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My Encounter with Skippy

The Alien

By Adrienne LawleyPublished 3 years ago 4 min read
My Encounter with Skippy
Photo by Viktor Talashuk on Unsplash

It seems like yesterday when the United Stated government released photos of what they say are objects flying in our airspace that defies all known technology. Crafts that can fly, sink into the ocean, and maneuver in ways that are not known to mankind. If I had only tried harder to win the war between world’s, we could be at peace.

As a military official who investigates aliens, I became aware of alien life shortly after I joined. In September of that year, 2021, they began making contact. They had been hiding on our planet, just observing for about 4,000 years. They watched and reported back, and we were remarkably interesting to them, as they get to watch a civilization develop and they are enjoying watching us develop as life in the universe does exist, but it is rare to catch new life at such an early stage in development. So, they watch and observe, then report back.

In 2021, as the humans come dangerously close to destroying the earth, and realizing it could have butterfly effect on their planet, they had to step in. At first, they made themselves visible, as they need to approach mankind with caution. They realize that if they just appear, it will cause chaos, so they started making people aware simply at first.

Shortly after that, their ambassador contacted my division, my division was called EFS back then, we were to make the Extraterrestrial First Contact. We were stunned, none of us was expecting to be speaking and communicating with alien life, but there it stood, in my office, it appeared out of nowhere.

It asked if it could be introduced to our president and told us that many of them were in every country and they are all going to be speaking with the leaders but wanted to speak directly with our president first so she (yes, President Harris) could talk the to the other leaders and help remove any fear they may have of the new life species on their planet. I could not even begin to pronounce our aliens name, so we called him Skippy, and Skippy liked the nickname. This was all happening so fast.

Skippy was telling us about his planet, and how his people evolved, he said they were at least 5 million generations and that they had incredibly happy lives. There was no war, there was low crime, and everyone lived happily. Skippy said that birth, all children are temporarily sterilized, they apply for a parent permit after they have finished their studies and are employed or not, they get a little house to raise their families. They have no monetary system, people choose what they want to do and are trained for that job, if they cannot understand the subject, they can switch careers at any time. The people work at jobs that make them happy. They are allowed to get anything they want, no need to worry about food clothes rent, and they get vacations. Their government can do this because it is not corrupt and is seen as the person who manages tasks. No task outweighs another task, people do what makes them happy. Lesser favored tasks are for the rule breakers.

Skippy and I sat for hours and talked, then I was directed to transport Skippy to a location to meet President Harris, and that was the next to the last time I saw Skippy. It was months before I heard anything and then one day in January 2022, it was announced by the pentagon that we had contacted an alien life form, and that this life form was a direct threat to national and global security. The world went into a panic worse than even the Covid panic, everything shut down. The different countries all sought to destroy the aliens because they didn’t want to live like the aliens live, in a society where no one is in charge, in a socialist society, People wanted their guns, no one would budge on Israel, everyone was angry at the aliens for offering them peace because no one in power wanted to trade that power in for a happy life.

It’s been about 20 years now, and all I have left is a locket Skippy gave me on our first encounter. It was a small heart shaped locket with a picture of Skippy on it’s home planet. My family died shortly after the initial contact, they were shot by neighbors for being out after dark, but it is always dark now, sunlight or not. People changed and began to act feral, and in a sense they were. With all governments collapsing, and the economic issues, with the global warming issues being a problem as the tip was scaled and now, we must deal with that, which we did not. I’m in my late 50’s now and each day I just wait for the end, and then today out of the blue Skippy showed up…


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    ALWritten by Adrienne Lawley

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