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Buckwheat Farms Magick Emorium and Ballroom

Where Unconditional Love is the Only Rate of Exchange

By RavensCraft 9Published 3 years ago 4 min read

Buckwheat Farms was birthed from a desire to provide well balanced nourishment from a self-contained permaculture using sustainable agriculture techniques. We are in the process of converting every bit of our 1/2 acre into a managed ecosystem capable of supplying almost all of our physical needs. We use natural growing methods to imitate and create healthy growing environments that produce high yields of quality fruits, vegetables, and grains. We do this with the heart and mindset of sustainable agriculture, where all participants in the Farm (plants and animals) contribute to the health and well being of the Farm. Buckwheat serves as our plant "mascot", representing the values of the Farm. The tiny Buckwheat seed contains a plant that provides valuable nutrients for the soil, our livestock, and us. Every part of the plant is utilized. We also practice no-till gardening, allowing our animals to do the work turning the ground and providing extra fertilizer. I also have a plan for growing micro-greens and duck weed in my greenhouse to supplement the small grazing area I have so that we can add sheep and/or goats to the chickens and kune kune pigs we currently are raising. By combining sustainable and standard gardening and farm processes, Buckwheat Farms will be able to provide 100% of the nutrition requirements of our family.

But, our vision extends beyond simply feeding ourselves to providing food security for those in our immediate community. At the heart of the Permaculture movement is the concept of "abundance" vs "lack", where we determine our true wealth by how much we are able to give. Buckwheat Farms is committed to seeking the neediest communities to share our abundance with. We also are open to providing advice/mentoring to those who would like to develop some level of food independence. This vision for our community extends to creating peaceful and just relationships. This is accomplished by engaging in voluntary interactions and seeking the Highest Good for all concerned. We welcome any input, advice, cooperative efforts from those who desire to implement a similar plan or are currently using sustainable permaculture.

And this leads to our ultimate goal...a paradigm shift...We seek to change the world by simply changing ourselves. Changing ourselves first begins with discovering who we truly are...where our path truly lies. It also involves an understanding of quantum discoveries and their influence on energy. If we are to make this great leap, leaving behind old methods and ideologies which no longer serve us, we must truly understand who we are and what we are made of. We must embrace the reality of Magick (using the will to change the world) as integral to our quest. It is my heartfelt desire is to do whatever is necessary for you to find the Wizard in you, to become and engage with the greatest version of yourself, fulfilling and enjoying every deep desire you hold. Each of us is an individuated expression of the unified Whole. As we each step into the path and work specific to us, the Whole gains insight and perspective unique to the energy expressed in the individual, and we shift from the conscious of the one being observed to the observer...and the controller.

Continue with me on my flight into the world of Magick, the world of power, the world of destiny and created desire. When I continue my story, I will tackle the question of "absolute truth".

ADAPTED - From the Words of Katlyn Breene

I am a Wizard....

I am a constant student of life; I see the Divine in Nature and Nature in the Divine; I can be clearly heard, even in my silence; I lead without force and teach without pride; I take the most mundane things and surroundings, sense their inner magick, and open that window for others.

I stare into the dark infinity of the night sky and feel it as an awesome source; I love the beauty of paradox, and I always see the cosmic humor in even the darkest times.

I am a shapeshifter to blend in...or I can be invisible, if needed; I make others feel safe and heard.

I maintain my calm center and clear mind when all about me is chaos.

I open my inner eyes and really see; I can say, "I don't know", and recognize it is ok...it is great Wisdom.

I have compassion for all beings, and know when to be a healer and when to be a witness; I know that the secrets of Magick are bestowed upon the open-hearted.

I speak to the Gods, and know that I am heard; I cast a sphere of protection and light; I make up my own mind, walk my own path, and never follow another blindly.

I know the courage and power of nonviolence and the swift strength of a keen mind; I conjure a tale or myth that the moment requires to be understood; I know the plants and creatures of the wild enough to call them friends and allies.

I see the God and Goddess within all and everyone; my spirit glows.

I am a Wizard.

Namaste -


About the Creator

RavensCraft 9

Sustainable permaculture, agorism, and Magick are my favorite endeavors. Writing about them is not far behind.

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  1. Eye opening

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