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Gemini (The Show Stopper)

Re-inventing Yourself! Upgrades, Downloads, Makeovers

By Poetic Empress- OriginalPublished 3 years ago 11 min read
Gemini (The Show Stopper)
Photo by dulkimso Hakim Santoso on Unsplash

They say, beauty is in the eye of the beholder, may I add, all geminins are beautiful. They have a child-like approach to life, that some cannot understand. Due to their child-likeness, they are able to weigh others spirit to define the true agenda of someone who comes in their presence. No matter how far down a Gemini may go, there is a place deep inside that speaks; "get up, try again.

You are the baby of the Air signs, which could be the reason, you get away with a lot! If you look at Libra and Aquarius as the parents of Gemini, they gathered traits from both, then set out on their on adventurous journey that is equivalent to, letting a child loose in a toy factory with his own set of tools or an eloquent Candy Shoppe with a Black Discover card.

I'd like to think of Libra and Aquarius as being Universally Rich, passing down a platinum spoon in the mouth of Gemini. (that's a short story, look for it soon.) Meaning, the only limit a Gemini has, is the one they place upon themselves. They are meant to excel in every stage of their lives, assist in our planet and its constituents longevity, increase intuitively, live as a limitless co-creator and elevating the emotions/frequency of others in a positive direction. Who's to say, they aren't also helping in other dimensions as well?

Gemini's are as the title states, "show stoppers" you need a party to go viral? get a Gemini, you need someone to take charge over a project? grab a Gemini, need a keen eye for uniqueness, oddity, beauty, elaborateness, sensuality, seductiveness, boldness, think out of the box, create a décor like none other, devoted partner, total body massage, hairstylist, architect, alchemist, creative writer, ghost writer, etcetera... Gemini is your man or woman. They can be the glue to connecting family, friends and associates.

They have the ability to communicate with babies, the young, old and the spirit realm . Some are introverts, however, they are the most interesting people you will ever meet. Gemini can chat with several people at once. This is true, their thoughts are fast, it is like a day in the gym when they are in this mode. It excites them, keep them sharp and ready for the next thing you throw at them. Younger Gemini's shed most of their shyness which says, (inexperienced to life), as they grow older, interacting with others from various walks of life, assist with losing their shyness but not all of their innocence. Unconsciously, they are teachers, their peers are fixated on their wisdom being in the same age group, soaking up the knowledge, that is being lavishly poured, while they continue to be themselves. If you ever have the honor of meeting a gem, conversation is refreshing. They are not boasters or egotistical as many believe. They know a lot because they are curious about life's complexities, the unknown and the ultimate question they ask, "who am I?" It's only your perception if they seem to walk in the pride of life. They have a lot of knowledge , eager to share with the world or whoever will listen so, they can start another quest to know.

Those born with Gemini in their chart, give so much of themselves to others, freedom in relationships is necessary for them to be happy, have a sense of wellbeing so, recharging is a must. Gemini may want to cuddled up, any where from twenty four hours to thirty days with their partner, then off again to socialize as a butterfly. Which stands for transformation of places, people and self.

Withholding from your Gemini partner, after a bond is created, can affect their emotions and health in the long run so, if you have a Gemini friend, family or associate, allow them to just be themselves. Once they deem you as a friend or lover, prepare to be a theme in their life.

Here is the forecast for the sign of Gemini

You are about to have the most amazing time of your LIFE! Everything is about to change and that is good. Where you were stagnant, having communication breech, your love life or passions .. Forget the past, in with the present. If considering a makeover, taking trips, maybe revamping your home to accentuate the true you that is bursting to pop out like a show girl in a birthday cake! I want you to know... THIS IS IT! In order to reach the next plateau of life, allow the "go with the flow" movement to activate.

As you know the year 2020, was the Year of the Rat in Chinese Astrology. This year is ass-kicking year of the Metal Ox and a double blessing for the sign of Gemini until January 31, 2022. No matter what you put your hands to do for success, it will manifest. Your confidence will be off the charts when it comes to public speaking, closing a deal, debates, legalities or whatever is popping up in your life at this time...

You have a "no hold bar" about you. Anything that has kept you from pushing forward is now laid to rest. As you step over those thoughts, ideas or challenges. realizing, some were there to slow you down, others were to bring growth. You are a person of power strutting down a runway. your ears are closed to negative people and words. "Talk to the hand" barrier is up, you are taking charge of your destiny like never before. Gemini, you are putting away your toys when it comes to business.

Some Geminis are not seen as stable individuals but the opposite. Truth is you are stable in your heart, your identity begins to unfold in your early teens yet, the self expression part of you hasn't developed. So, you tend to be viewed as indecisive or introverted. Well guess what? You too will have a few epiphanies that will crack your shell this year. You will start surrounding yourself with like-minded people. Also, that particular person you have been thinking about, is now thinking about you.. don't worry about the retrograde. All is in your favor and it is good...This will strengthen your spirituality, confidence. It will help you to find your passions and path for the future you. Remember, the future you is waiting for the present you to find him or herself. Start by doodling, painting, singing if that tickles your fancy in the shower or bath. The Universe will call your name so, be ready to accept the path you are destined for when you hear your name. don't run or fret what others may say. Secretly, they wish they were as awesome as you.

Who said, Geminis cannot have their cake and eat it too? You're attractive during your season. Your inner and outer beauty is catching the eye of many. You rule Mercury which also gives you your child-like and youthful characteristics This is a good time to find your inner circle you want to keep close. Start a blog, finish that book you started a few years ago, learn a new craft. Geminis are fast learners, thinkers and amazing with their hands. Taking up Pottery, interior decorating, a designer for the new age vehicles that are coming in the near future. If I didn't know any better, I would think the first people on this earth was the Geminis. a civilization a light year away. You are the social butterfly that the world isn't able to get enough of. Starting right now, with all that energy coming your way, create something. anything just create. don't worry about the sleepless nights, that will past after the retrograde. This is the best time of your life to do whatever you desire as long as it isn't hurting anyone else.


There is a lot of activity going on in the spirit realms. You may start seeing shadows or people from the corner of your eye. You may hear an entire conversation. Don't worry, your gifts are being activated, or exercised. If you had a recent lost, my condolences, however Gemini, due to your sensitivity, you will be able to sense your loved ones around you. Nothing to fear, this is part of your makeup. Being a fellow Gemini, I can say part of your destiny is to help others cross over that are stuck due to injustice and family needing healing. There's nothing to be afraid of, remember, you signed up for this before coming to earth. Congratulations on your awesome journey. You are a spirit having a human experience and loving it. The good, bad and the heartaches.

If you are an older Gemini, your spirituality has intensified. That means all your spiritual gifts that showed up like a peek a boo session in the past, will now be front and center. No more hiding them from the world. You are the forerunners on this planet to produce, create the most beautiful unimaginable things for others to appreciate, as it motivates others to do the same. Your complicated minds are now being complimented by everyone you know and meet. So, get ready to walk in the limelight you deserve it. Start your own line of clothing that you saw in a dream, create those what- nots, Open that souvenir shop that showcases your gift baskets. Don’t allow one iota not to be explored. You never know what will take off like a wild fire for success!

If you are like me, you found yourself in a silence, viewing visions of the next chapter of your life. How it looks as well as having a strong notion of changes happening inside of you. People you have been giving undeserving quality time are starting to fade from your view. They are not being seen as priority as before. You are changing your circle. It's okay if you are the only person in it for now. When you emerge, all eyes will be on you. Your direction will be made clear until the next upgrade or download comes your way.


You are starting to feel the push for creative endeavors, your hands are wanting to be busy. If you thought about sculpturing, this could be a grand time to learn or put those skills into action. You have the Midas touch so, turn things into gold,

Some of you are thinking about retiring resources, this maybe a good time to buy into a franchise or become a franchise and allow others to buy your products, open a storefront with your business name on it.

During this time, you are being encouraged to utilize every thing you know including, discover new projects that will stimulate your intellect for gain. You should start seeing your finances increase, legal things going in your favor. Gemini's were meant to be abundant in every aspect of their lives. If you find yourself needing a bit of a nudge, create a money bowl , place in the South corner of your residence and feed it coins as a treat to keep it flowing. Adding some shiny objects like gold, silver a cinnamon stick could make a difference. Can't hurt to try this old method for money matters.

I am not a licensed broker, but it never hurts to save money for a rainy day, why not consider investing in stocks or crypto currencies that are profitable now or in the near future. Investing in self is self love. Speaking with a licensed broker could make the difference in the long run. Procrastination is not an option for the gems. You have a tendency to do many things at once, maybe investing in several areas can also increase your wealth health.

Since you are the Twins, each twin has a twin so, It's safe to say, the eight of you can produce what you desire. See yourself this way and move forward in success! Create that lifestyle you seek doing what you like. The best job anyone can have is the one they create for themselves and love.


If you have been feeling unloved or numb in that area.. humbug to that I say. You are loveable and being sought out for the kind of relationship you desire and deserve. Put on your soft white clothing, take a walk, visit the farmer's market. take a ride to your favorite smoothie shop a few times a week, see who strikes a conversation with you and go from there. You shall receive a boost in your energy, Stand in the mirror and tell yourself how awesomely sexy you are daily to keep that vibe going. Strut your sexy self around the house for practice then take it to the public. Confidence is attractive. That is what get the attention of most Geminis so, let it show like Fleetwood Coupe Deville in the movie " The Wiz"

Each year during retrograde, we have past people coming back so, get ready. If you want to start over with someone, you may have the opportunity to do so, or a reconciliation for friendship, just clearing the air. Make sure you have good karma coming your way. You are in high demand dear Gemini, put on your smile and interesting charisma and allow the people to come your way. Don't shy away from the world , allow the world to see the true essence inside that makes you, you. One more thing, everyone doesn't have a hidden agenda when doing nice things for you, it is okay to accept in the spirit of charity trinkets and gifts.

May this forecast find you in overall good health. May the possibilities go beyond what is written. You Rock The World Gemini, take a rose and a bow


About the Creator

Poetic Empress- Original

I am an Artist who finds joy in painting, writing short stories, interior decorating, poetry and songs. A romantic at heart with a child like imagination. A young introvert/empath, poetry activated a world of creativity through expression.

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