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Is Leonardo da Vinci really an "alien"? One of his heart puzzles took 500 years for posterity to understand

Leonardo da Vinci is really an "alien"

By Bar wallPublished 2 years ago 5 min read

In the 16th century, Copernicus, one of the key figures of the European Renaissance, constructed a heliocentric model of the universe in his Treatise on the Movement of the Heavens.

Modern natural science has confirmed the scientific nature of the "heliocentric theory", the "heliocentric theory" at that time, although there are also errors, compared to the traditional human cosmology "geocentric theory". The "heliocentric theory" can propose that the Earth is not the center of the universe, which is already a great breakthrough. However, Copernicus was not the creator of this theory, but before him, Leonardo da Vinci had also stated this view.

Copernicus was born in 1473, while Leonardo da Vinci was born in 1452, according to his age, da Vinci is considered the predecessor of Copernicus, and many people have the impression that da Vinci is a "famous Italian painter". Da Vinci can be ranked among the "Three Masters of the Renaissance", how can it be based on one move alone?

His achievements involved too many fields, from physics to geology, astronomy, mathematics, biology, archaeology, sculpture, architecture, music, as well as inventions, plant research, and so on everything.

This is why Leonardo da Vinci was suspected of being an "alien". His achievements are too many, not to mention that many of his ideas are also quite advanced and always proved to be forward-looking, and can even be applied to modern technology inventions and manufacturing. Before Copernicus' heliocentric theory, he questioned the idea that the Earth was the center of the universe, arguing that the Earth moved around the Sun and was not even the center of the solar system, let alone the center of the universe.

And the moon is not as magical as we all think, with its light, "Moonlight" is a refraction of the sun's light, the most dumbfounding is that Leonardo da Vinci had already thought of using the sun's energy for scientific research and production, although still in the stage of conception, it was 500 years ago, people can through their thinking about the universe to have a more accurate understanding of the universe. The first time I saw him, I thought he was going to use the sun's energy for scientific research and production.

But the mysteries of Leonardo da Vinci do not stop at astronomy and physics, his mysterious experiences, his amazing knowledge and his advancement in the field of biology have amazed future generations. He left behind a heart puzzle, known as "Leonardo da Vinci's biological code", which was only revealed 500 years after his death in a paper published in the scientific journal Nature, and people could not help but marvel at the vision of Leonardo da Vinci's mind.

Only such a person with a seven-eyed mind could have painted the mysterious and mysterious world-famous painting "Mona Lisa". It is well known that after his death, Leonardo da Vinci left behind many manuscripts of his notes written in his left hand, many of which were entrusted to his most admired student, Francesco Merz. These manuscripts have not been kept in their entirety to this day, but from as many as 15,000 pages of notebook paintings, posterity can also get a glimpse of da Vinci's bold vision and exquisite design.

The so-called "Leonardo da Vinci Biocode" actually refers to Leonardo da Vinci's hand-drawn diagram of the human body structure, specifically outlining the existence of tiny biological fibers in the inner wall of the human heart, which we now call the myocardial trabeculae, in Leonardo da Vinci's time, human anatomy is regarded as unreasonable, not widely recognized by the public, but Leonardo da Vinci has been the first He was the first to draw a fetus in the womb and even an appendix in the body, for which he was slandered.

For a long time, the existence of this "Da Vinci Biocode" was a mystery. Da Vinci once said that he believed that the existence of this layer of the heart could never be of no use, just as he did not create frescoes only for decoration, but its physiological role was probably related to the process of blood flow through the heart.

The biological code of the human body has also been of great interest to later generations, but the lack of definitive research results has long been a matter of opinion. It was not until a paper published in the journal Nature pointed out that myocardial trabeculae are not useless, as Leonardo da Vinci believed, myocardial trabeculae are indeed quite important to the heart's ability to pump blood, in human embryonic conception, the heart is the first organ to appear, muscle fibers come together to form trabeculae, trabeculae thicken to form the myocardial layer, but even if the heart is fully developed, trabeculae will not disappear.

This is because the trabeculae help oxygenation when the heart is developing, and the structure of the myofibers in the trabeculae still affects the person's high risk of heart failure after the heart is fully developed. This effect is shown by the trabeculae making the inside of the ventricles rougher for more efficient blood flow, and the heart's performance is inherently related to the trabecular structure, and the study found that many people with congenital heart disease have trabecular thicknesses that are beyond the norm, while the heart muscle is thin.

Although the paper in Nature was not published by Leonardo da Vinci, and this puzzle was only conceived by him and did not prove his point of view through experiments, but more than 500 years ago, in the era when human anatomy was not yet accepted by the general public, without knowing the working mechanism of the human system circulation, Leonardo da Vinci was able to accumulate experience through human anatomical studies attempted from the age of 15, draw a manuscript of human structure detailed to such an extent He was also able to draw a manuscript of the structure of the human body with such a degree of detail, and make bold guesses based on the actual, to provide research ideas for future generations, is undoubtedly an amazing creation.

Especially when it is proved that his ideas are correct and reasonable, it makes people feel that Leonardo da Vinci is not only a painter but also a remarkable scientific pioneer. There are still many secrets in Da Vinci's body. Did he acquire those extraordinary talents from the "mysterious cave" in his childhood? How could he design the first generation of robots, primitive machine guns, and even a model of a tank that looks like a flying saucer ......

This renaissance master did create many miracles, his IQ level has reached a super high, and his vision is not comparable to others. It's no wonder he was always suspected of being an alien or a future world traveler to the Renaissance era. Sometimes geniuses are special because they can be a step ahead in a human technological civilization, and for people to challenge the norm and boldly open up new paths is the thing that requires the most courage.

fact or fiction

About the Creator

Bar wall

Countries people need science, not scientific development, will certainly become a colony。

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