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The Choice

Do you believe in magic

By Blake NelsonPublished 3 years ago 8 min read

Giorgio Romero, commonly known as Georgie, lifted the cushions from the floral pattern sofa which had recently been donated to the thrift store at which he worked. He proceeded to insert his gloved hand deep inside the space between the seat and back of the sofa. Usually, he found little more than old food crumbs, some loose change, an occasional remote control, and miscellaneous dirty garments in donated furniture. Sometimes they were fairly clean other times pretty disgusting, but Georgie was used to just about anything he came across. This particular sofa wasn’t much different he did find a few coins worth about seventy-eight cents, a dollar bill, and a small black book which people kept addresses and phone numbers. Georgie quickly flipped through the pages to find the pages seemed to be blank as if the book was new and suddenly lost to the owner before it could be used. He slipped the book into his back pocket and pocketed the money into his front pocket, perks of the job! He finished cleaning the sofa using a vacuum to suck the remainder of the dirt and crumbs into the canister and replaced the cushions back onto the seat. Once finished Georgie headed to the supervisor’s office and peeked his head through the door, “Just wanted to let you know I finished up cleaning that sofa in the back. I’m going to clock out and take off Bob if that’s alright?” Bob looked up from his computer screen towards Georgie and said “That’s fine buddy, it’s your Friday I hope you have a nice weekend. Thanks for your hard work as always.” Georgie half saluted with his forefinger and middle fingers and headed out of the building.

Georgie lived in a small simple but clean one-bedroom apartment in a less than desirable section of the sprawling Las Vegas city limits but it was affordable and no one bothered him in fact no one ever bothered Georgie, for the most part, he was invisible, nothing more than a nameless face in the crowd. He went about his daily life undistinguished from any other day, from work to home to work, day after day. His one highlight of the day was watching Jeopardy after the evening news had ended, once over he went back into his darkness as he lost himself into a book with the noise of the television as background. Since Ann, his wife had passed away Georgie had lost touch with most of the people they had known as well as his family and what few friends he had made through the years, in fact, he had lost touch with everyone including himself. The weekend for him was just a day which he didn’t have to go to work. He would occasionally take in a movie or a walk in the park but other than running a few errands the weekend was just another day in a succession of never-ending loneliness. Once he came home from work that evening, he emptied his pockets onto his dresser with a small black book unopened next to a faded framed picture of himself and Ann in happier times, he disrobed and went to take a shower. Once finished he dressed noticing the once unopened small black book on his dresser was open and there was a telephone number scrawled on the pages. ‘Odd’ he said to himself ‘I’m sure that wasn’t open. Oh well.’ He went on the evening routine as usual preparing his modest dinner and watching the evening news awaiting Jeopardy’s nightly airing. Never disappointed with the program once over he settled down with his book but his thoughts returned to the small black book in his bedroom on the dresser. ‘Maybe it was important to someone, perhaps I should call to return it.’ He thought not understanding the reason.

Cell phone in hand he returned to his bedroom picking up the small black book looking at the number, it was a local number, not knowing why nervously dialed the number. He slightly shivered as the other line clicked and a voice said “Hello,” not in an inquisitive manner but more of a welcoming tone. Georgie fumbled for words but finally said “I found an address book with this number in it, I thought it may belong to you and might be important.” The voice on the other line smoothly replied as if expecting the call “Why yes, it is important. I’m glad that you called I misplaced it, I would very much like it returned if possible, would you be so kind to bring it to me?” Georgie confused thought to himself ‘It’s just a little two-dollar address book, what’s the deal?’ but rather he replied to the other line “Yeah sure, tomorrow okay?” The voice from the other line soothingly replied “Why yes, of course, I understand it may seem odd but believe me it will be clearer once we meet, I’ll compensate you well for your time, please know I have a very good reason for this request and I think you’ll be happy with the outcome.” Georgie Intrigued not understanding why he felt compelled to carry out the task to a complete stranger when in fact it could be a dangerous endeavor simply asked: “No worries, what’s your name sir?” The voice replied “Charles, Mister Charles. I’ll text your phone directions. What time is best to expect you?” Georgie responded, “Noon’s good for me Mister Charles.” Still not understanding why he had just put himself into this situation. It was the first time in many years he had felt adventurous despite being unsure about the potential outcome he actually looked forward to it even though it was a simple task.

Morning came quickly as Georgie showered and dressed, he felt slightly excited at the prospect. His heart pounded though he didn’t know why something in his mind knew there was more than what appearances suggested. Once in his car he clicked the address into his GPS and started his car shifting into drive propelling towards the golden Las Vegas strip and onward almost to the Southwest edge of the city pulling up to a large cast-iron gate in front of a large brick, almost Gothic, home. The gate swung open as he drove up the roadway and he continued to the circular driveway in front of the house. Georgie rang the doorbell and it was answered by an older pleasant-looking gray-haired gentleman wearing a black suit with a white shirt and black tie. “Come in Georgie, welcome.” The elder gentlemen said. Georgie was confused, he didn’t remember offering his name but whatever he was there and entered. “You must have a million questions, Georgie. Please sit, would you care for something to drink?” “No thanks, “replied Georgie “I’m good but I wondering what was going on, I brought your book.” Reaching into his pocket retrieving the book after he sat and offering it to Mister Charles. Mister Charles took the book and placed it on a table next to Georgie’s chair and sat in an adjacent chair facing Georgie. “Do you believe in magic Georgie?” he said folding his hands together. “Not really sir, it’s mostly smoke and mirrors.” “That’s very cynical Georgie,” replied Mister Charles once again standing and somewhat pacing the floor as he spoke “Magic comes in many different forms, like the magic you shared with your wife Ann before she passed away, am I not right.” Taken aback Georgie’s eyes widen and he blurted out “How do you…you know that? Who are you, really?” Mister Charles deeply looked into Georgie’s eyes connecting on a cerebral level as if the two were one. “Georgie I am here to offer you a choice, a magical choice, believe it or not. I know much about you, how after Ann died you spiraled into a very bad way and really never came out of it. You’re a good man but you died as much as Ann did. I’m here to help you.” “I made a lot of mistakes,” Georgie interrupted “Ann wasn’t one, she was the only thing I really ever did right she was the best thing ever happened to me so unless you can bring her back, you got your book, I’m outta here.” “I’m sorry Georgie I can’t bring her back,” said the grey-haired gentleman “but I am offering you a chance to change your path. Please follow me, Georgie.” He said motioning towards Georgie as he walked to a hallway off the main room.

Georgie rose and not really knowing why followed the elderly man down the hall into a room that inside were two doors. Mister Charles pointed to the door on the right and said “Behind this door is $20,000 more than enough to get set you up in a new life of your choosing and start living life again.” “What’s behind the other door?” Asked Georgie. “I honestly don’t know,” replied Mister Charles “That’s where the magic is, behind that door is whatever you need or whatever you deserve. It could be treasures or doom, but whatever is there will change your life forever. The choice is yours. Take the money walk away and make the best life you can or choose the other door and change your destiny.” Georgie pondered the options looking between the doors slowly one at a time. “I didn’t know I was coming on ‘Let’s Make a Deal’ I still don’t know why I’m even here.” He said looking at the grey-haired man “Why is this happening?” Mister Charles softly looked at Georgie and said “Because you deserve it Georgie because you deserve it!”

Faced with a tough decision, though confused with the whirlwind actions leading to this moment Georgie thought hard. His life flashed quickly through his mind; a tear ran from his eye when he thought of his eternal love Ann. Nothing was truer that he had never been the same since she died. He died when she died, he hadn’t lived one day after she left this world, maybe the door would bring him welcome death giving him a chance to reunite with his great love. One day perhaps that would come, however, $20,000 would mean an awful lot to his life a chance to reinvest into himself or perhaps just disappear and start fresh. The choice was difficult but he had to know, forsaking the money he turned the doorknob of the door to his left and entered the small room behind. The light was dim but he could make out cowering in the corner of the room was a small shivering dog that appeared to be a Chihuahua, tiny with big brown eyes a tan coat with perky little ears. The shivering dog looked at Georgie as if looking into his soul. Georgie bent down picked the dog up and sat in a chair that was in the room and held her in his arms caressing her. Her shivering subsided she felt safe perhaps for the first time and warmth filled Georgie’s heart and for the first time in a long time he felt true love, it was that moment Georgie knew he had made the right choice.


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    BNWritten by Blake Nelson

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