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February tears all sweltering under the hot, hazy sky...

By Lorraine L. HaydenPublished 6 months ago 4 min read

February tears all sweltering under the hot, hazy sky. A heatwave pounding, and I am no better than a hopeless case of dehydration as I sit on the concrete slab of my front porch. My eyes are squinting in the sun, and my tongue is sticking to the roof of my mouth like the yolk of an egg fried too long. There is a deep ache in my bones. It may be the heat or the hunger. It is both, I tell myself. And a thought comes to me: this must be what the hell was like in Dante's Inferno. How did humanity end up here? How did this happen? I don't know, but all I can do now is try to survive this climate disaster.

I listen as my parents argue. Their emotional friction only adds to my heat exhaustion. I shake my head, trying to rid myself of their voices, but they are unrelenting, a never-ending loop of bickering and blame. Standing up slowly, my legs wobbly from the heat, I enter our tiny raggedy home. Their voices grow louder as I draw closer. I know what's about to come next, a throw down of objects and insults, and I can't stomach it anymore.

With them not noticing me and including me in their drama, I could make it to my room. I collapse onto my bed, trying to hold back tears. I can't take the constant arguing and unbearable heat anymore. I need to escape. The thought of me and my brown body sitting under a tree with a cool breeze blowing through my braids, sipping on a tall glass of sweet tea, somewhat comforted me. But sadly, it is not enough to quiet the angry voices I hear from the living room.

I noticed a bright light flickering in front of my window. I exited my bed to examine the light as it flashed outside. As I drew closer, I saw that it was not just an ordinary light but a glowing figure in the form of a woman standing outside my window.

Her beautiful radiance filled every inch of the room. I forgot about everything else for a moment as her eyes captured mine. She beckoned me with one hand while holding what looked like an old leather-bound book on the other hand.

Without hesitation or second thoughts about leaving everything behind, especially when things were seemingly getting out of control at home due to unresolved issues between my parents, I reached for her hand without thinking twice.

As soon as our hands touched each other's skin, it felt like magic ran through my veins, and everything changed. We were no longer in my bedroom or even the world I was stuck in. We were now standing on a vast plain of green grass and colorful wildflowers surrounded by gigantic mountains and majestic trees.

The light from the sun reflected off her beautiful ebony skin, her silver hair reminding me of stars in a clear night sky. I felt more alive than ever, inhaling the sweet smell of jasmine and honeysuckle that seemed to linger in this new world.

She smiled at me, an expression that was warm and inviting, filled with love and understanding. She gently grasped my hand and spoke softly but with authority. "Welcome to your new home, child," she said. "This is a place of peace and harmony where you will be safe from all harm." She handed me the book she held in her other hand, which was for me only as there was no title, only my name on the cover.

"Take this book as a gift for all you have endured so far," she said tenderly, kissing my forehead gently before disappearing into the wind without another word.

I opened my book to find pages filled with stories about men and women brave enough to walk away from their old lives towards a better one, about finding courage despite difficulties, stories about never giving up hope no matter how hopeless things seem. Stories about a creative conscious where everyone comes together for good.

I, Shanice Witherspoon, knew right then that I had found my purpose: I was meant to use what little strength I had left after all I had been through to inspire others who also needed guidance on their path toward redemption. And so, strengthened by this newfound knowledge, I stand here today, ready to embark upon an incredible journey, one that would lead me back home again someday soon but an even better version.

futurescience fictionhumanityfantasy

About the Creator

Lorraine L. Hayden

A lover of odd, offbeat stories, I gravitate between science fiction and horror. I do combine both in my stories with a look at society as it stands today.

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