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"The Last Summer

A Coming-of-Age Story"

By Chidalu MbanefoPublished 12 months ago 3 min read
 "The Last Summer
Photo by Gorrin Bel on Unsplash

It was the last summer before everything changed. For high school seniors, it meant freedom from the confines of their hometown and the beginning of a new chapter in their lives. But for best friends, Alex and Maya, it meant the end of an era.

Alex and Maya had grown up together in the small town of Ukukwa, Anambra State, Nigeria. They had been inseparable since they were kids, spending their summers exploring the woods and swimming in the nearby river. But as the summer of 2023 approached, they both knew that their time together was running out.

Alex had been accepted to a prestigious university in the United States, and Maya was going to attend a local college in Nigeria. They were excited for each other's futures, but the thought of being apart was daunting.

As the days of summer dwindled down, Alex and Maya made a bucket list of all the things they wanted to do before they parted ways. They went on a road trip to visit all their favorite childhood spots, they had a bonfire on the beach, and they even snuck into the community pool after hours.

But as the summer drew to a close, their excitement turned to sadness. They knew that they would never have another summer like this again. On the last night before Alex was set to leave for the United States, they sat on Maya's rooftop and looked out at the stars.

"I'm going to miss you," Maya said, her voice cracking.

"I'm going to miss you too," Alex replied, tears welling up in his eyes.

They sat in silence for a few moments, taking in the moment.

"Promise me we'll stay friends," Maya said, breaking the silence.

"Of course," Alex replied, smiling.

They hugged each other tightly, knowing that this was the end of an era, but the beginning of a new chapter in their lives.

As Alex boarded his plane the next day, he knew that he would never forget the last summer he spent with Maya. It was a summer of love, laughter, and memories that would last a lifetime.

Alex's first year in college was a whirlwind of new experiences and challenges. He was excited to be studying at such a prestigious university, but he couldn't help but feel a little lost without Maya by his side. They talked on the phone and texted each other every day, but it wasn't the same as being together in person.

As the year went on, Alex made new friends, joined clubs, and even started dating someone. But no matter how busy he got, he always made time for Maya. They would Skype each other and send each other care packages filled with their favorite snacks and trinkets.

Meanwhile, Maya was having a great time at her local college. She had made new friends and was enjoying her classes. But she missed Alex terribly. She missed their long talks and their adventures. She missed having someone who knew her inside and out.

One day, Alex got a surprise call from Maya. "Guess what?" she said, her voice full of excitement.

"What?" Alex asked, smiling.

"I got accepted to transfer to your university!" Maya exclaimed.

Alex couldn't believe it. He was over the moon that Maya would be joining him at college. They spent the next few months planning and getting excited about all the things they would do together.

When Maya finally arrived on campus, Alex was waiting for her at the airport with a bouquet of flowers. They hugged each other tightly, both of them feeling like they had finally come home.

The rest of their college years were filled with adventures, laughter, and love. They explored the city, took classes together, and even started a band. They were each other's support system and confidants.

As they stood on stage at their graduation ceremony, Alex and Maya looked out at the sea of graduates and felt a sense of pride and accomplishment. They had made it through college together, and they knew that they would always be there for each other, no matter where life took them.

As they hugged each other tightly, they knew that the last summer had been the end of an era, but their friendship had only grown stronger over the years. They were excited for the next chapter in their lives, knowing that they would always have each other's backs.


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