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ChatGPT Weaknesses That Prove It Can't Replace Human Tasks

ChatGPT has dominated the topic of artificial intelligence (AI) in recent times by providing a great response or answers as a chatbot. However, everything has its drawbacks, including the ChatGPT technology made by OpenAI, which is supported by Microsoft and Elon Musk.

By RossaPublished about a year ago 3 min read
Artificial Intelligence

OpenAI has actually outlined some of the limits of ChatGPT's capabilities on their blog. Launching from openai.com, ChatGPT sometimes writes answers that sound reasonable, but are inaccurate or even completely wrong. This is because ChatGPT uses the Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback (RFHL) method which could lead to error.

ChatGPT can also fluctuate on prompts being entered multiple times with paraphrasing. For example in a clause, ChatGPT can still respond. However, by changing the order of these clauses, ChatGPT becomes unable to respond to them.

Also, ChatGPT's programming model is sometimes overly verbose and uses redundant phrases, such as restating that it is a program trained by OpenAI. This problem arises from the problem of over-optimization as well as the bias that long answers are preferred because they appear to be comprehensive.

When a user enters an erroneous query, a chatbot model ideally asks for clarification of any ambiguity. However, ChatGPT responds by guessing what the user really meant. ChatGPT also sometimes still responds to malicious instructions or exhibits biased behavior despite efforts to build a model that rejects inappropriate requests.

Most people notice the awesome first impression of ChatGPT. In fact, it doesn't make ChatGPT take over all human work, especially in the field of writing, as it is used continuously, users will see ChatGPT's weaknesses.

However, ChatGPT is a robot that was trained using a certain language model so it is very possible to make mistakes. Here are some of the weaknesses of ChatGPT that you need to know about.

Don't Understand Language Complexity

According to thepanthertech, humans spend years studying language, understanding its essence, then responding in return. However, they are not even fully convinced that they have fulfilled the full capacity of the language. ChatGPT, too, is unable to fully understand the complexities of language. This applies when ChatGPT receives a query or gives a response.

The more questions or commands that are entered, the harder ChatGPT trains itself for the query and gives better answers. However, the words that are presented are sometimes difficult to understand.

Reliance on Conversation

When someone asks ChatGPT about a certain thing and knows they'll get an absolute answer in return, they can actually "mislead" ChatGPT by giving contradictory statements. Then, when that person asks the same thing, ChatGPT will answer exactly what they stated earlier.

Not the Professional Answer

ChatGPT may provide answers that are very basic so that it is easy for the layman to understand. But in the eyes of an expert, regarding the questions asked, they would see a lot of things that were missing. ChatGPT's answers are incomparable to professional human abilities.

For example, when a layman asks ChatGPT to write the code for a program, the answer given will certainly be amazing in their eyes. However, in the eyes of a programmer, the code ChatGPT writes could be nothing.

Copying Text from Other Resources

ChatGPT often displays similar text repeatedly. This may seem a bit odd as ChatGPT will not list the source of the answer unless requested in certain cases.

Likewise, when someone asks ChatGPT to write something of a technical or non-technical nature such as poetry, essays, or technology-related matters, this chatbot will pluck parts from research journals that have been published via the internet.

The more someone uses ChatGPT, they'll start noticing all of its flaws. ChatGPT can admit the mistakes it made and that attracts sympathy from users. Ultimately, ChatGPT may be useful for some basic things, but not all things.

Artificial Intelligence and Women

artificial intelligence

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I am an ordinary woman with 2 children who live under the sun, same as you.

Blog: Happy Woman

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