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The Mass UFO sighting in Ancient Egypt

The Tulli Papirus Ufo Sighting

By Cosmic SecretsPublished 13 days ago 6 min read

The fascination with unidentified flying objects (UFOs) is not a modern phenomenon. Throughout history, there have been numerous accounts of mysterious objects in the sky, many of which predate the invention of flight by millennia.

The Tulli Papyrus document has intrigued historians and UFO enthusiasts for years. It is believed to be an account of a massive UFO encounter that took place during the reign of Pharaoh Thutmose III in ancient Egypt. The papyrus was named after Alberto Tulli, director of the Vatican Museum's Egyptian section, who reportedly came across the document in a Cairo antique shop in 1933. Although the original document was too expensive for Tulli to purchase, he made a copy, which was later transcribed from the original hieratic script into hieroglyphs. Some have questioned the document's authenticity due to the transcription process, which introduced opportunities for error and embellishment. Despite concerns regarding its authenticity, the Tulli Papyrus has been cited as one of the earliest known records of what could be described as a fleet of flying saucers. The text describes a celestial event witnessed by Pharaoh Thutmose III, where "circles of fire" filled the sky. Although the papyrus is incomplete, it has been translated. It suggests that this event left the royal scribes and witnesses in awe.

The alleged UFO encounter described in the Tulli Papyrus would have occurred during the reign of Thutmose III, a significant period in ancient Egypt's history. Thutmose III ruled Egypt during the 18th dynasty from approximately 1479 to 1425 BC, a time often referred to as Egypt's imperial age. This era was marked by military conquests and the empire's expansion, as well as great wealth, artistic achievement, and architectural innovation. The construction of numerous temples and monuments, many of which still stand today, was a testament to the prosperity and cultural richness of the time. The ancient Egyptians, with their emphasis on celestial events and their belief in the gods' communication through the stars and planets, meticulously recorded astronomical occurrences. These records were often interpreted as omens or messages from the divine.

The Tulli Papyrus is the center of debates about extraterrestrial encounters and ancient Egypt. The papyrus describes "circles of fire" that appeared in the sky during the reign of Pharaoh Thutmose III. This account could be evidence of a genuine UFO sighting. In contrast, others argue that it is merely a work of fiction. Those who support the idea that the Tulli Papyrus is an accurate account of an ancient encounter with the unknown point out that the ancient Egyptians were knowledgeable astronomers. They had a sophisticated understanding of the heavens and often precisely documented celestial events. Therefore, it is unlikely that they would mistake a common astronomical phenomenon for something as extraordinary as the event described in the papyrus.

Furthermore, the emotional response of the witnesses, as recorded in the papyrus, adds a human element to the UFO sighting. The witnesses, including the royal scribes, were reportedly in awe and fear, a reaction that could be consistent with encountering something beyond their understanding or experience. This emotional response could indicate the event's authenticity. Moreover, the level of detail provided in the Tulli Papyrus is unusual for typical mythological storytelling. The description of multiple objects, their motion, and their effect on the observers could suggest that the scribe was attempting to record an actual event as accurately as possible. However, skeptics point out that the Tulli Papyrus is not an original document but a transcription, which means there is potential for errors or embellishments to have been introduced.

The Tulli Papyrus remains an enduring enigma, whether it describes a genuine UFO sighting or is simply a product of myth and legend. It continues to capture the imagination and invites us to ponder the mysteries of the past. The document challenges us to keep an open mind about the possibilities of human experience and the vast, uncharted territories of our ancient heritage. The truth may be lost to the sands of time. Still, the story endures, a testament to humanity's eternal quest to understand the universe and our place within it.

Let us delve into a fascinating journey exploring notable UFO sightings from antiquity.

The Phantasmal Ships of Rome

In 218 BC, the Roman historian Livy recorded prodigies in the winter sky during the buildup to the Second Punic War, including "phantom ships that had been seen gleaming in the sky." This description aligns eerily with modern reports of UFOs, suggesting that even in ancient times, people witnessed phenomena that defied explanation.

The Spark of Pliny

Pliny the Elder, a Roman author and naturalist, described an event in 76 BC in which a spark fell from a star and grew as it descended, eventually appearing as large as the Moon before ascending back into the heavens. This account bears a striking resemblance to modern descriptions of UFOs changing size and shape.

The Wine-Jar Flames of Phrygia

In 73 BC, the Roman army, commanded by Lucullus, was about to engage Mithridates VI of Pontus when "the sky burst asunder, and a huge, flame-like body was seen to fall between the two armies," described by Plutarch as being shaped like a wine jar. Such an event would undoubtedly be classified as a UFO sighting today.

The Celestial Chariots of Judea

Flavius Josephus, a Romano-Jewish historian, reported seeing chariots "hurtling through the clouds" in the skies of Judea around AD 65, before the First Jewish–Roman War. These celestial chariots could be interpreted as ancient depictions of alien spacecraft.

The Silver Rain of Rome

In AD 196, the historian Cassius Dio recounted a "fine rain resembling silver" that descended from a clear sky upon the Forum of Augustus in Rome. He claimed this substance temporarily plated bronze coins, only to vanish days later. This phenomenon, called "angel hair," is often associated with modern UFO sightings.

The Airships of Clonmacnoise

In the annals of Irish history, entries from around AD 740 describe "ships with their crews were seen in the air" over Ireland. These accounts from the Ulster, Tigernach, Clonmacnoise, and the Four Masters annals suggest aerial phenomena that defy conventional explanation.

While varied in detail and geography, these ancient accounts share common themes with modern UFO sightings. They describe unexplainable objects and events in the sky, invoking wonder and fear in those who witnessed them. Whether these were early encounters with extraterrestrial visitors, natural phenomena misinterpretations, or myths and legends, they contribute to the rich tapestry of human history and our quest to understand the unknown.

As we continue to gaze upward, the stories of ancient skies remind us that the mystery of UFOs is not a new curiosity but a timeless intrigue that spans the history of civilization. What were our ancestors witnessing? Were they visitors from distant worlds or something else entirely? The answers may be lost to time, but the legacy of these sightings endures, fueling our imagination and our desire to explore the cosmos

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About the Creator

Cosmic Secrets

I specialize in writing and researching about history and ufology If you enjoy my work and would like to support me, you can visit my Patreon page. You will gain access to exclusive, content that I create.

Ancient Cosmic Secrets.

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  • Flamance @ lit.9 days ago

    Awesome story I like it congratulations 🎉🎉

  • Andrea Corwin 13 days ago

    Yes, indeed: a timeless intrigue that spans the history of civilization. I have never heard of that Papyrus, so thanks for writing this! I wonder, if there were so many more prominent sightings, and of course the Egyptians were advanced; why did the sightings of that kind stop - our increased war powers? I know there are more in modern times but they don't seem like the ones from thousands of years ago. Mysteries abound!

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