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How To Manifest With Your Spiritual Being

Learn How to Manifest Your Desires

By SATPOWERPublished 2 years ago 5 min read
How To Manifest With Your Spiritual Being
Photo by Zac Durant on Unsplash

Did you know you can bring your deepest desires and dreams to life through spiritual manifestation? When you practise spiritual manifesting, you can physically materialise your beliefs regardless of your skills or current reality. What exactly is this occurrence? And how does it function? This story addresses all of these concerns.

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What Does Spiritual Manifestation Mean?

This concept is connected with the New Age belief in the Law of Attraction. It states that whatever you think, you will attract. Whenever you have positive and happy thoughts you will attract people and events that are positive and happy. On the flip side, if you have negative thoughts, that is what you will attract.

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Whether you want a healthier relationship, love, a better job, or more success, it is believed that whenever you ask the universe, you will receive. While many calls manifesting what you want a pseudoscientific concept and there isn’t any scientific evidence that manifesting works, there are multiple testimonies from people who practice manifestation that can be found in spiritual literature.

Is Manifesting Effective?

Can you really make your dreams come true? Is it all a ruse? Many studies show that you can shift your energy to attract love, money, and even a soul mate by using a variety of meditation techniques and tools.

By Obed Esquivel on Unsplash

There is a potential scientific explanation: thoughts are the result of biochemical processes involving neurons in the brain that are being transferred between different synapses. This transfer creates a weak electrical current that can generate a magnetic field. Advocates for manifestation believe that these electric waves carry content and that they aren’t just empty static. When you train your mind to have positive intentions, you are able to adjust and change the bio-magnetic and biochemical energy within your brain waves.

While the power of manifestation cannot be measured scientifically, there have been too many testimonies that it truly works for us to ignore the possibilities. Some might call it luck or coincidence, but for many, it’s all a part of spiritual awakening.

How to Make Your Dreams Come True

If you want to attract love, you must first change your mindset. It's always important to remember that making your desires a reality will necessitate taking proactive steps in the direction of whatever you want.

1: Be Clear About Your Goals

Because you are the only one who dreams your dreams and has your aspirations, you have to be very clear about your goals. Develop a detailed description of what you want in life.

If you want to meet your soul mate, have a clear and concise idea of what that person might look like (think about characteristics, moral values, and other qualities).

In the same way, you should be clear about what you want in your occupation, lifestyle, and any other areas of your life.

2: Why Do You Want It?

One of the best tips for manifesting is knowing why you want certain things. Whenever there is a strong intention and reason behind what you want, it is more likely that you will be proactive in achieving it. Your intentions will be the guiding force behind what you truly want.

3: Ask and Write Down

After you’ve set clear goals and intentions, it’s time to ask the universe for it. There are many different ways to do so:




Creating a vision board

Writing it down

Manifest desires by speaking out loud

Be specific when you ask the universe for something and it will manifest into reality.

4: Trust and Believe

If you want to experience a shift in your energy and for your spirit to awaken, you need to let go, trust and believe. Let go of your limiting beliefs and resistance. You can fulfill your goals when you truly believe that you can.

Try out some manifestation affirmations where you constantly remind yourself that you are worthy and deserving. Find helpful ways how you can write daily affirmations that will remind you that you can achieve anything you set your mind to.

5: Be Mindful and Aware

It can be difficult to change old habits, especially when negative thoughts have been part of your daily routine for a long time. Be mindful of what you think about and stop yourself before you become too critical of yourself.

A simple way to be more mindful is to go outdoors and clear your mind or treat yourself to a well-deserved self-care routine. Concentrate on how you want to feel and eliminate anything, or anyone, who makes you feel bad or negative.

6: Actions

Unfortunately, you won’t be able to manifest your desires without any action. That is why author Gabrielle Bernstein refers to manifesting as co-creating with the universe. Reframing your mindset walks hand-in-hand with behavioral changes to ensure that you achieve your goals.

Simply put, when you want to love and compassion, you need to show love and compassion.

7: Be Patient

It’s important that you trust the process and be patient. Spiritual awakening and manifestation are a journey, and they should happen without pressure. When the intent and belief are there, the results will follow.

What Is the Best Time for Manifesting Your Desires?

Although you can work on manifesting the entire day, the suggested time to implement a spiritual manifestation technique, according to gurus, is during the morning. Louise Hay’s quote “How you start your day is how you live your day” is very applicable in manifesting.

When you start your day in high vibrations and with intent, you’ll attract all that is good and positive.

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