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The Future is Now: Pluto's Journey Through Aquarius

On March 23rd, 2023, Pluto entered the airy sign of Aquarius, the water-bearer, after having been in Capricorn since 2008. Pluto will re-enter Capricorn by retrograde several times throughout the course of this transit, causing Pluto's journey through the fixed air sign to last until 2044. Here's what to expect.

By Kaitlyn MauraPublished about a year ago 11 min read
Source: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/324751823143073003/

Pluto's Journey from Capricorn to Aquarius

Almost immediately after Pluto entered Capricorn in January 2008, it triggered a global financial crisis known as "the great recession." The banks collapsed, and while the economy is said to have healed since then (higher wages, lower unemployment rates, etc.), I look at the financial situations of the people around me and think, "has it really?" The COVID-19 pandemic, which coincided with a Capricorn stellium involving Pluto, Saturn and Jupiter, brought about another worldwide economic crisis; businesses were shut down and thousands of people lost their jobs. That said, throughout all this, the billionaires have been fine. After all, Pluto is the planet of plutocracy, of power and money, and underhanded conspiracy. It is also the planet of death and rebirth, of transformation, and of the passionate intensity buried in the depths of the subconscious mind.

With Pluto in Capricorn, a sign associated with structure and hierarchy, goverment, business and the economy, it is no surprise that these structures (along with our trust in them) were completely transformed or in some cases, destroyed altogether. Some people might credit this transit with the rise of digital currency and the decline of paper money (others might credit Uranus in Taurus for this but as with anything in astrology, I see it as resulting from multiple factors rather than an either/or situation). In some ways, it seems that this transit has made our oligarchs more powerful than ever. At the same time, however, it's pulled away the curtains and exposed our leaders for who they really are.

So, what can we expect from Pluto's transit through Aquarius? Like Capricorn, Aquarius is ruled by the planet Saturn, which givess them some similarities, but unlike Capricorn, which is a cardinal earth sign, Aquarius is a fixed air sign, and in some ways, its total opposite. While the earth element is associated with the material world, the air element is more at home in the world of ideas. While the sign of the goat is known for its authority, ambitiousness, respect and responsibility, the water-bearer is believed to possess a more authentic, altruistic, rebellious and revolutionary nature. But how does this translate, in regards to Pluto and its effect on real world events? I believe that the best way to predict the future is to look back on the past, and that by looking at the history of what happened last time Pluto transited the sign of Aquarius, we can gain a better idea of what to expect from this one.

Source: "Liberty Leading the People" by Eugène Delacroix 1830

Pluto in Aquarius: 1778 to 1798

Although Aquarius is the sign most often associated with revolution and uprising, the American Revolution actually occurred when Pluto was still in Capricorn, which makes sense, given what I said before about how this transit can represent the transformation of government and economy. However, the destruction of the old system (which occurred with Pluto in Capricorn) required the invention of the new one and as far as American history is concerned, it's this that Pluto in Aquarius was about. While the U.S.A as we know it is said to have begun with the Declaration of Independence in 1776, the Revolutionary War against England did not actually end until 1783, and the constitution was not written until 1787. It wasn't until Pluto entered Aquarius that the first American banks were created and the dollar chosen as the national currency. It wasn't until Pluto entered Aquarius that the states were created and that George Washington became the country's first president. Pluto's entrance into the sign of Aquarius was a time of progression and change.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the Atlantic, the French Revolution actually took place during Pluto's transit through Aquarius. Considering Aquarius rebellious reputation, it should come as no surprise that the French Revolution was a lot more radical than the American one and the process, a lot faster. The storming of the Bastille, the beheading of King Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette all took place during this transit. The French monarchy was overthrown and replaced by a constitutional government like the United States, but unlike the United States, the French practically outlawed Christianity and replaced it with a new state religion, built on the worship of reason. The French Revolution was positive in many ways, in its outlawing of slavery in the French colonies and its efforts to champion the rights of women and working class people. However, this radical period descended into a period of violence known as the "Reign of Terror" where tens of thousands were guillotined in the streets and publicly executed, including many of the French Revolution's original leaders.

The Haitian Revolution, a rebellion of self-liberated slaves against their French colonizers, also took place during this period. As did the Belgian Revolution of 1789-1790. Not every rebellion (such as those in India and Ireland and of indigenous peoples in the Americas and the "newly discovered" land of Australia) that took place during this period was necessarily successful. But "Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité" was the slogan of the day, and this transit saw the creation of many of our modern-day values. In England and even the U.S., there were movements to end slavery although this wouldn't happen in either country until late on, various European countries granted Jewish people emancipation and early feminist movements began (for example, English writer, Mary Wollstonescraft published her famous "A Vindication of the Rights of Woman" in 1792).

Pluto in Aquarius also occurred during an overall transition period from the Enlightenment to the Industrial Revolution. The Enlightment was essentially the "Age of Reason" where scientific and culture advancements drove political and philosophical discourse in a more secular, humanist, direction. Meanwhile, the Industrial Revolution, believed by some historians to be the biggest change for humanity since the invention of agriculture, brought about major technological advancements such as the introduction of machines, whereas before products were made solely by hand, leading to better efficiency and the mass production of goods.

In addition to many other advances in space exploration (such as the discovery of black holes), Aquarius' modern ruling planet, Uranus, was discovered by William Herschel during this time, and this is no coincidence. The discovery of this planet revolutionized the cosmology of astrologers, who at the time, believed that Saturn was the furthest planet from the Sun. On a similar note, the hot-air balloon was invented during this transit, and human's first flight was taken in Paris, France. It is no coincidence that the first air travel instrument was invented and used during Pluto's transit through Aquarius, an air sign.

Source: Katja Skorjanc

Pluto in Aquarius: 2023 to 2044

So, what does all this history say about our current time? How will Pluto in Aquarius affect our lives now now? I expect it to be another period of revolution but what sort of revolution will it be? Talk of revolution has been in the air for a while now, but except on the surface of things, there has been very little change. Yes, women and non-white people are found in higher positions of power, our collective understanding of gender and sexuality has changed dramatically, but economic inequality only continues to widen, the rich get richer while everybody else continues to struggle. Maybe now, all those guillotine jokes will turn serious or people will literally be up in arms. We can likely expect real revolutions to occur across the globe - as they did last time. Will it be a technocratic New World Order or an anarchist utopia? I can't say for sure, but I do suspect that with this transit, change to the existing system will actually be under way.

There will likely be a second industrial revolution, brought about by the advancement of A.I. and other advanced technology. Robots will most likely be replacing human labor at an ever-increasing rate, but will automation lead to mass unemployment and therefore poverty, or will it instead set the foundation for a sort of communism? Unfortunately, it seems so far, that adding artificial intelligence to the workforce has exacerbated income inequality even further, but I would hope that the idealists are right. So far, robots have mainly displaced people working for manufacturing companies, such as the automobile industry, but as robots gain intelligence, replacing artists and writers and white-collar professionals, such as those working in IT and maybe even doctors & surgeons, what jobs will even be left for humans to perform? Perhaps, with enough people protesting, a universal basic income will be introduced, and maybe it will cover more than just our most basic needs while the billionaires bathe themselves in luxury. I can see this all happening within the duration of Pluto's journey through Aquarius. With Pluto in Capricorn, the collective seemed to embrace old-school values of discipline and hard work, but maybe with Pluto in Aquarius (especially, when coinciding with Saturn in Pisces and Jupiter in Taurus) people will find virtue in rest and relaxation. Many people fear that this will lead to laziness and indulgence, ultimately giving way to emptiness and depression, but will it? But isn't it more likely that without a requirement to work, people will be given more time to work on what they are truly passionate about? That's what I'd like to think.

I know, for myself, that I actually like working. I love it. What I don't like is needing to work in order to be alive. In fact, I think the fear of losing my job makes me a poorer worker than I would be otherwise. After all, our economy doesn't just value discipline and hard work, but also confidence, and self-assertion, and how can I be confident in my decisions, knowing that if I make a mistake, I could be without food and a roof? I honestly don't know how people do it! Every day, I dream of winning the lottery. But if I won the lottery, I wouldn't spend it all in one-go. I would first find myself a place of my own and then, use the money to build a business, to follow my dreams, and be my own boss. That way, I can be myself and truly enjoy what I do instead of having my survival depend on a supervisor's opinion of me. I have many passions and dreams but as it stands, I have a hard time understanding how any entrepreneur can actually be self-made; perhaps the internet has made it easier, but like, don't you need money to rent a shop, in addition to the half-a-paycheck that you also need to pay your own rent? However, in any case, I know that other people are different; not everybody thinks like me.

There are tons of stories of people winning the lottery and squandering it all, losing their friends after realizing their friends are only using them, and ultimately, becoming depressed. I'd like to think such stories are only propaganda but it is true that most people need to feel needed; we need to feel useful and like, our actions have a purpose, in order to be happy and keep going, and I guess there are people without passions and interests, who will be lost and confused without someone telling them what to do. I'd rather not believe this is the case but perhaps, this is where transhumanism comes in, inventions such as brain-chips, and of course, the dreaded metaverse. I'd rather not think these rumors of the future have any bearing on reality, but perhaps, there are people who will need such fancy new technology just to keep themselves from getting bored. But I'm inclined to think that (with the freedom acquired by time and money) if you're bored, then you're boring. There is so much in the world to be experienced and even when/if that has all been done, there is so much left to create.

On another note, Aquarius is an Air sign, and the last time Pluto traveled through the sign of Aquarius, the first air travel instrument was invented: the hot air balloon. This time, I predict that this will be taken a step further. Air travel will be extended to space travel. Again, this discussion has been going on for a long time but "the future" we've been talking about is happening now. Apparently, NASA is under presidential orders to land humans on Mars by 2033, and since Pluto will be in Aquarius during this time, I think it will likely happen, at least at some point within the 2030's.

Source: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/363032419971584488/


So, those are some thoughts about what to expect for the world, but how will this transit affect you personally? That depends on your birth chart and if interested, you can schedule a reading with me by clicking here. I decided not to write horoscopes for this transit because of its length. Pluto transits are so long that I cannot really distinguish its influence on house placement alone: I was born with Pluto in Scorpio, Pluto was in Sagittarius for the duration of my childhood, Pluto entered Capricorn during my teenage years and stayed there throughout most of my 20's; what is there to say? Pluto in my 7th house didn't bring any intense romantic relationships: I was a child! That said, I can definitely feel the effect that Pluto in the 8th house had when it squared my Sun and when it squared my Mercury, or when it trined my Moon many years ago, and yes, death was a major factor. Basically, Pluto in Aquarius' influence depends on the aspects it makes to the placements in your natal chart. Those with angles, luminaries and personal planets in Aquarius, Taurus, Leo and Scorpio will most especially be affected.


About the Creator

Kaitlyn Maura

My name’s Kait. I would define myself mainly as a truth seeker. I write about a lot of things, primarily astrology, religion & spirituality, relationships and social issues.

Website: https://www.astrologybykait.com/

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  • Ahamed Thousifabout a year ago

    Well done, Amazing Story!!!

  • Dark Moon Empireabout a year ago

    I have been obsessed with learning more about astrology, however finding people to break down in a way that I can grasp has been difficult. This was extremely easy to follow and extremely comprehendable, so thank you. With that said, I have been extremely curious what Aquarius will be bringing to Pluto, as Aquarius is my Moon sign and the sign I resonate with the most. Your post has been informative and I am anticipating Plutos upcoming transit.

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