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String Art

Exploring the Beauty and Complexity...

By benanPublished about a year ago 3 min read
Ariass Ruumi

String art is a form of art that involves arranging thread, string or yarn in a geometrical or abstract pattern on a board or canvas. The origins of string art are unclear, but it is believed to have originated in ancient cultures such as the Egyptians and the Chinese.

The modern form of string art can be traced back to the 19th century, when mathematical concepts began to be incorporated into art. One of the earliest examples of string art is the work of Mary Everest Boole, who wrote a book in 1901 called "Philosophy and Fun of Algebra" that contained instructions for creating string art designs.

String art became popular in the mid-20th century, particularly in the 1960s and 1970s. During this time, string art was often used to create psychedelic and abstract designs that were popular in the counterculture movement. The craft was also used in schools to teach math and geometry to students.

Today, string art is still a popular form of art, often used to create intricate and decorative designs for home decor, weddings, and other events. It has also been adapted to create three-dimensional sculptures and installations.

Explore our string arts

String art can be a fun and creative DIY project that you can do at home. Here are the basic steps to create a string art design:


A board or canvas



String or embroidery floss



Choose a design or pattern that you want to create. You can find many string art templates and designs online, or create your own.

Decide on the size of your board or canvas and mark the center point where you want to start your design.

Begin by hammering nails into the board at equal intervals around the center point. The distance between the nails will depend on the size of your board and the design you want to create.

Once you have all of the nails in place, remove any extra pencil marks or guidelines.

Tie a knot around one of the nails and start wrapping the string or embroidery floss around the nails, making sure to go around each nail at least once.

Keep wrapping the string around the nails, creating the pattern or design you have chosen. You can use different colors or types of string to create a more intricate design.

Once you have finished wrapping the string around the nails, tie off the end of the string around one of the nails and trim any excess.

Finally, display your finished string art design and enjoy your new piece of handmade art.

Remember, string art is a creative process, so don't be afraid to experiment and try new things. Have fun and enjoy the process!

Try our Special String Art Kits

"Secret geometry" typically refers to the use of mathematical and geometric principles in art and design. Many artists and designers throughout history have used hidden or subtle geometric patterns and shapes in their work to create balance, harmony, and a sense of order.

One famous example of secret geometry is found in the art and architecture of the Islamic world. Islamic geometric patterns use a complex system of grids and circles to create intricate and symmetrical designs that are often found in mosques, palaces, and other Islamic buildings.

In Western art, many Renaissance artists such as Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo used principles of geometry and proportion in their work to create a sense of realism and balance. For example, the golden ratio or divine proportion, a mathematical ratio found in nature and often used in art and design, can be seen in many of their works.

In modern times, artists and designers continue to use secret geometry to create visually pleasing and harmonious designs. From architecture and graphic design to fashion and product design, the principles of geometry can be found in many different fields and industries.

Discover Secret Geometry


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