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Earth Signs (August Energy Readings)

Just breathe...

By Prof. Personal Published 5 years ago 6 min read
I hear the secrets that you keep...

What is it that you believe in, Taurus? Can you stand firm to it? These may have been things you reeled over in July and it serves you right! You are always so stuck on what is comfortable, but yet you believe that the sky is the limit. Tell me how is that possible? I'm sure you realized this pretty quickly when you had to go apologizing for mishaps, miscommunications, and fallouts. Oh, and did I mention the cancelling on plans? You had to get a grip, and fast.

Now, in the middle of August you truly realize that your life can no longer stay the way it is. You want instant change, you want excitement, you want abundance, but you haven't really even fed yourself enough motivation to tackle that journey. No worries though, once you guys have your mind fixated on a problem, you charge right towards it. Let the Universe wave its red flag so it can really push you to be the best version of yourself. There will be doubts, there will be some failures, but above all, there will be prizes. Let's go for first.

If you are not starting to feel it now, my lovely bulls will begin to take on a new identity and enthusiastic approach on life. This will shock many, as sometimes you can be pretty black and white and turn down things that may seem either too good to be true or just plain weird. You will be happy this time to say yes to whatever opportunities come your way, and this will bring so much progress as far as your career goes; and for others, both love and career.

If some of you have been feeling lost, whatever missing pieces you need to come to a conclusion about something will find you once you release your worries. This could be concerning a financial situation, working too much and wondering if you should quit, or just with life in general. Expect a EUREKA moment to hit. It will be awesome, trust me; it's going to solve the confusion, so you can feel back on track.

Once you hit that breaking point, you will realize you never want to work blindly and robotically ever again. Lots of you will start looking into entrepreneurship and the stars are cheering you on. Keep your life as colorful as this video above, because whether you wanna believe it or not, Earth is a magical place and you are a magical being. Get to envisioning and manifesting. Yes, it is as simple as telling yourself "I am an abundance magnet" everyday. Learn how to reroute your pre-programmed structure into a system that only sees positive outcomes. We'll call ya Spongebob.




Sting like a bee

You saw true colors. When you saw this, you instantly knew that it had been your fault all along for not paying attention to the signs, or better yet, analyzing the signs and becoming lenient with them. Others of you lost your jobs, got out of bad relationships, suffered health issues, or just pure stress from everything that was being thrown onto you throughout June till about the end of July. You are starting to come to realize that whatever had to exit was necessary for your growth, because quite frankly, my dears, you don't know it all, even though you swear you do.

Now, I see you on the prowl, licking your wounds and heading back out to go and socialize and try to put yourself back around friends and social gatherings. Although fun, this will NOT fix your heart. This also doesn't exclude my more introverted Virgo's who have a tendency to over-drink, overeat, over-smoke, or over-anything when they need to take their mental to another place. You all must remember that although it may not feel like it at times, there is always someone out there who loves you and you are never alone. How could you claim such a thing if you don't open up your mouth about your feelings? Don't be contradictory.

Be careful of leading people on, playing mind games, or being too emotionally unavailable. I see a lot of you being blessed with sufficing for yourself and feeling pretty good about not having to rely on anyone. This is because you will be blessed with the power of focus for the rest of this season, which means that your intentions will be clear. The Universe can hear you now, my fellow Wizard. Set the bar high and start strutting with pride. Seriously. You don't wanna miss out on this cosmic alchemy (I've already manifested so many blessings the past two weeks). I'm telling you, there are green lights everywhere, hurry before they turn red again.

Luck is on your side; call it a fluke or whatever you want, but you'll be sorry you weren't more optimistic when you see everyone around you settled into their renewed lives. Things are changing, karmically, for the better, so you don't have to keep looking over your shoulder wondering when the world is gonna crash down on you.

Your world is actually worried that you'll crash down on it.

Release the need to control exactly how things happen to you. Instead, change your mindset to something more uplifting and see how much the world grants you more control of your life.




The quieter you got, the more that came out.

I feel your smirks, Cap. You know your redemption is right around the corner just because you have been the most patient you have ever been in your ENTIRE life. Yeah, you got a bit stuck in the past last month and a bit into this one, but once you realized that memories are only just things that you can replay in your head, it kinda got boring to reminisce so you moved on from that. Something about it turned you a bit mushy. You thought being all hard to get and tough would get you somewhere, but now you are coming to understand that the more vulnerable, the more you can truly see if people resonate with you and can continue a friendship/relationship with you, as opposed to putting on a facade that you would have to play over and over and over again.

You've been there, you don't want a sequel.

You're more interested in things that have an equal give and take. Being that you are naturally generous, this month, expect those rewards and karma to come back around to you. Most of you need to also practice being grateful for what you have and to stop focusing so much on what you don't. "Oh I don't have this many likes, oh I'm not as pretty/handsome, oh I wish I could afford—" let's hit the record scratch. We should all know how the law of attraction works by now, need I say more? Oh, and if you need help with anything, just ask. It won't kill you.

I see love coming towards most of you towards the end of August, but if not by then, expect it before your birthday season arrives. I can't tell you how long, but they could be a water sign—sun, moon, or rising (Cancer, Pisces, Scorpio). For some of you, this person may already be around you, but just expect things to progress in the bond. Be ready for emotional fresh starts, solid commitments, and passion. About time, right?

These are your big vibes coming out of Cancer season, and finally feeling some sort of hope running through your veins. Yes, this was long overdue but what are you going to do with all of this momentum? I suggest you run for the hills and never look back at your old ways, old habits, toxic relationships, and just stay right where you deserve to be, in your own personal heaven.

Don't get locked out because you decide to go run back and save something thats not worth saving.




About the Creator

Prof. Personal

existential creator

Yes. I take it there.

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