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Eclipses, Flower Moons and What?!

Gemini Horoscope - 2021

By Sierra AdairPublished 3 years ago 3 min read
Gemini hoping that piece of spinach wasn't in their teeth during their last talk-a-thon.

Oh no! Oh no! Oh no, no, no, no! It’s that time of year again?! Just kidding --- Happy Gemini SZN!! Congratulations on another trip around the sun twins!

Being a spring baby, it only seems fitting there be a ‘flower’ supermoon during your birthday month! This supermoon is also coinciding with a total lunar eclipse. One of four eclipses this year (two eclipses of the sun and two eclipses of the moon).

During this time your abilities to communicate with others will seem like a superpower (although you are always pretty articulate and have a naturally magnetic way of communicating). You won’t just be on a soapbox - the things that you say will resonate with others and will have the ability to create positive cognitive shifts in others. This is definitely a good time to try to win over someone you have had your eye on as a new romantic interest or even a new friend.

Being ruled by Mercury – representing mind and intellect, your crushes are usually drawn to you by your knowledge and effortless display of talents. That being said, since energy is heightened during a full moon (and even much more so with a supermoon, as it is closer to the earth) your ability to charm others will be off the charts. This is an opportunity to use your talents to draw the attention of those you wish to be closer to. It will be hard for people to not pay attention to what you have to show off this SZN. It’s okay, the rest of the Zodiac will allow it – it is your birthday month no less!

But remember Gemini, just like the duality of your sign – there are two sides to this eclipse. Take every situation with an open mind and heart and you will find there is more than meets the eye. Conflict and stressful social interactions may occur because of the energy that comes with a lunar eclipse. Not every person will be ready to hear what you have to say. For you, every conversation is like painting a picture. You have unlimited colors in your palette to illustrate your mind’s POV; giving you an advantage to shift the hues given your audience. Keep this in mind whenever you have to soften the delivery of whatever truths you wish to share. This will ensure to keep tensions at bay and help you succeed with your goals in the coming months.

Speaking of goals – this is the best time to keep up with your projects and stay consistent in your growth. It’s not necessary to go into overdrive during this eclipse season – take it easy! Best not to make any rash decisions and let the universe play out as it will.

Being an air sign your head can seem cluttered with ideas, references, all the social gatherings you need to be the life of the party at this Gemini SZN. Take some time to treat yourself for all the growth you have completed in winter and early spring. Sometimes being alone to re-coup will do you good Gemini! Think quality over quantity in regard to social interactions - this will always serve you better.

In summary, you always catch the ears and eyes of those around you, but this trip around the sun with the help of the supermoon you will have a little more magical influence on your side. It is time to shine and ring in the warmer months with your friends. You will once again be reminded of who you are because of the presence of those you love.


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