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Gemini Season Tarot Reading!

A simple guide to what's in store for Gemini's over the next month!

By isakPublished 3 years ago 4 min read

Finally we have reached Gemini season! Hooray!

Gemini’s tend to get a bad rep in the world of astrology, but I believe that as long as you can understand them, they can bring so much joy and versatility to your life! Now, I may be biased. My best friend is a Gemini, and I've experienced first hand all that comes with their complex energies, but that also has made me want to learn about their characteristics even more!

Gemini is a mutable air sign ruled by Mercury. They are known to be sociable, playful and outgoing, though easily bored and in need of stimulation and variety to please their curious minds! Those who have Gemini as their sun sign tend to have a “light” side and a “dark” side, and are often accused of being two-faced, though once both sides are in balance, Gemini’s can truly thrive. At their worst, or when they are stuck in their darker side, they can be reluctant to engage with their deeper feelings and won’t always think about the consequences of their actions. Communication and learning is key! The image of the Gemini twins suggests that they desire conversation and social interaction, because of this people with Gemini placements can usually make friends fairly easily. They love to learn and prefer change over staying stagnant. A Gemini’s nightmare is boredom or feeling trapped in a routine!

Cards pulled:

- Queen of Swords: intelligent, strong beliefs, idealistic, faithful

- Wheel of Fortune: luck, fortune, change, success, destiny, new direction

- The Lovers: love, connection, sexual attraction, new possibilities, choice

- Knight of Pentacles: sensible, considerate, stable, nervous, responsible

- The Devil: lust, greed, secrets, success in career, primal instincts

- Three of Wands: accomplishment, success, progression, satisfaction

- Ace of Cups: love, joy, happiness, emotional expression, abundance

- Queen of Cups: emotional, harmonious, creativity, caring, imaginative

- Page of Swords: curiosity, honesty, intelligence, indepence

- 6 of Pentacles: success, sharing wealth, charity, philanthropy, giving back

- Knight of Cups: romantic, idealistic, on a mission, highly principled,

- The Goblin: intuitive, perseverance, lights the way

- The Cluricaun: harmony prevails, a crook of gold awaits

Planetary movements during Gemini season 2021:

- Saturn Retrograde (May 21st)

- Full Moon total Lunar Eclipse (May 26th)

- Mercury Retrograde (May 29th)

- Last quarter Moon (June 2nd)

- Venus enters Cancer (June 2nd)

- New Moon annular solar eclipse (June 10th)

- Mars enters leo (June 11th)

- Saturn enters Uranus (June 14th)

- First quarter Moon (June 17th)

- Jupiter Retrogade (June 20th)

Wow! Let’s dive right into this spread!

I see a lot of change coming for Gemini’s, which can come through in many different forms. It could be a change in career, living situation, relationships, wherever this change comes up for you, I’m seeing that there will be a lot of success following. This change will help you align more with your beliefs and your personal happiness!

Gemini’s connected to the Lovers card, which appeared in this reading! I’m seeing relationships shifting, maybe people’s true colours are finally coming to light and they may not align with you and your beliefs. It’s okay to let go of people who don’t benefit you anymore! By letting go of something that no longer serves us, we are creating space for all the blessings that the universe is preparing for you, and according to the cards, these blessings are going to bring an abundance of happiness and success!

The Cluricaun reminds us that when we listen to our hearts, true happiness will follow. Arguments will end and harmony will be brought upon you. The Goblin card signals that your good fortune may arrive in a way that is foreign to you and at first, may not appear to fulfill your desires, but worry not, the reasoning will reveal itself through events unfolding. Be on the lookout for any blessings in disguise!

Don’t trap yourself into a situation that isn’t making you happy anymore! While new beginnings may be scary, it’s always better than staying somewhere that is holding you back or making you live in the darker shadows of Gemini’s energy. This spread is SCREAMING success, so while it’s important to honour any feelings of nervousness or uncertainty, go forward with the knowledge that everything will work out for the best.

I’m picking up that some of you may form a new romantic connection! There is lots of water energy in this reading (water signs represent our emotions, the cup suit in tarot represents our emotions as well). This goes along with Venus, the planet of love, moving into Cancer, a water sign, on June 2nd. Emotions are gonna be flowing, maybe this connection will feel so strong so quickly that it will make you question, but as we talked about before, keep in mind that some blessings can come in disguise! The devil card warns us to be cautious of any feelings of lust or greed, possibly even connecting back to our primal instincts as humans. So don’t put too much pressure on yourself or the situations/people around you, because the universe is working in your favour right now.

To summarize this reading, I see that the universe is giving you the opportunity to move in many new directions, and while this may scare or challenge you at first, trust that happiness and success will follow. Spread love to yourself, and the world around you, and it will be returned to you. Allow yourself time to reflect on past lessons that can help you grow. You are on a mission and if you can continue to fight even when things may seem bleak or not worth it, you will be met with light, love, and overall peace on the other side!

Many blessings for all during this beautiful Gemini season!


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