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Could 'Humans' Season 3 Reveal that 'Detroit: Become Human' Is Part of the Series?

'Humans,' like 'Detroit: Become Human,' takes place in a not-so-distant future where androids exist.

By Dustin MurphyPublished 7 years ago 5 min read
"I won't cause any problems, I promise. I'll do everything I'm asked to, I won't say another word. I won't think anymore. I've only just been born, you can't kill met yet!
"I'm scared!"
"I want to live, I'm begging you."

Imagine that one day you wake up, go to your local coffee shop, and you take note of the android helping the elderly woman next to you shop. His voice is emotionless, his support strong, but secretly he is alive inside. He feels emotions the way you and I do. He feels pain, he feels love, pleasure, and has the desire to live. On the outside? His humanity would be considered dangerous, a threat, and a problem that must be solved. His code must be observed, the bugs fixed, and the programmers that do it will find something remarkable since his code internally has become self aware.

This is something that has happened more than once too. This is the very reality of Quantic Dreams' character Kara who first premiered in the Kara: Tech Demo by Quantic Dream, but is now receiving a full blown game Detroit: Become Human. In the video you see an android coming to life as she is assembled, learning, and being assessed. Within minutes, her humanity comes to life as she begins to talk with the narrator, a faceless man, and is soon being disassembled because she has humanity. She feels the desire to live, to 'breathe', to be apart of a world she doesn't know, and most of all - she's human inside of her metal shell.

What if a television show decided to follow suit? This is where #Humans comes in. The show takes place in a not-so-distant future where androids exist. They help people with their day-to-day lives whether they are sick, they are need the extra hand, and or they simply serve as needed. Just like Kara, however, there are a few that have humanity. There are a few that feel, breathe, and experience life just as you and I do. This is where Mia, Odi, Niska, Leo, and their circle of friends come in to play. Each of them serving their own unique purpose as they fight for survival against a corporation that has learned the truth of what they are.

Now their existence is considered flawed, they are considered a threat, and most-of-all, they must be stopped so that others don't become what they are. In Humans Mia, Leo, Niska, and the others have been fighting for their survival against those that threaten their survival. They are ones that attempt to survive, but to do so, they must also run and hide what they really are.

They must blend in with those around them in order to exist as we do. To blend in they must use their contacts, they must change their appearances, and do everything we do to exist as we do. Except for the threats against them are much more dangerous than that of what Kara has to face. This is something that will be coming to life in her upcoming game, Detroit: Become Human, which is set to launch on #PlayStation 4 in the near future.

The subtle differences in the androids would make this a bit more difficult. The premise of the ones in Detroit: Become Human and Humans could make this quite a bit more difficult, but not as difficult as one would think. In Humans, it's not hard to imagine multiple companies creating androids. One creating ones that are significantly different. Ones that require a marking to ensure their differences from humans can be noted.

For instance in Humans, the androids are identified due to their unnatural green eyes. Due to this they are more easily identifiable than one would think. This sticks much the same with the androids from Detroit: Become Human.

Much as you would expect the ones from #Detroit are a bit different. They have indicators on their temple, which shows their uniqueness, and identifies them as androids. However, Kara is the exemption to this, as she does not have her own marker unlike the others. But again, how can they be related, and why?

Thanks to the idea that there are multiple companies out there, Detroit and Humans offers this capability as the ones from both could be identified a bit differently. One company uses green eyes to mark their android existence while the other uses the rings on the temples. The issue here? The defect of being human exists in both worlds. Both sets of androids are beginning to become self aware, they are beginning to exist, and much like you - they are alive.

If They Do Exist - What's the Tie-In that Has to Happen?

Courtesy: AMC

In order for these two to truly exist, there's no doubt that something has to give, and the capability of doing so will rely on both titles to do so. For Humans to acknowledge the existence of Kara's 'family', the show would have to acknowledge the existence of the company that created them, and acknowledge that there are more than one of them for that matter. It would have to acknowledge that they are also become self-aware just as Mia and her friends.

Humans would have to be willing to open up the idea that something has gone terribly wrong with what the companies hoped for. Something has happened the moment Mia and her friends began to become self aware. Somehow it spread and affected others in ways the companies would never have expected. Due to this, something has caused more than just Mia and the others to become alive. Something has happened to the point that it has affected both companies and this 'flaw' has managed to cross over into other models.

Androids gone rogue in Detroit [Image: Playstation]

To finish the tie-in, Detroit: Become Human would have to accept the fact there are other companies out there as well. That there are other manufacturers that have made very different machines. Except for the outcome that is the same. They do have machines that want to live, to breathe, and to exist just as humans do. They want to be apart of a world that shuns and fears them because of their humanity.

As both do share a lot of similarities, the future could be possible for a cross-over event, but only time will tell if the two companies will allow such to happen. Especially since we have seen T.V. show and game cross-overs that didn't work out (here's looking at you Defiance).

The Chances are it Won't Happen, but That's Okay.

Courtesy: AMC

While it does suck that these two may never cross-over despite their similarities, it's okay since we know both will be great, and both have a lot to offer to fans. While Detroit: Become Human still is a bit of a ways out on the PlayStation 4, fans are certainly excited for it, and so am I as someone who loves the futuristic idea of androids. Even if the cross-over doesn't happen, Japan seems to be making pretty good leaps at their advancement in android technology. So there's that. Lets just hope they get it down right and we don't have a #Terminator style rebellion on our hands.

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About the Creator

Dustin Murphy

A video games journalist and Content Creator. He has been featured on sites such as AppTrigger and MoviePilot. He's the president and editor-in-chief of the independent news publisher Blast Away the Game Review.

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    Dustin MurphyWritten by Dustin Murphy

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