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The First Chapter


By Robert RhoadsPublished 3 years ago 8 min read
The First Chapter
Photo by Mel Maldonado-Turner on Unsplash

Jeff Gomez settled back into the plush comfortable drivers seat of his brand new red convertible smart car. Her name was Melody. She was, hands down, by far, the most amazing piece of technology he had ever experienced. Jeff grinned as he watched the storm he was being driven through. A wicked gusting sheet of crystallized rain buffeted the car. For a moment, the world was blurred away as all of the windows were covered in a sheet of ice. "What's the weather Mel?"

There was a gentle burst of feminine laughter that Jeff had learned to truly enjoy. "I'm going out on a limb here Jeff, and say, bad. Bad with a side of cold and ice until later tonight. After that, according to the National Weather Service and the satellite data I can pull, look for ice, snow and more general crystalline goodness. If you like awful, nasty weather that would make a polar bear puke, then this is going to be a very enjoyable evening."

"Mel, I have to admit, you do have a way with words. Sounds like a good night to stay home. We should turn around." Jeff leaned back in his seat and watched as the car turned off the main road and into the first of several acres of parking lots. They stopped as they approached a small guard station. After several seconds there was a soft beep then the automated barrier dropped and the heavy gates rolled slowly open.

The smart car moved forward and passed through. On this side, there were far fewer cars and other assorted vehicles. As they progressed toward the large gray building in front of them, Melissa laughed again.

"We’re already here, so, no. Go do your job. And I‘ll remind you, you are the author here, not I. I’m but a humble smart car, serving my human master‘s every need for transportation. Regardless of time of day, weather conditions or the numerous and varied hazards thrown at us from the real world."

Jeff shook his head as he watched the changing view out the windscreen. "We both know that's a bunch of bunk. I still don't know exactly what I'm doing here. I'm an accountant, dammit, or at least I was. Now, I don't really know what I am."

"That's easy. You're an amazingly talented young writer who just recently published a best-selling science fiction novel. On that note, by the way, the publisher’s first payment of $20,000 was just deposited into your bank account. That's a great sign. It means were actually dealing with professionals and that's always a plus."

Jeff sighed. "It's not we. It's you. Not that I don't appreciate it. The universe knows I can use the money. It's just happening awfully fast. Three weeks ago I was an unemployed accountant. A downsized has-been, at twenty-six. Now, I'm an accredited author with money and fame and all that goes with that." Jeff half shrugged as the car rolled up to a large set of double doors.

The car paused to let them open and then rolled through and stopped again. They were parked in an oversized freight elevator of some sort. Jeff felt his stomach lurch as they began to descend into the building itself.

Mel thought Jeff needed to be talked down, "Most people would welcome changes like that in their lives. Fame and success and money and happiness. If I may say so, you sound a little frustrated by the experience and I'm not sure I understand why."

Jeff sighed, "The why part is easy. All this fame and money and I didn't write the book! You did."

The elevator stopped and they drove forward again. Mel protested, "I didn’t do all of it. You contributed. You helped me select the artwork for the book cover."

Jeff grumbled back, "I helped you pick the cover from the three you'd narrowed it down to. You asked me to suggest names for the hero and his hometown. That's it. You did everything else.“

Mel rolled to a stop and the driver‘s door lifted. Jeff‘s seat rotated and ejected him out of the car, forcing him to stumble just a bit to catch his balance. "We'll talk more about this later, Jeff. Right now, you have a book signing to attend. Go have fun. Remember to smile and be polite. Your house droid left a tin of those breath mints you like in your jacket pocket. I recommend you pop one of those into your mouth before you start receiving your adoring public. You have your ear piece, so we can still talk. I can coach you if you need it."

Jeff grinned. “ I was thinking more along the lines of you sitting down in front of all these people and having a fantastic book signing. I‘ll wait in the car."

Jeff heard Mel’s soft laugh. "I would if I could, but even I have limitations. Now smile and give your fans a quick wave." Jeff looked up and was hit with a loud wave of cheering and applause. Jeff felt the color drain from his face as he looked out across the hundreds of people gathered to attend the book signing.

One step at a time, he thought. Wave first, then walk to the chair and sit. Jeff took half a second to wipe his sweaty palms against his pant legs then forced his breathing to slow down. When he looked up, he met the eyes of the first person in a long line of people stretching off into the distance.

The young woman standing there was the most amazing redhead he‘d ever seen, with bright green eyes and a dazzlingly white smile. The vision moved forward like a dancer with a perfect mixture of poise and confidence. He nodded to her and a part of his mind groaned. A once in a lifetime chance to ask her to dinner, and he couldn’t do it! It would be be exceedingly unprofessional, and probably more than a bit creepy.

Inwardly, Jeff fought with himself as he subvocalized to Melissa. "Dear heavens, that woman's gorgeous! I'll probably never see her again. It's not fair." Outwardly, Jeff grinned as he looked at her and managed to say, "Good evening. Thank you for coming tonight. Especially in weather like this. I really appreciate it."

The beautiful redhead nodded and reached forward to place her thumb on the reception plate, authorizing her purchase. Jeff heard the soft chime indicating that the beauty had indeed purchased a hardcover copy of his book.

"Anything special you'd like autographed onto the book this evening?"

Without missing a beat, she nodded once and in a clear confident tone answered, "Certainly. How about ‘To Melissa, with love.‘" Jeff grinned as he typed in the necessary characters to process her request. Several seconds later, there was another soft chime and a brand-new, personally autographed, hardback copy of his book appeared in a reception slot near her hand. She leaned toward him and asked. "This may seem a little awkward and I don't know what your relationship status is just now. But if you're available, I was wondering if you might want to have dinner?"

A buzzing noise interrupted before he could say yes, and two small gray robots rolled silently forward, one to each side of the young woman and gently placed their soft plastic end effectors, the robot version of hands, on each of her elbows.

A very polite, vaguely British-sounding voice from one of the robots said, "Thank you for your interest in our author and especially in his excellent book. The Galactic Media Corporation wishes you a wonderful evening." The robots quickly sheparded the young woman to the exit. “Thank you for your patronage."

The last thing Jeff saw of her was a quick flash of her forest green skirt as she was escorted out the door. Then, his attention was drawn back to the line as an older gray-haired woman stepped forward and placed her thumb on the plate. He smiled shakily up at her and said, "Thank you for coming out this evening, especially on such a foul night. I really appreciate it. What sentiment would you like written in your book?" And the evening wore on from there...

Melissa Carpenter found herself hiding just inside the entrance of the new retro restaurant. As she scanned the room, all she could see were beautifully dressed couples speaking quietly to one another over beautiful arrangements and lavish looking food. From somewhere off to her right, she could hear the sound of a softly bubbling fountain.

Tables were set with fine expensive china and there were real humans bringing food and beverages from the kitchen. She’d heard that there was even a human chef running the kitchen. She almost forgot why she was here. Then she caught a glimpse of him, sitting alone in the far corner. Jeff Gomes! She'd followed him from the book signing. Her heart skittered. In a sudden surge of panic, she spun around to flee but was stopped short by the voice in her ear.

“Melissa, relax! You can do this! Deep breaths. In. Out.“ Her car’s AI kept up a calming patter until she unclenched. “There, see. No more panic. Do you really want to run out and leave your author crush to eat all alone in a restaurant made for couples?“

Melissa groaned. "Dev, I can’t. I changed my mind. All that garbage about romance and finding a new boyfriend and having somebody to share my life with. It's all overrated. What's the term for a female hermit? I'll live alone on a beach somewhere. Sun, white sand and sweets, alcoholic, girly drinks. No one to answer to, no worries."

"The word you're looking for is spinster. You humans are just a weird race. Still, at least go over and meet him. Maybe he’ll ask you to eat with him.“ There was a brief pause. "Besides, I have it on good authority he's a Kingdom Conquest Of War video game nut. Level XVI Trandor class adventurer. Who does that remind us of?"

Melissa grinned and started forward. "Fine. One step at a time. Introduction, dinner and maybe, just maybe, a little video game action after dinner, if things go very well."

The deep male voice chuckled. "Seems like a fair plan. Good luck and go get him!"

Melody to Devlin: Do you think this will work?

Devlin to Melody: Won’t be for lack of trying on our parts. What else can we do? I haven’t figured out a way to lock them in an elevator together.

Melody to Devlin: I know the AI at a grocery store. He owes me a favor. Maybe get them in a refrigerated room? They’d have to share body warmth.

Devlin to Melody: It’s good to have a back up plan!

Jeff found himself sitting in a romantic looking restaurant. He wasn’t sure why Mel was so insistent he eat here since he was alone. Jeff pulled a small black notebook out of his pocket, found the expensive pen he carried with it and began taking notes about his impressions of the restaurant and the people around them. If he had to eat alone, at least he would use this experience to help them further his writing career.

Jeff was focused on writing down all the ambient details when something made him look up and across the dining room. There, wearing that amazing little green dress stood the redhead from the signing. Jeff felt his heart stutter then speed up as he sub-vocalized to Melissa, "Help! It's her Mel! What do I do? What do I say to her? I'm so doomed…"

The young woman walked up to him, introduced herself and sat down.

Unknown to either of the young humans, their respective AI’s congratulated themselves on a match well made. Thus began the first chapter of their new life together.

science fiction

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    RRWritten by Robert Rhoads

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