too they may make us feel bad or not…”

Then the Philosopher King of Lemuria was asked “Don’t the ancestors ever make us feel good?”

The King of Lemuria answered “The ancestors are wise and know that it is best for each of us to build our own paradise; here too they are with us and share in any joy we find.”

Then the Philosopher King of Lemuria was asked “Why is there so much negative energy in our environment?”

The King of Lemuria answered “There is an abundance of negative energy that is beginning to become alarming and I believe that I do know its root. It stems from the scientists that are splitting the atom, the atom is a Sphere, it is the sacred element that makes up the matter we occupy. The sphere is the essential feminine that gave birth to us all and we are destroying it.

There is a name and a purpose to this act of venom directed towards that which is our very source as we are all made up of these atoms that are being destroyed. Its name is resentment and its purpose is revenge as only one who does not accept what they are would administer such a hurtful crime against what is in very essence its own essence. These scientists remove themselves from life and apply death to all they see with their hypothesis and their conclusions.

This very act of splitting the atom is the very essence of evil spreading a negative vibration to all that occupies our lives, but there is a reason these scientists have forsaken life, life is hard. We come into it with no previous recollection to quickly learn that it ends in death whereby we know not what is on the other side. To make matters worse we must kill to survive as we must all eat, whether it be plant or animal that we kill one or the other or both must die so that we can go on. These are harsh conditions that may cause the resentment leading to the condition of heartlessness shared by scientists today.

It may seem farfetched that such a basic factor be the cause of the little feeling these scientists have towards life, but generally it is these unseen basic factors that govern our actions. Only a force unseen as the influence of our basic conditions can twist a mind to not see life in all that surrounds us.

It is when our understanding of these basic harsh conditions of life is lacking that they go unseen and produce the evil that has plagued humanity for eons. It is only when there is awareness of our harsh conditions that terms can be come to, life can be bearable and the evil avoided. At our present time we are unaware of our harsh conditions and they have spread to every level of our carnal existence enableling these scientists to split the atom, a Sphere, the most sacred symbol of femininity that makes up material existence.”

Then the Philosopher King of Lemuria was asked “Is the Earth a Sphere?”

The King of Lemuria answered “Yes the Earth is a Sphere, but only when she is still and as the scientists would point out she spins and moves around the Sun, this alters her shape and while in motion she is not a perfect Sphere.

But in her existence, probably at the moment of her conception, she was still and a perfect Sphere. She was endowed with the grace of a Sphere and she could see all possibility within three dimensions. This state produced her movement as with the view of all possibility she found her purpose and moves with it.”

Then the Philosopher King of Lemuria was asked “How can we know our true purpose?”

The King of Lemuria answered “Everyone who is born a mammal knows their true purpose when they come together at the moment when the sperm penetrates the ovum. The ovum produced by the female is a perfect Sphere and is also endowed with the grace of a Sphere. When we exist as the ovum penetrated by the sperm we can see all possibility within three dimensions and we know our true purpose. To reach this moment one must lay still and let all the possibility within three dimensions reach you.”

Then the Philosopher King of Lemuria was asked “If we become still will we become like a Sphere and see all possibility within three dimensions?”

The King of Lemuria answered “When the Sphere meditates it seeks to become one with Brahman, the Pure Formless Energy of Consciousness that makes up all that exists. We all come from what the Hindu called Brahman, Taoists interpreted as the Tao, Buddhists referred to it in their Sutra of Innumerable Meanings and the Hebrew mystics called Keter.

In more recent times it has been referred to as the Ether by the Renaissance Hermeticists. The Sphere is the Ethers greatest student and became the first form to exist, so in answer to your question, yes, the more still we become the more like a Sphere do we become.”

Then the Philosopher King of Lemuria was asked “Should we meditate on Brahman or should we meditate on the Sphere?”

The King of Lemuria answered “Brahman is all things, yet we have Form, this is the wondrous mystery of our existence. I have stated that the First Form is the Sphere, how can this be is another mystery. Somehow the Pure Formless Energy of Consciousness that is Brahman condensed in its self awareness to form a perfect Sphere and this Sphere maintained its density creating the First Form. The Sphere is the closest thing to Brahman and if you can meditate like a Sphere you have done well. A Sphere faces every direction in three dimensions at once, it is aware of all possibility in an instant.”

Then the Philosopher King of Lemuria was asked “What about thoughts, are thoughts made up of Spheres?

The King of Lemuria answered “Thoughts are energy, but not formless energy. The scientists have discovered Quantum Particles, these Spheres are the smallest thing we know, these particles have the ability to disappear from our awareness completely, become undetectable to us and then reappear. It is the closest we have perceived to Brahman, I say that the waves of energy that are our thoughts are made up of these Quantum Particles.”

Then the Philosopher King of Lemuria was asked “Is everything made of Spheres?”

The King of Lemuria answered “I believe that all form in existence is either a Sphere or made up of Spheres. I believe that if the scientists ever see the makeup of these Quantum particles they will find more Spheres so tiny that they are currently undetectable. No matter how small you go there will always be smaller and smaller Spheres with forces uniting them made up of even smaller Spheres.”

Then the Philosopher King of Lemuria was asked “What is Lemuria?”

The King of Lemuria answered “Lemuria is the Realm of Spheres where some of the people decide by what they can see and some of the people decide by what they can’t see.”

Then the Philosopher King of Lemuria was asked “Who are you oh Philosopher King of Lemuria?”

The King of Lemuria answered “I am he who answers questions, my success being measured by whether you ask me another question.”

Then the Philosopher King of Lemuria was asked “What is the value of certainty?”

The King of Lemuria answered “The only certainty there is, is in the union of all things as the Pure Formless Energy of Consciousness that is Brahman. As things come closer to one another their harmony increases.”

Then the Philosopher King of Lemuria was asked “What is Formlessness?”

The King of Lemuria answered “Formlessness is the absence of everything we know and can see and the absence of everything we don’t know and can’t see leaving only consciousness in its pure Form of emptiness, of Formlessness. All things are united in Formlessness.”

Then the Philosopher King of Lemuria was asked “What is form?”

The King of Lemuria answered “Form began with the Sphere and all that is Form is either a Sphere or made up of Spheres.”

Then the Philosopher King of Lemuria was asked “What is it to be King or Queen?”

The King of Lemuria answered “To be King or Queen is to be chosen by the unseen forces as an example of what is to be seen. One becomes the center point of their environment and all that surrounds is attentive to collaborate in any effort this King or Queen were to put into effect. It works best, according to Lao Tzu, when the King or Queen feels their subjects as they feel their own body.”

Then the Philosopher King of Lemuria was asked “What is enlightenment?”

The King of Lemuria answered “Enlightenment is not an easy thing to achieve, it is the place where all that exists is unified in the Pure Formless Energy of Consciousness that is Brahman. To be in this place there must be a total lack of Form, a total insubstantialness to being where you lack even the notion of substance, you doubt all that exists. Generally enlightenment is something that you can get close to and not become as it is very difficult to exist in a world of Form doubting all Form.”

Then the Philosopher King of Lemuria was asked “Is it possible to find enlightenment through the Sphere?”

The King of Lemuria answered “The more of existence that you doubt, the more possibility you will see. If you can get close to seeing all possibility you can get close to a Sphere. The Sphere is the closest thing to the Pure Formless Energy of Consciousness that is Brahman, seeing all possibility is the closest thing to Formlessness.”

Then the Philosopher King of Lemuria was asked “Is it possible to achieve enlightenment without doubting?”

The King of Lemuria answered “When you doubt something you fail to recognize its Form, when you fail to recognize Form you come closer to seeing all its possibility within its Formlessness. The less Form there is the more possibility exists, within the Pure Formless Energy of Consciousness that is Brahman there is infinite possibility.”

Then the Philosopher King of Lemuria was asked “Is Form a bad thing?”

The King of Lemuria answered “Form is manifested possibility, once the possibility is manifested it can be no other possibility. Form is as good or as bad as its way of relating with other form and in this manor is its way of relating to the great mystery of the Pure Formless Energy of Consciousness that is Brahman that gave birth to all Form with its infinite possibility.”

Written by

Joseph Antony Bracamonte


About the Creator

Joseph Antony Bracamonte

My writing is explorative, it seeks out the chaotic to find the hidden order.

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