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Not all dead stay dead and I'm not dead wrong

I met a zombie

By J LouisPublished 3 years ago 3 min read

It was another season that I still was wondering when was I going to meet a real life zombie on the land that has been known for having them, a true zombie land. Then boom, I saw my first zombie.

I was a young boy who used to sneak out the house a lot, especially in November just to go play with my little neighborhood's friends while hoping to meet one. You can probably find them any time of the year, but November is usually the month you are going to lay your eyes on one if you have it in you. By it, I meant some of us have to be born with that gift to be able to see things others can not see. They come in different shape or form, whether it's Invisible animals or humans, and no they do not all try to eat you like the ones you see in television.

So while I was playing hide and seek near the cemetery where somebody that I used to know because of my Grandmother was buried, I heard a voice that was not clear at all. I could not understand what was it saying while whispering. So I got closer, I wanted to see and listen. All my friends ran, but I stayed alone, I heard Louis It's me Ginou, Louis it's me Ginou. For some reasons I was not scared at all, I have never ever feared anything, well except God and of course my late Grandmother. If anything, anything evils should fear me, because God lives within me.

I got even closer, then Ginou showed herself up real slow and said to me ; Do you remember me ? Why didn't you run just like every other kid ? I said of course Gin, I do remember. You may not look the same way, but I would recognized that voice from anywhere. Then I said; I did not run like the other kids because Granny had always taught me to be a soldier in the salvation army. Even though I was always afraid of her because of all the butt whooping and deadly stares, I felt stronger and more powerful than the Incredible Hulk.

Ginou then said "my friend Anna was really like this with everyone, she taught them to be some lioness, and to be Kings. We all learned something from her ". It's crazy how the whole time I felt like it was just two normal people having a conversation. I did not even think about the fact that I was communicating with the dead like I have been there and rose there too.

After we talked for a little while, Ginou warned me of others who are not like her, she said there are other zombies who hunt for blood and fresh meat, but guess what ? I felt like I was the Priest so I did not care.

I stared at Gigou , I can't say dead in the eyes because I could not see them. I said come with me, I want my friends to meet you, and wouldn't you want to see our families again ? no one is going to believe me and my story. She responded " I do not want to scare anyone away like I did your friends, so I do not think it is a good idea ", then I said: It's fine I get it, but I will tell them about this whether they want to believe it or not, at least my friends heard something that made all of them run and leave me, hopefully they believe it was you, our used to be favorite person in the entire village.

I then left her near her tomb, walked back home with a little sadness then some happiness; not only because I finally got to meet a zombie, it's also because she was someone that I knew.


About the Creator

J Louis

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    J LouisWritten by J Louis

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