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The Orbital Hospital


By Ocusan MPublished about a year ago ā€¢ Updated about a year ago ā€¢ 7 min read
Floating in its lunar resin, a silent moon revolves holds a new rotating ring

The Orbital Hospital Wheel took a Century to build in One Hundred Years of Space Architecture. The inner hub was functional after a year, adding each segment piece by piece making it a wheel of spinning glory. The year was 2123 where spectators could view its spectacular sight with any internet connection. Intergalactic air ambulances carrying patients, medics & physicians to and from the wheel could also be seen. The low gravity gave a higher quality of operating with floating surgery becoming a elaborate science. Elated Doctors & nurses moved as if in a floating ballet while the wheel turned making its flight around the moon. The rotating sphere remained always on the bright side of the moon as it traveled around at the same speed of a lunar day. It was a sunlit spectacle where giant shades were pulled if too intense. Medical miracles were made, the elderly experiencing lunar walks in weightlessness giving hope to the crippled. Healing underneath a dome of restoration ensured a pain free recovery. The moon pool used for rehabilitation as well as baptism was described as silk water, the atmospheric water vapors lived and moved as a warm silk cocoon.

The uniform of the physicians is a white pants suit with a protective mask. The wheel was a safe haven that maintained a halo around antibodies of alien substances that sheltered them with airlocks. Upon entering, one must be disinfected by removing all garments, then to be cleansed with dry ice that sprayed from air vents. The purifying room, it was called, reminding some of astronauts going into a depressurized air stream tank. With new medical attire, a Physician could then embark upon discovering new advancements in medicine. The most valuable advancement was the Oceanography Department. Top focus was given to the Starfish as a Queen Starfish was grown as she is the only creature known to science who can regenerate its body. She gives lifeā€™s secrets to amputees, giving them the ability to regenerate their limbs. It truly was a breakthrough in the medical world, along with the Seahorseā€™s who were also grown to giant size. They gave the ability for males to spawn a child inside their wombs, as it is the male Seahorse who gives birth after mating. Jellyfish gave hope to diabetics giving their ink as natural insulin, the only setback was it glowed fluorescent inside the body.

The newest advancement was a machine that became controversial not only within the medical profession but also with the holy nuns who maintained hospital order. They were following up on the new device and invited to a briefing on the mechanics of the discovery. The scientist explained.. This here is a Organic device that we named, Fantastic Voyage, as it contains a power that can shrink a crewed vessel to enter a body for internal surgery. When the nuns heard this their beliefs were somewhat scrambled. How can this be? They sisters were assembled in the auditorium while the scientist stood in the center floor. Allow me to demonstrate..A side stage curtain lifted up revealing a miniature submarine. He carried over the device to the mini sub and pointed it to its structure. It projected a photo plasma of lasers that slowly shrunk the sub. It was still visible being small enough for the scientist to pick it up for a closer view. Showing it within the palm of his hand to the nuns. What is it used for? The sisters wanted to know. He then further explained that when covered with a organic sea gel it could be injected into a swimming body of liquid. Then the liquid mass could be fed intravenously into the patient to move to a infected area for treatment. The nuns were in disbelief shaking their heads as it sounded too dangerous to allow. We need to proceed right away, we have a elderly ambassador who is nearing her death who desires this operative procedure. Have you practiced on anyone? We have experience with volunteered war vets with successful results. How does it work, and how do they become large again? The sisters were still quite alarmed. We had no idea we would stumble on this device. Itā€™s rather alchemical in a way. Let me inform you of its history..

During a excavation in 1936 a 2000 year old secret was discovered. The nuns eyes widen even more. Tell us the secret! Outside the lunar window one could feel the rotating wheel gently rocking them. A clay jar was dug up that when examined held what appeared to be a ancient crystal tubed battery. The battery was made of copper and the jar still contained vinegar. The ancient jar also held another device they named a ascension grid that was a pyramid that created energy movement within the wired crystal. There was also a gold plated heart shaped Ruby stone that had remnants of uranium that we think illuminated the battery. We think it could have been used by shamans or healers. The nuns looked even more perturbed. Is the secret within the heart? We are not sure, I can say it was found within a ruined temple, buried within its walls as it must have been sacred as it burns a fire allowing it to be a metaphysical phenomenon. A hand held heart that can alter a form created by the crystal as it melts physical properties connected to disease. Think of the copper battery as the tinder, the pyramid and heart as the flint. Itā€™s a healing device then, why would anyone want to shrink a patient? They did not, we found when adding refractive mirrors and replacing the crystal with a laser that it bended it, causing a enact object to shrink. How can it restore what it has shrunken?Can you restore the submarine? By switching the added refactor button to reverse, it will restore. He sat the mini sub down firing on its empty shell. It morphed a blurry aura of spacial dust around the mini sub sparking from the magical invention. When the submarine regained its form, all were overwhelmed that it convinced them to allow the procedure. How can the crew inside not feel what is taking place? How do they emerge from the body? The Medical Chief spoke up. The field of internal medicine is a intricate science as we found the energy grid itself keeps them intact. Their bodies become smaller and donā€™t feel a thing since they are miniatures as dolls in dollhouse. The sisters wanted to learn more. Mother Superior clutched her rosary at the thought of becoming doll size. Once they have completed the procedure, they emerge from the threshold of the eye in a teardrop while the body in the operation theater is surrounded by enlarged magnifying glass where the tear can be visible. Please Sisters, we invite you to observe the operation upon the ambassador so that you can see for yourself the merging of ancient science with modern.

The following week the patient was prepared for the endeavor. Above on the balcony sat the sisters ready to observe the innovative operation. While the patient was put under anesthesia, the submarine crew of two surgeons entered the craft. The device turned on ever so slowly as the vessel became smaller and smaller allowing the craft to move carefully into a iv bag then disappearing into the body. The patient stirred as she did feel the insertion. It spooked the sisters from her jilt, as a nurse insured that it was a normal reaction. They were directed to watch a viewing screen above that indicated by inferred where they were located on a outline of the body. The Medical Chief announced they were moving through the blood stream headed for the spinal cord. He explained that their was no need to leave the sub as itā€™s robotic arms would do the bone knitting to help the osteoporosis. The blood stream was a strong current of a River of blue since blood only turns red when contacting oxygen. Protoplasm drifted in blobs in bubble forms as they moved past the beating heart and exhaling lungs. All were silent and their was no radio contact whatsoever. They did have a outside camera where interns, Doctors & nurses could view the operation on a above screen. After traveling through a canal of blood vessels, they skeleton structure of her spine became visible. The medics inside began to solder synthetic acrylic paste to each cracked bone fragment, mending it into a almost new looking bone. The coating was strong enough to allow the patient to walk without constant pain. The job was well maneuvered as she had no cancerous antibodies to destroy, she was a doll in the factory of medical science. They drifted back up to the heart where they had medical capabilities to insert a pacemaker or replace a organ. This operation did not require this and was only for bone mending. The journey was over quickly as the submarine was nuclear powered. They were now floating in the duct of the eye. The auditorium of physicians waited in silence as they surfaced. The mini sub began to rise under the beam of the giant laser. The medic surgeons stepped out to a applauding room. It was a lunar success for the Orbital Hospital.

The next day the patient sat up in her room full of flowers. Her completion had changed from pale and withered to a glowing radiance. She was able to stand as she cried tears of relief. Congratulations Ambassador, you were a outstanding patient. The team of surgeons and sisters were proud of their work of creating Medical History. It was recorded by the written fact that her involvement had changed the Medical field and advanced its healing science by one hundred percent. That was also how old she lived to be, One hundred years thanks to Lunar Medicine.

science fictionspace

About the Creator

Ocusan M

I write in a surrealistic style learning new realities as i researched Quantum physics in Quantum Dreaming where the man had a Quantum computer in his home that could see into the future.

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    Ocusan MWritten by Ocusan M

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