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The Flood

Future sight

By Anmol ThiaraPublished 3 years ago 3 min read
The Flood
Photo by Torsten Dederichs on Unsplash

Its was widely believed that god send great floods in medieval times to reset the earth. But this theory was discarded by many scientific institutions , the thing that the world agreed was that global warming would definitely bring the great floods. So The world tried its best to stop it and were initially successful in reducing the consumption of fossils fuels and produce so much electricity that all vehicles were replaced by electric vehicles. But one day the world woke up neck deep in water. What was peculiar about it was that no one knew how it happened as most of civilization was wiped out by the water. Only people who survived by people of mountains and sailors with no knowledge of what to do in the current world.

Feris was a beautiful young lady onboard of a cargo ship called waterways ,it had an logo of save water on its hull . She was looking into the horizon from the captains office when the radar made a certain sound that brought smile on the crews face. "Its land "a crew mate shouted , she ordered the to head towards the land mass .They were about to see first land mass in weeks so they were jolly ,this was a strange feeling for them as they were used to spend months without seeing it but that was before . Prior the great flood waterways was on its way to Mumbai ,so it was pretty obvious to the crew to deduce that the land mass would be The Himalayas .On reaching their destination they could see that the snow has melted away from the mountains .Many smaller mountains had a good amount of vegetation. The crew landed on the mountainous shores using landing crafts while Feris and some head members remained in the ship, Jimwe the vice captian stated that they should try findings other people while their crew explored the islands ,Feris nodded looked at him and ordered rest of her staff to stay put while she and Jimwe searched the area. The area had formed a group of numerous small islands ,so they decided to head up north to check further up the Himalayas . That's when they started to see strange things on the horizon as the usually green or grey mountains started to appear black , as if some of them were burnt by something . As they went further up north they could see almost all the mountains were burnt with northern most ones appearing in strange shapes as the rocks were molten to form weird crescent moon shapes .The was end of the mountain range as they could only see water ahead of them .On their way back Jimwe laid hand on Faris shoulder and asked her how she was holding up ,she was recently married and head a half of heart locket in her neck.

Several months before The great flood, on a laboratory located on the north pole . In it were several scientists researching on a big box that had several magnets fixed around it . A young man named Hayden was the head scientist of the lab, he was wearing a half of a heart shaped necklace .They were working on creating an artificial sun that could help save earths environment. Within a month or two they were able to create the mini sun that helped with energy shortages around the world and to replace the fossil fuels . Soon after completion of his project Hayden went to surprise his newly wed wife and invite her to invite her to see his achievements . But when he reached home , he was surprised with the scene of his wife having sex with her colleague . Soon after the incident he filed divorce ,but before the divorce he was called up urgently the lab ,as devastated he was he went to help as he wanted to get away from all this . While on plane he removed the necklace and wanted to throw it away but for some reason placed it into his shirts pocket .When he reached there he found out the mini sun was acting strangely and was shooting energy akin to solar radiation . Hayden put the lab on high alert and was preparing to shutdown the sun, in order to safely do that he had to let sun burn all its fuel while controlling the temperature .He started the process while controlling the temperature as the sun reached its critical point the necklace fell out of his pocket , as soon as he saw the necklace he was struck by lightning and started crying . He wished to die instead of living , so when he saw the temperature warnings in front of him he opened all the fuel supply ....

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    ATWritten by Anmol Thiara

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