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By Anmol ThiaraPublished 3 years ago 4 min read
Photo by Shot by Cerqueira on Unsplash

In the central city

“Space travel has always been the dream of ancient men. But now we look back in time it seems a mundane thing that a child would dream .As the late emperor Saskovich has stated it is space control that we must strive for .And from today onwards ,I the new emperor of klan dynasty assure you that we will have total domination over the space and all the galaxies .”

As this charade was going on there was a shadow lurking in dark forests near the central city .This is a male figure with a long beard , heavy mustaches with a turban on his head dressed dark blue cloths , his get signifying that he is part of the warrior race . Once over time there were millions of people in this race ,but the advent of the modern technology and so called peace era brought them to there knees .He was hiding behind a bush for cover , he looked over his shoulder to the right and saw a hiding hole in the roots of a large tree .He quickly made his way into the tree which looked like a fan ,this was the tree of the ancients planted for storing spatial energy into its roots , which was exactly why creatures kept there distance from it. At this point of time there were noises that could be heard outside the tree ,these were noises of the soldiers of the klan dynasty that were following the man .After hours of searching the soldiers left the forest without any clue of the man , as the forest began to quite down the figure could be seen coming out of the tree roots all burnt up from the energy of the roots. He started walking towards the western gate of the central city .

As he approached closer to the gate police could be seen searching the people entering .The man was able to enter without any problem as the police seemed to be scared of him and were trying to call someone but by the time the call connected the man had already vanished into the city streets . The streets were mostly empty as the dynasty had veery brutal governance , which fiend as a democracy but had an emperor .The city at that time was full of light and sounds of laughter as it was a lax day because of the ascension the new emperor . As the man passed by a shop he a old man kneeling down and trying to pick up his broken glasses ,he started walking towards the old man but was attacked a kinetic arrow .But he had natural reflexes and managed to dodge the arrow with even look at it. But soon an arrow was shoot towards the old man which was oblivious of everything around him .The man jumped in front of the t elderly but as soon as he caught the arrow he was attacked by space splitting katana which was even able to cut through the very fabric of space and destroy matter like black holes . This was the elite Technology of the klans very deadly yet so beautiful that the blade seemed to defy everything except its lord .The man was able to dodge the katana which was wielded by the same elderly man ,who seemed to be renewed with strength . Suddenly the energy near the mans arms started to condes into gauntlets which were blue in color but gave of an sense of fierce ness .He quickly attacked the old man with and shoulder punch and deflected the space splitting blade ,which shocked both the shooter and the old man .But before they had time to react the gauntlets broke the blade and killed the man by splitting the head of the elderly. On seeing his companions started running away , but the man allowed this to happen and he started walking the other way .

After some time he reached a humble house with a simplistic design for the era .As he was about to enter the the house he heard crying from outside ,when he found the source of crying it was a little girl wearing a red coloured scarf .upon a closer look the man discovered that the red on scarf was blood but because of the cold the little girl was still wearing it,when he asked her about the scarf she told him that her family was murderd my men in white uniforms which was the standard dress of the city police .The man condensed energy around his arms and gave the gauntlets to the girl .Which immediately made look more relaxed and emotionally stable . She quickly wiped tears o her eyes and asked

“what is this strange power I feel so happy like I have never been sad”

The man laughed and answered

“It doesn’t make you happy it just subdues your feelings of sadness and happiness “

To which the girl gave a confused look but she didn’t inquire further .After contemplation his words for some time .she asked

“what’s your name veere “which meant brother in their language

The man smiled jovially

“My name is Hyden ruggers”

,at first the girl seemed excited but she quickly hid her emotions and said

“My friends call me Rigard , Rigard steveson ”while making a gun sign with her hands

“hahaha” the man laughed.

“would you like to stay in my house? “he smiled.

“Why not “she replied happily.

. The interior of the house was quite pleasant with ample lighting ,wooden furniture and red brick walls and an design focused on practicality ,which contrasted the Hyden. Rigard quickly made her way to bathroom and asked for some clothes ,he bought her new cloths from the transmission terminal in the house which delivered them in seconds .Rigard changed into her new cloths and was looking quite pleased with them even though hyden’s fashion sense was quite of balance .


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    ATWritten by Anmol Thiara

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