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Dad's Notes

She was the key to saving humanity all along.

By FjPublished 3 years ago 9 min read

The view of the sunrise behind the canyons through the rectangular glass frame provides a momentary relief of beauty – the earth-toned stripes convey a mesmerizing pattern, reminding me that, although the world was deteriorating quickly, there was still something to fight for.

My trance was interrupted by the incoming sound of shuffling co-workers, gathering to meet in the brief room, where I am usually first to arrive. I have been waking up before the sun since I lost my parents five years ago. I think I try to beat the sun because the last time I couldn’t see it, I lost the two most important people to me.

The once empty, sterile room quickly filled with bustling energy of scholars and academics. Unified in their lab coats, they held a robotic glaze over their faces, and no one looked outside at the canyons as they came in. Everyone was too preoccupied with finishing the task at hand - transporting the remaining human population onto another planet before ours collapsed. We were told we had enough time before we were hurled into the Sun. We were wrong.

Silence settled as the leader of Scienta, Rycker Sinclast, stood up at the front of the room, requesting undivided attention at the report of a critical update. “It has come to our attention that an unidentifiable mass is heading towards Earth’s direction and will collide with our planet in less than 48 hours.” paused Sinclast, testing the fever of the room. “According to the galactical report, the repercussions of this mass will surpass anything we have ever dealt with. We expect total destruction.” Murmurs roared throughout the room, terrified faces and panic quickly seeped in. My eyes went to the canyon, aching for the last reassuring thing in my life, knowing I only have a short time left with it.

My hand reached for my neck and found the silver heart shaped locket that encaged an emerald-like stone within the center, it was the last thing my father gave me. “Should you find yourself needing to escape, this locket will help you do so.” I remember my father quietly saying. “Escape how? What do I do with it?” I asked. “If you follow my notes closely, you will know.” He responded. I haven’t taken it off since then, and although I followed all his work – I admit I still don’t know what to do with it, but it brings me comfort.

“We will have to prioritize travel…” Sinclast’s voice faded as memories flooded my mind. Five years of enduring a domino effect of traumatic chaos, only to find myself at the mercy of Mother Nature once again. I snapped back into the present moment when I heard the plan for immediate departure. We were too far out from successfully developing transportation to relocate the entire remaining population, forcing to choose who gets saved and who gets left behind. Thanks to all of my time spent watching and learning from my father, I knew there was a way to save everyone; illegally.

I rushed home to my study. Tunnel visioned for my father’s notes, all his work that details the many mysteries he unraveled within his lifetime. I knew if I pieced it all together, that if I just conveyed the method logically – they would have no choice but to listen, Sinclast would have no choice.

It was simple really, within the canyons lies a highly charged energetic vortex at the center of four points, marked by a limestone arch that was formed years ago. In his notes, my father describes how a portal was accessed by the ancient people through this vortex using a missing key. A key formed by the stars and colored by the earth. I gathered the notes into a leather strapped bag and headed out to meet the only people I could trust in helping me find the vortex. The Impios.

The Impios were lawless people who refused to conform to the corruption that took over our government. They lived outside of the barricades and fended for themselves, relying only on the earth around them – whatever was left of it anyway. With the countless natural disasters, the landscape of this planet changed dramatically, and the Impios were the only ones who mastered the new geography so well. But they were rumored to be a ruthless group.

Flat, grassy plains stretched out for miles ahead as the sunlight beamed high above. I could feel a heavy pit in my stomach as I approached the grove where the Impios gathered, the air felt tight around my throat.

“Stop.” called out a voice behind a tree. I wanted to turn back, run to my study but my feet were anchored to the ground. “I come in peace.” I replied bleakly. “I come from the Scienta Center, I’ve come to warn you…” I started to continue. “We don’t need your warnings.” the voice bluntly replied, followed by a tall and enthralling figure that stepped out from behind the tree. He was tanned and sturdy, intimidating to stand in front of. “My name is Tessie.” I began again, “I understand your differences, but I’ve come here to explain that we all have less than 48 hours to escape the planet before total destruction.” It took everything within me to spit that out. I couldn’t tell if the fear in my voice convinced him or not. The mysterious man glared at me for a few more seconds before signaling for me to follow him.

Breathe, I remember thinking to myself as I kept my head down and walked behind the tan man. I exhaled and looked up to face such a compelling crowd of people. Their faces each burned into my memory; strong and sharp characteristics, the Impios were so different from everyone inside of the barricades. Their leader approached me and with cautious eyes glared at me up and down. “You say you want to warn us. Is this correct?” he asked. I looked around at the curious faces, wondering what I must look like to them. “Yes, and I need your help. I can’t save anyone unless you help me, please.” I politely begged. I explained to him, in a faster tone of voice than he probably could digest, the crucial timeline that was left and the necessary steps we needed to take to ensure we escaped safely. Weary and obviously suspicious, the Impios agreed to help me locate the vortex.

We made way through the canyons, crossing so many grassy plains I started to think we were going in circles – until I saw it. The limestone arch marking the vortex between four points. My father’s notes were real, he was right. It was a sudden wash of relief that came over me, I ran towards the stone arch and looked up at the sky, “Thank you.” I whispered.

With a majority of the Impios waiting for departure at the vortex, a small group of us headed back towards the barricades to save the rest of humanity. “How sure are you that they will follow? What if you’re just wasting time?” asked the tan man who initially brought me to the group. “I have to try.” I replied and I did. I had to try to save everyone, it’s what my father would’ve done.

The Impios followed me all the way outside of the barricades, where they waited for my signal. I headed straight for the Scienta Center, only Sinclast held the authority to approve such a plan. “Mr. Sinclast is in a meeting.” said his assistant. I barged into the room to find the departmental heads meeting together; gathering all the confidence I had left, I scanned the room and found Rycker Sinclast. “Mr. Sinclast, I have an urgent matter to discuss with you.” He looked at me like an intrusion. “More urgent than saving the human race?” he sarcastically responded. A slight chuckle filled the room. My tone became grave, “I am here regarding humanity. I know how to save everyone. We don’t have to sacrifice.” Annoyed, Sinclast sighed, looked up at me and signaled with his hand to continue.

“…The energetic portal just outside of the canyon, marked by a limestone arch can transport all of us to safety.” I finished, only to find that my explanation enraged the room rather than relieved it. “You’re asking us to break the law.” said one departmental head. “What good is the law anymore? We’ll be dead in less than a day.” I snapped back, desperate for the people outside that had no idea they were about to perish. After a moment of silence, Sinclast said “I think you’re overcome with fear, yes, it must’ve gotten to you pretty badly Tessie. You sound delusional.” I gaged the room and realized if I continued, they would lock me up. So I ran.

I ran back outside of the barricades, back to the Impios. “I told you so.” said the tan man. I didn’t look at him, I just kept walking. I could’ve tried harder, but we were running out of time.

Back at the limestone arch, I found the Impios waiting. Maybe this was the face of our new humanity - a face of strength, of hope and faith, a face of survival. Approaching the arch, I remembered the key. “We need to find a key.” I said to the tan man as if it was such a simple task. “What kind of key?” he asked, placing one hand on the arch and rubbing it along its side. “One that’s made from the stars and colored by the Earth.” I said in a distant and far away tone. Thoughts and memories rushed to my mind, flooded my brain with the intellect derived from the lessons with my father. “The stone.” I whispered, grabbing the heart-shaped locket around my neck. This is what my father meant; he knew all along. I scanned the arch and found a small hole just underneath the center; opening my locket, I took out the stone for the very first time.

“What happens when you put in the key?” asked the tan man, afraid. “I have no idea.” I gulped. I inserted the stone, half of me grateful to my father for saving us and the other half resenting him for making me sacrifice the last thing I had of his. A deep and sudden vibration erupted from below and quickly faded out. A small light gleamed out from the arch, barely noticeable but it could be felt – almost like it was pulling you towards it, gravitating you to enter.

I guided the Impios through one by one, making sure everyone went through successfully. “Ready?” asked the tan man, standing outside the portal. He had been helping me guide the people in until we were the only two left. I looked back at him, “Just one second.” I smiled weakly.

“Hey dad” I looked up at the sky “I don’t know where I’m going, but I really hope you and mom are able to travel there with me. Thank you for everything you taught me.”

The sky suddenly turned gray as the mass quickly approached Earth; taking one last look around the canyons, memorizing their striped patterns, I stepped into the portal and beat the sun.

science fiction

About the Creator


Born the child of two immigrants, I grew up with a purpose. Witnessing the sacrificial journey my parents took fueled my ambitions as a writer. I humbly come before you, sharing the adventures, memories and lessons I've learned.

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