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The Lone Vampire

By Jessica Kimball

By Jessica Julianna KimballPublished 3 years ago 13 min read
The Lone Vampire
Photo by DDP on Unsplash

The Lone Vampire

    Once there lived an immortal that had never stayed with anyone even when human. She had always traveled on her own moving to a new town every four years having a new home each time. She liked this town because it was somewhat separate from everyone else besides the tribal land that was near it and it also was always cloudy with a slight chance of sun. She knew that this town would not be any different than the others and that she would have to leave sooner or later. She always had to move before questions were asked about her and why she was not aging over time. One year she moved to a little town called Williams Village.

    On her first day she walked into the office and up  to a teenage boy and asked, "Where might I go to get my schedule?" The boy turned to face her and she watched as he stared at her. He shook his head and asked, "What is your name?" She looked at him questionably saying, "My name is Carlen Sapphire." He looked through a pile of papers and pulled out one. He put it in front of her and  then grabbed a map of the school for her. She looked at the map and asked him, "Can you show me where my first class is?" He smiled and said, "Sure you have the same schedule as me." She smiled and asked, "What is your name then?" He looked at her and smiled saying, "My name is Caleb Huntington." She looked at him and smiled.

    Caleb looked at the girl that was smiling at him and then looked at her in a bigger picture. He noticed that he had agreed to show her to all of their classes and said, "Let's head to our class then shall we." She walked on as if she was always in the lead to the point he had to run to catch up to her. He liked how she looked just magnificent while she walks with all of his schoolmates. He saw her as the most beautiful person in the school. He took her to the teacher and said, "Mr. Heckling, this is our new classmate Carlen Sapphire."

    Carlen watched as Caleb walked up to the teacher and told him her name then walked to his seat as the teacher came up to her. She said, "Hello my name is Carlen." The teacher responded, "Hello my name is Mr. Hecklings. This is the textbook you are going to need and you can get the notes from one of your classmates." She looked up and heard the teacher ask, "Now who will copy their notes for our new classmate?" She looked around and saw that all the boys in the room raised their hands. She walked over to a boy that said his name was Anthony. She watched the girl sitting next to Caleb argue with him about raising his hand. She smiled and throughout the class saw that Caleb watched her every move. The bell rang for them to head to their next class as all the boys crowded around her, she saw Caleb being pulled out by the girl.

    At lunchtime Carlen only bought a drink for lunch and then found a corner of the cafeteria. She watched people go to their friends and heard them talking about her, which she just shrugged off. She found Caleb and the girl so she focused in on their conversation wanting to know why the chick disliked her so much. She heard Caleb say, "Why did you pull me out of all my classes before I could see Carlen?" The girl said, "I pulled you out cause you were going to act just like the other guys and you're my boyfriend." Caleb said, "I would not. I promised her that I would guide her to her classes." The girl said, "You promised what to that new girl?" Caleb said, "You are being unreasonable. She is a very nice girl and you do not even know her plus we broke up a month ago so stop acting like I am still yours." She watched as he got up and started to walk over to her. She smiled and asked, "Is everything okay, you do not look too happy?" He smiled and sat right next to her.

    Caleb asked, "May I sit with you?" She looked at him saying, "Yeah you can sit there. Who was that girl that was yelling at you?" He looked over his shoulder as he said, "She is my ex-girlfriend, her name is Carina." She looked at the girl that was glaring at Caleb and then started to drink her soda. She noticed that Carina was glaring at him throughout lunch. When they were done with their lunches, Caleb asked, "Would you like me to show you the school?" She looked at him and said, "Sure if you would like." Caleb smiled and replied, "It would be my pleasure." At that time, a group of boys stepped forward and to her it seemed that the biggest boy was the leader.

    Carlen watched as the boy walked up to her and asked "What is your name, new kid?" She was frozen until she heard Caleb say, "Her name is Carlen, Gabriel." Gabriel then looked at Caleb and said, "What are you doing with her?" Caleb looked like he was truly scared of this boy. She spoke up for herself and said, "He was going to show me around school since this is my first day at this school." She did not like how this boy was talking to her or to Caleb. She crossed her arms and said, "So what is it to you? Why are you against him showing me around school?"

    Caleb looked at the girl that was challenging his alpha as if it was just a little fight. He then heard Gabriel say, "Meet me after school in the forest behind the school and we will settle this there. Caleb, come now we are leaving." He watched as his brothers walked away. He took one step then felt someone grab his arm. He looked and saw that it was Carlen who was holding his arm. She looked up at him and he saw that she did not want to leave him. Gabriel yelled, "Caleb come that is a command!" He looked back and forth between her and his brothers and slid his arm out of her grasp and said, "I am truly sorry, but I have to go." He started to run over to his brothers when he looked back to see that Carlen had fallen to her knees in pain crying, He went back and put his hand on her shoulder, but she shook it off getting up. He watched as he allowed her to run out of the cafeteria seeing her cry because of pain he caused her, which did not sit well with him.

    Carlen ran to the forest and did not return until school was over. She remembered that she still had that fight after school so she headed towards the school when she ran into the group of boys that she had challenged. Gabriel said, "So you decided to show up." She growled, while looking around and noticing that no one from their school outside of the group was there. This caused her to smile saying, "Bring it on a lot of men have tried to beat me, but couldn't, it will not be any different." She noticed Caleb standing right behind Gabriel and nodded to him when she saw concern in his eyes. She shook her head looking back at Gabriel when he said, "What are you exactly?" She smiled when she ran to his side before he could even blink and said, "I am your worst nightmare."

    Carlen punched him while dodging his punches and ramming her head into his stomach. This caused him to go backwards a few steps and caused him to have hard time breathing. She moved for the final blow and punched him under his chin making him fly into his boys that were gathered behind him. She stood in front of them smiling letting out laughter that she could no longer hold back. She looked at all of the boys saying, "Remember that just because no person could defeat you that was raised here, does not mean that there is no one that can defeat you." She walked forward going down on one knee in front of them putting her hand on Gabriel's leg and started to heal what injuries he had gained from the fight. She turned away and headed for the school's parking lot when she looked back and saw the boys gathering around Gabriel except for Caleb who was watching her.

    Caleb looked at Gabriel and then looked back towards Carlen thinking about how happy he was that she showed Gabriel that he could be defeated. He nodded at Carlen when she looked back at him as he watched her walk over to her motorcycle. He helped get Gabriel into their car and told his brothers, "I will meet you guys back at home." He watched as his brothers left and went over to Carlen saying, "Sorry about my brothers, they are mean sometimes." Carlen flicked her hair into his face saying, "You did not even try to defend me or help me so goodbye boy I never want to see you again." He started to feel defeated when he said, "But Carlen I did try." She looked at him and did a little chuckle saying, "No you did not. I am so out of here."

    Carlen got home going straight to her room crying for hours because of what happened. She did not even notice what time it was when she headed out to hunt. She headed to her meadow that she had found when she first started to hunt around this house. She found the meadow and laid down in the middle of it hoping she could relax for a little bit. She had closed her eyes just to let the time pass when she heard a stick brake. She jumped up and went into a position that she could fight in when she saw seven panthers coming out of the trees. She slowly started to back up, but she was pressed against a row, which caused one of the panthers to slowly start walking up to her. She looked into it's eyes seeing the eyes of the boy Caleb from school. She went down on one knee asking, "Caleb is that you." She looked at the panther at the head of the group when the panther that was in front of her started to back away and bow it's head to the other panther that seemed to be bigger than the rest.

    Caleb bowed his head to Gabriel as he walked up to Carlen when he noticed that Carlen was not scared of any of them. He saw that she would stand her ground and he liked this girl because she has more back bone than any of the girls at their school. He started to notice that something was off with her though, she was different than other girls that also drew him to her. He saw that she still was not running when Gabriel roared right in front of her, this caused him to smile and walk up to Gabriel's side and ask telepathically, "So what do you think? Can she hang with us brother?" Gabriel looked at him nodding his head towards the woods making them all run into the woods and coming back seeing her still waiting by the rock.

    Caleb walked up to her asking, "How did you know the panther was me?" She smiled at him saying, "The panther had the same eyes as you did." He smiled as he looked at Gabriel when Gabriel said, "What are you no human would not be scared of a group of panthers as big as us?" She looked at him then looked at Caleb saying, "That is because I am not human." All the boys looked at her when Caleb asked, "What are you then if you are not human?" She looked at all of their faces and said, "I am what humans call a pure immortal." Gabriel asked her, "What is a pure immortal?" She looked at him saying, "A pure immortal is a person who can live forever and does not age. A pure immortal can also only be made by another pure immortal bleeding into their blood." Gabriel said, "Then we are another type of immortal." She nodded saying, "You are one type of immortal that is able to change back to being mortal if you ever give up your shifting ability and you are born this way not made. Though I do not change into any animals or need anything besides human food to survive on though I do go hunting for my food at times."

    Carlen looked at Caleb who was smiling at her when she said, "Now what do we do?" Gabriel looked at them and then the others saying happily, "We live together as a family," which caused everyone to start cheering. Caleb walked over to Carlen saying, "These are my other brothers Jason, Danny, Mike, Ryan, and Anthony. Gabriel where do we live now our parents can not and will not house all of us they can barely handle the seven of us." Carlen looked at all the boys saying, "We could live at my house I have a bunch of rooms I am not even using you guys can have the rooms." They all looked at her saying together, "You would take all of us in." She nodded at all of them asking, "Do you want to come see my house?" They all nodded so they followed her to her house, which they reached quickly so she showed the boys around it. They liked the house and they all decided that they would all live together as a big family.

    It was the next day when they had to head to school when they noticed they had one to many people for their car. Carlen said, "Why don't we take the motorcycles?" The boys looked at her when she pointed at a bunch of motorcycles she had in her garage. Each of them picked one out and they headed to school as a group. When they got to school they were stared at by all of their schoolmates. She noticed that everyone moved out of their way like they feared them. She looked at Caleb asking, "Why does everyone look like they fear you guys?" He looked at her saying, "They are mostly scared of Gabriel because he protects us from people that would try to hurt us and they notice we are different from them." She looked at Gabriel seeing the older brother that she had when she was a mortal. She asked, "Would you guys like to go exploring the forest tonight?" The guys all said at once, "Yeah!"

    They had dinner then they went to the edge of the forest and decided what direction they would start with. They headed towards the mountains to the north. Caleb watched as Carlen would run and be amazed by the things she was seeing. Then they all stopped right in their tracks. Carlen looked back and noticed that the guys were not moving so she went back asking, "What's wrong?" She did not need them to say it cause she caught the scent of another immortal approaching so she told the guys, "Go hide behind those trees quickly."

    She waited until the so called immortal creature showed himself saying, "Hello Carlen very nice to see you once again after 400 years." She feared that he would figure out about the panthers that she knew he would kill if he found them because he had power over everything and killed those who are stronger than him. She felt his arms go around her waist which caused her to hear Caleb growl while he jumped out of the trees.

    Gabriel tried to grab him before he jumped but he was to quick and was on top of the immortal. He did not like the way this immortal was treating Carlen. He did not understand why she was scared of him when he was flying through the air and hit the trunk of a tree. He opened his eyes to Carlen running over to him and his brothers surrounding them. He felt pain, but at that moment he just wanted to protect Carlen. He got back on his feet and attacked again knowing that he would not live through this, but if Carlen would he would be happy. The immortal hit him again and made him fly against a rock. Caleb knew he was dyeing when he felt Carlen grab hold of him and beg him to come back.

    Carlen watched as Caleb fought for her as she heard Caleb's spine snap and knew he was dyeing. She ran over to him and begged him to come back to her as she felt all the life drain out of him. She got so mad and allowed the rage to turn into death as she attacked her creator grabbing his neck and snap it in two. She felt the life drain out of him as well as she ran back over to Caleb's body dropping the other as she picked him up. All the boys started to surround her and picked up his body carrying him as a group back to the house.

    After the burial was done the group did not go to school for weeks grieving the death of their brother. They were all hurting as Gabriel knew that Carlen would be leaving them soon because she had no reason to stay. He found Carlen on the porch crying as he went over to her. He asked her, "Are you leaving us soon?" She looked up at Gabriel getting up and walking into his arms saying, " I will not be leaving you boys are my family now." He smiled as she snuggled closer to him for comfort as he tightened his grip smiling a little into her hair noticing all the boys had joined them. The boys join the hug and start to comfort each other on the death.


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    JJKWritten by Jessica Julianna Kimball

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