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The King's Eradication

eradication | ɪˌradɪˈkeɪʃ(ə)n | ~ noun ~ the complete destruction of something. "the eradication of reality"

By Alissa HayesPublished 3 years ago 11 min read

19th January 2030

~'Heavy lay's the head that wears the crown.'~ some guy that knew what he was talking about.

In about two days it will've been eight years since the revolution. Seven since this title was bestowed upon me.

And in every way possible, it's been torturous.

When we breached the walls, relief washed through me, I couldn't explain the happiness, but of course, life wouldn't treat me so well. I was created out of struggle.

The people, my people, needed a leader. Back then I wanted it to be me.

I was young,



War was always an easy thing to come about, whether it be amongst the beasts amongst the humans or between the two, something was always the matter.

One man fuelled the most recent war in Idoriah. Obvious emotions aside, it was time for a new leadership, he thought it should've been him, unfortunately for him, he was wrong. His men stormed the castle of the beasts, 'Mors voluntas mea fiet' Engraved into the archways they snuck through. The letter C, designed meticulously into the walls they passed by, signifying the danger that always laid ahead.

His army had walked into a bloodbath, bodies of the men of old, who sacrificed their lives to destroy the nightmare that lived within those walls. It didn't work, it never worked, it won't ever work. The power that was possessed was too strong. Only a few ever survived, and the ones that did, they dreamt they hadn't. All bound together by a curse, their sleep riddled with nightmares, they'd scream 'Creare.'

Now seven years later, as he walked through this same wretched courtyard, he could see how ignorant he had been to think he'd be able to rule as a proxy. How ignorant he'd been to think he'd be able to rule in general. He always knew one day his arrogance would get him in trouble. And now? Now he couldn't wait for the day he could stop. He'd choose death if it were in his cards. He'd choose anything that put him miles away from his life.

21st January 2030

~'fake it till you make it'~ An idiot.

I know what I'm supposed to do, but how could I betray my friends, my brothers who stood by me through every wretched hour of that war.

I should've pushed for more control, pushed for more power, pushed for the money then.

But my narcissism clouded my judgement and now... Now I'm alone, at the top of the food chain, with no real home, no real friends, no real identity.

"Tell me, how am I supposed to be a pillar of bravery when I don't have the means to do so," The leader growled lowly. The full focus of his glare directed at the ground he was kneeling on. "You give me a title, and place land under my control and yet, you still can't provide me with the wealth I was promised." He slammed his hands down as he stood to his feet, now glaring at the figure in front of him. "You know my number, you will give it to me, or they will all know." An eerie silence wafted through the large courtyard. The figure lifted its head slowly, the bored smirk on its lips distracting the people from the fire blazing in its eyes.

"Twenty thousand is barely a number." It looked up uninterested. "And what exactly, would you tell them?" A sigh escaped its mouth as it stood. Slow steps. One, two, three. "Please don't tell me you've forgotten your place already." It stood in front of its appointed delegate. "You," one of its hands came out, strangling the man that stood before it. "belong to me." It whispered softly, the grip on his neck tight as it pulled him to its level, its eyes clear as day, wisps of emerald floating around the pit of darkness. "And I owe you," His eyed widened, panic and pain coursed through his body, "absolutely nothing." It let go, pained by the touch of him. A scoff slipped beneath its breath as it caught site of the cracks on the beautiful marble floor, caused by the unconscious man. The figure walked back to its seat, a crown perfectly levelled on its head. The shadows seamlessly worked alongside it as they hid its every feature, leaving only the glint of its eyes and the white of its teeth, to identify its very real existence.

"Creare." The delegates whispered, bowing their heads.

23rd January 2030

~ 'it is what it is.'~ everyone ever.

The people I promised to protect, they struggle every day, almost more so than when we were fighting for our freedom.

I was tricked, I'll admit that.

The allure of power got to me.

I should tell them the truth, but would they ever forgive me?

Would you tell me? if they do?

While you mull over my fate, I must find it.

After he awoke, he bounded out of the castle, consistent badgering in his mind on the outcome of his previous conversation. How could he return with nothing? less than nothing. It was one thing to risk your life for freedom, but this was entirely different and he knew it. He needed a break, he needed-

"Frowning causes wrinkles y'know." A voice from above him called. "And death." He whipped his head up to see a brown headed beast, eyes the colour of honey, red specks beaming through them. "They're both true, the second one just happens to be the result of everything." The beast smirked.

He was weary and paranoid, scarred from his previous interactions. "I remember you," he bit out. "You were there eight years ago, at the castle, next to Creare."

She rolled her eyes, "It's our leader. What am I supposed to do? not fight?" the beast hung from the branch she was sitting on. "Sorry, we're known for our strength not our cowardice."

He glared animatedly, "None of my men are cowards." he seethed, annoyed at the intent of her words. "I-" he began, but stopped himself short. 'She wasn't worth his time,' the leader thought before he turned away and continued on his path. With a hop in her step the beautiful beast followed him closely, every once in a while, he'd feel things hit him in the back. His eyes rolled as he clucked his tongue, annoyed at the childish behaviour, "typical." He muttered to himself. "Are you going to follow me the entire way? Or are you just here to taunt me?" Out the corner of his sight he saw her grin stupidly, nodding. The young leader huffed a little, "of course. Why did I even ask?" Pulling the bag on his back in front of him, he removed an old book, a small smile hidden beneath the scowl. Ensuring she was keeping her distance, he opened it slowly.

23rd January 2021

~'Verba volant, sed scripta manent'~

Twice in one day, a luxury for me I know. But personally, I find the moments I have with you, well they're my haven.

I know what I want could never be, I know what I am to you-

The book shut abruptly, a prickling sensation ran down his spine. A breath beat against his back. He rolled his eyes for the umpteenth time in that hour, "Can you back up? I can feel the-"

"Watcha writing there?" he glared at the space between her eyes. Looking around he realised days must have passed, the castle was a weeks trip, yet he could see his home over the horizon. "Damn. I was just asking." She stepped back a little, enlarging the space between them. "I'm Ilah, by the way." The woman piped up, a smile on her face. "It's short for Kamilah, just in case you wanted to know."

"How very stupid of you." He thought aloud, "I will never want to know anything about you." He continued ahead, prayers going off in his head, wishing her away.

"Okay then," she muttered to herself. For a moment the young man felt content, the sound of her footsteps no longer behind him, but of course, seconds later little rocks were being thrown at him once again.

After a while the rocks stopped and he grew accustomed to the sounds she was making. She was half beast so her breathing was almost non-existent and her footsteps were almost completely silent. He didn't know why he let the woman stay, or when he started referring to her as a woman instead of a beast. It was like there was a force pushing them together, one that told him, she was made for hi-

A glare sat into his features as he realised why he probably felt that way. He understood his role, but the hatred he felt towards the idea, it was strong. The man whipped around, facing the beast behind him. "We will never be allies." He spoke, his teeth gritted and his fists balled. "I will never trust you." He stepped closer, his chest coming into contact with hers. "And I, will never want you." He stormed past her.

"What the-" she spoke confused, her eyes furrowed as she watched him do a complete 180 of the original way he was headed. "Ah, you're going the wrong way." She called to him, expecting him to stop. The leader, however, continued on his path. "Excuse me?!" she shouted. "You're going the wrong way." His demeanour angry, he turned his head, still walking straight ahead.

"Any way that gets me away from you, is the right way." He huffed. His feet carried him through a large clearing, over to a hidden passage he'd found as a child. "Now leave me alone, you cretin." The young man muttered to himself. Of course, he didn't want her to leave, neither did he believe the words he'd just said to her, but he also couldn't bear to have her around. He wanted time to compose himself, time to think up a plan. He needed to find the money and having her near was a distraction. 'A very beautiful one,' he thought, but nonetheless, still a distraction.

~'What goes up must come down.' ~ some science person.

I never understood why I kept dating these, time doesn't run like it should anymore. One moment I'm here and the next I'm four days ahead of where I should be.

My brothers, they say I'm there, but I cannot for the life of me remember what I did. I'm starting to forget who I was. I never thought I'd be this direct, but when will you put me out of my misery. I'm lost in here.

"- Wake up!" Kamilah shouted in panic. "Hey come on!" she screamed out to him. For the first time since he found the book he actually opened his eyes. "We have to go, Creare, it's here. It knows." With a hard tug the beast pulled him to his feet. Immediately he turned to find his book, but it wasn't where he thought he'd left it. "I threw it in the tree, come on, we have to go." His heart dropped a little, but with one final tug, he moved faster and began to follow her.

"My book Kamilah," He spoke, sadness dripped from his words as they stopped. "I need it." Ilah stopped and contemplated her options.

She rolled her eyes, pissed that she'd let him get under her skin, "I can't believe I'm doing this." she muttered to her self. "Stupid thing," she glared down, annoyed at her heart for doing loops. With all the power she could muster, she jumped into the trees, climbing around to just above their campsite. Her memory sucked and the darkness of the night didn't help. "Come on Kamilah, think." She whispered, "Where did you throw it." Her imagination wasn't great and it was hard for her to pinpoint if the images behind her eyes were real or fabricated, but with a little bit of recollection and a lot of luck, she had it in her hands in minutes. "Look A-" her words caught in her throat as she turned around.

The beasts had come out of the shadows as soon as she had left him. Blood drained from her face as she thought about the betrayal that probably went through his eyes. She'd only known him a week and yet she knew immediately, he was going to think she set him up. She had his book, his map to the money and him, there was no way he wouldn’t. “No.” She whispered, a single tear, fell down her face, “Adrian.” She screamed. The winds stilled and the forest went silent.

Adrian.” Another voice called.

~ 'Heavy lay's the head that wears the crown.' ~ some guy who knew what he was talking about.

It's been Eight years since the revolution. Seven since you thought of me.

And although I am merely the figment of your imagination, I find solace in the idea. For one day you will find this little black book that I dwell within, and you will come back to me. And you'll smile, revelling in the idea of me.

I have no qualms with the ending of my story.

I will always be here,

your safe haven,

just as you were mine.

He opened his eyes for the last time, at peace with his predicament. He looked to his left where his eyes fell on his people, the ones he was given to lead. He cast his gaze to his right, towards the woman he despised, now accepting her as a gift.

"You did it Adrian." He looked up surprised. "After I called out to you, your men showed up." She softly spoke, her tone quiet as not to frighten the tired soldiers around him. "Creare, it took one look at you and retreated." Kamilah held an envelope out to him, “I found this outside your door this morning.” The $20,000 he had been so desperate to achieve, well there it was, in front of him. He chuckled to himself lightly.

The leade- Adrian, faced the woman in front of him with a tired glance, but a happy one. "Thank you Kamilah,” A lopsided grin on his lips. “I really don't deserve you.” He struggled to his feet and made his way passed her slowly, to the little black book across the room, the one that mirrored his home. With a soft smile, and an adorned look in his eyes, he placed his hand on the last page, "And thank you." Adrian whispered in delight. "I like the name."

A tear dripped onto his cheek and a sigh passed his lips, as he moved his hand to close the book. He wasn't upset but content, as he knew. It would only be a matter of time before his story were to start aga-


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Alissa Hayes

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    Alissa HayesWritten by Alissa Hayes

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