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The Magic of Archetypes for Manifestation, Guidance, and Psychic Protection

In order to make your dreams a reality, you'll need to identify the archetypes that best represent your aspirations

By Driven MindsetPublished 2 years ago 3 min read

Visualization is a powerful tool for creating the blueprint for your wishes on the astral realm so that they might materialize in the actual world. The use of archetypes to imprint the matrix of creation is simpler if you are a very creative person or someone who has taken the time to acquire the talent of precise vision.

A universal symbol, an archetype is a template that may be applied to any event or phenomena in the world as a whole. In the collective mind of mankind, there are energy blueprints that may be traced back.

It is difficult to translate these symbols into spoken communication since they are the language of the higher, non-physical levels and their deeper meanings are concealed in the subconscious. Since when has it been difficult to recall your dreams, even when they appeared close at hand or on the periphery of your consciousness?

Archetypal symbols may be used to activate universal patterns on the astral plane, which in turn can produce the matrix on which your wishes can take form. The wise elderly guy, the buxom mother figure, and the armed warrior are all examples of potent trigger imagery that may be used to motivate people.

In order to make your dreams a reality, you'll need to identify the archetypes that best represent your aspirations. Archetypes are particularly useful in times of crisis, such as when attempting to create a train connection or asking psychic protection.

It is possible to build the life you choose by using the universal symbols listed below:

You may go from one place to another by using a BRIDGE! A mental image of a bridge, for example, might strengthen your energy connection to your ideal home or holiday destination.

Archetype: A SHIELD is a guardian figure. Imagination is the only limit when it comes to customizing this picture to meet the needs of any given circumstance requiring security.

If you're trying to get to the bottom of an issue or get over bureaucratic red tape, a SWORD may be a useful metaphor. Because of its evident destructive potential, the SWORD archetype MUST BE USED ONLY BY PEOPLE WHO ARE READY TO DEAL WITH THE SIGNIFICANT KARMIC CONSEQUENCES.

Archetypes may be used in an infinite number of ways. So, if this method of manifesting intrigues you, you could choose to invest in an archetypal dictionary or a symbol book.

Although archetypes do need some visualization, you may greatly ease your job by gathering existing images of symbols that you may wish to employ. Many of these photographs may be found on the internet, but if you don't have access to a color printer, magazines are a better chance for finding color images.

Consider adding images of legendary and historical heroes and heroines in your search for compelling, clear imagery of archetypes. Hermes (messenger of the gods), for example, may deliver a message of good fortune to your door, or Hercules (a demi-god) could provide you with the power and protection needed for a difficult task.

Imagination is the limit when it comes to the applications of archetypes. With the global significance of an archetype in mind, you may create a ritual to energise it with ease.

Archetypal symbolism frequently gives amulets and talismans their magical power. The deeper, subconscious connotations that might be gleaned from particular symbols may not be readily apparent to the conscious mind.

Natural phenomena such as leaf patterns on the ground or cloud formations are familiar to shamans, who have a natural ability to discern energy patterns and symbols. Having learned that the cosmos is never quiet, these tribal sages utilize the universal signs and signals surrounding them to provide wisdom and direction.

The interpretation of archetypes is at the heart of the majority of divination methods used today. As an example, the Tarot cards' major arcana (picture cards) convey universal meaning.

Due to their inherent encoding as matrix language, archetypes have a significant advantage when manifesting. As a result, you would merely be activating the pre-existing resonance between the archetypal sign and its pre-existing meaning.


About the Creator

Driven Mindset

Motivations & Inspirations For All Sort Of Daily Living Encounters

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