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🔮 Gemini June 2021 Horoscope - You are the Magician 🧙✨

♊︎ A Cosmic Rebirth is assured....

By Ermaline OgbodoPublished 3 years ago • 8 min read

New Year, New Me? Is that how the saying goes? Welcome to YOUR season Gemini! June 2021 is bound to be a life-changing month for you, and I am here to guide you through all the magic. Yes you read it right - MAGIC. You are entering your solar return (if it didn’t already happen in May) so it is literally your yearly new year, your cosmic rebirth if you will. The universe is giving you a clean slate to get your life in order in every area of your life! Your tarot card of the month is the Magician (one of your cards!), the universe has equipped you with all the tools you need to create the life you want...are you ready? All you have to do is use what you have to create what you want. How lucky you are!

Starting out the month we are coming off the high of the Full Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse in your opposite sign - Sagittarius that occurred in late May. That energy is still strong all of June, and lingers for the next 6 months! Lunar eclipses are times of fated change, where the universe redirects your life in a way that sets you up for success - even though it could be painful or just highly emotional it is done for the best of your soul’s path. This eclipse highlighted your seventh house of one on one relationships, from romance to business you could have had divine intervention come and realign you with the best path forward. This month is all about integrating those changes that occurred and healing the relationship with yourself as well as others.

We still have Mercury retrograde in your sign until June 22nd in your sign as well. Having your personal planet retrograde in your own sign is the universe’s way of saying rest, realign, redirect then re-engage. This energy is not one for making drastic changes, signing any new contracts or making any risky communication. If you must sign a contract please be sure to triple check all the fine print, get a second opinion or even better try to hold or negotiate off until July 7th when Mercury ends it’s post-shadow retrograde phase. After Mercury ends its post-shadow phase it will be moving forward with clarity and you can make more informed decisions. What you should do during this time is take stock of your life, finish old projects rather than start new ones and reconnect with old friends. Mercury retrograde gets a bad wrap, when in reality is the universe blessing us with a chance to get clear on our priorities and realign.

No matter when your birthday is, there is a New Moon Solar Eclipse in Gemini at 20 degrees on June 10th. Check your birth chart to see if you have a Gemini placement at 20 +/- 5 degrees or any other air or fire signs. These energies are compatible with Gemini so this eclipse will hit you in a lovely way. New moons are new beginnings that the universe gives you every single month, and when it is in your sign it is really time to take stock of your life and make your biggest wishes you see for yourself! Who do you want to be known as Gemini? Both sides of you want to come out and play, so make intentions are letting your most authentic side shine and allowing all of your voices to be heard! The world wants to hear you, and you are worth listening to! With Venus transitioning from your sign to Cancer on June 2nd, you got a confidence boost last month and could have changed up your look, or simply just glowed up internally and it shows outwardly. Now with Venus in Cancer, it is all about falling in love with your unique talents and abilities, becoming confident in your uniqueness and bringing in that money honey! June is looking so abundant for you so please use this time wisely to DREAM BIG!

I say June is looking abundant for you also because you have Mars transiting Cancer as well until June 11th, so you will have both the divine masculine and feminine energies in your house of self esteem, personal talents and money coming in the first half of the month. Please use the first two weeks of the month to plan out goals on how to monetize your talents, and once Mars moves to Leo (3rd house) on the 12th, you will be focusing on putting yourself out there using your unique voice. Maybe you are starting a blog, Youtube channel or becoming an influencer. You could even be writing your own book, or simply networking more in your community. Either way it is an amazing time to network and plan! Jupiter is also transiting your Pisces in your tenth house of career and prestigious honors until July 28th, how lucky! Jupiter is the planet of expansion and abundance and is making a temporary stop in Pisces to give you a preview of how your life will be in 2022 when it transits Pisces almost that whole year. With Jupiter here, you career is BLESSED OKAY! Remember how I said you were the Magician? You hit the universal jackpot, but the power truly lands in your hands. The Piscean energy is all about empathy, compassion and your psychic abilities. Seeing isn't believing, believing is seeing. Work on manifesting by visualizing the career and lifestyle you want so you can align with it. You can have whatever you desire and visualizing helps you get with the program! Refine your resume and skills and prepare to network with the BIG DOGS. If you shoot for the stars, the worst that can happen is that you will land in the clouds. The universe has your back.

With Mercury retrograde you could be feeling a little insecure, or have analysis paralysis. Stop, breathe and count to three. Grounding yourself is so necessary so you do not get your head up in the clouds. Health wise this would be a good time to get a physical, and get down and dirty with your wellness routine. With all this active energy in your chart it is imperative that you stay healthy. Your wealth is in your health so you want to be able to enjoy all the blessings you are working so hard for. Try yoga, pilates or a dance class so you can connect with your mind, body and soul while aligning those active chakras of yours. Meditation is also key, that can be traditional meditation, meditating on an app or Youtube or even running or painting. Meditation is simply an activity that allows your mind to be still and get into flow.

Some longer transits that are affecting your life would be Saturn in Aquarius in your 9th house of foreign affairs, philosophy, broadcast and media until December 29th, 2021. As well as Pluto in Capricorn in your 8th house, which will be there for the next few years. Both these planets are retrograde and invite you to dive deep. Pluto retrograde is a great time to work on inner child healing and any deep seated fears that hold you back. It is also a good time to review your taxes and joint finances. Saturn retrograde in your 9th house gives you an opportunity to find your unique voice, and putting it out there for the whole world to see. Like I mentioned before, you are meant to be heard all over the world so use this month to plan and connect. You could even be focusing on traveling (finally!) or even learning a new language.

The Sun enters Cancer, in your 2nd house on June 20th, which happens to be Father’s day and the Summer Solstice. What beautiful energy! The summer solstice is all about growth, new beginnings and celebration so plan something amazing for your father. If you are not close to your father, or he passed then spend time honoring any paternal figure in your life, or even your own masculine energy. No matter our gender, we are both a balance of masculine and female energy and the divine masculine energy is one that is there to teach you how to be assertive, bold, resourceful and also there to protect you. You made it this far and the universe is so proud of you, so celebrate yourself and those father figures who helped you along the way. With the Sun in your 2nd house rounding out the end of the month your self esteem will be high! Stay focused on honing your unique skills and making SHMONEY OKAY!

The full moon on June 24th lands in Capricorn, in your 8thn house. What a romantic night….you may receive a windfall of cash or have a hot, steamy date. Full moons are a time of release and things coming full circle. I call it the reap what you sow energy - you may begin to see some sprouts from the seeds you planted during the last new moon come to fruition. It is a cause for celebration. With Jupiter sending golden beams to the sun, it is bound to be a time of great luck and abundance. Love is in the air and I can see you definitely rekindling things with an old flame, or being asked out by your long term crush. Someone could reveal their deepest feelings for you and this could come as a shock, so be aware!

You are ON FIRE this month and when it comes to love you can truly have whoever you desire. With last month’s lunar eclipse happening in your 7th house you let go of old AFTER and lower vibrational thoughts, allowing the space for you to realign with yourself. You had the time to ask those questions like….what do I desire in someone? What qualities are important for my partner to have? Do I feel worthy of romance? All of these are questions you probably pondered. If not, please work on them now! Mercury retrograde is not the time to start a new partnership so if you are dating keep it casual and focus on getting to know the person before making a commitment. More than likely if someone is in your sphere it is someone from the past that the universe is allowing in your life for you to grow closer to, or to finally grow apart. Either way, divine timing is at play. For those of you who are partnered up I see you focusing more on yourself and personal projects this month, your partner seems supportive and will support your own growth as they can also see the fruits of your labor. The end of the month would be a great time for date nights, romantic dinners and deep intense intimate time. *wink*.

Regardless of what this month brings in for your Gemini, it is bound to be beautiful and life changing. Just remember to dream big, hone your unique talents, revisit past projects and relationships and don’t settle. Confidence is key and with that you can truly step into your power and be the Magician you were born to be. See you next month!

- ErmAlchemy - Your friendly, neighborhood lightworker


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    Ermaline OgbodoWritten by Ermaline Ogbodo

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