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The Ministries

By Rebecca Jane EdmondsPublished 12 months ago 14 min read
Photo by Gaston Roulstone on Unsplash

Hunters are amber-eyed beings.

I sat in my room. To scared to go outside due to the fog that had formed on the ground. It left dead bodies in its wake. No one was outside. Everyone was hidden. Impossiably quiet, 'I thought'. I closed my wings. Later, I would fly. But for now, I remained slient. Josh was in the room next-door. I could hear him talking on the phone.

"Oh cryptic," Josh said. "Let's take a code of silence and discuss everything later at the meeting. Contact all the P.O.T.F.K members. (Prevention Of The Fog Killing). Red alert message: The time is now it is better late than never. This will alert them that it is safe to meet at the bunker, our new residence for meetings"

The bunker was downtown. I knew where it was, in the red light district a low-life area full of menacing Humans. Josh hangs up the phone. The mobile clickes, he has rung off---placing it down---I hear it touch the wooden dresser top. Josh is moving, his wings are beating. The purrr of his beating wings, penatrates my perception. He must be thinking deeply. My hearing, and E.S.P, is extra sensitve. I was born with these abilities. My name is Adele Anauel. My brother Josh Anauel and I live at home with our parents. I am a Hunter, one of the five races on our planet. The five races on our planet are the Hunters; Cosmos, Advexion, Nuova, and Humans. The rest of the inhabitants are subspecies, or those effected by the radiation. The infected live outside the city walls in the dead lands---Manakel. Only those unfortunate live in Manakel, the beginning and end of all creation. The Marturian live in Manakel, they are a subspecies they want our gifts. Meeting a Marturian will make you forget. They live in the dead lands with the Doron. The Marturian's are a very piosonous race that effect E.S.P. They have created a fog that kills, a fog that makes you forget. We have to be very strong to out-wit them. They carry the fog with them inside a metal gun, that puffs out fog round their victims. Once captured they are used as slaves. However an antidote is known to be available, but it is held underground where the Ministries are being transformed. The clothes of the Maturian's are dark tatters covering their deformed bodies, infected with radiation poison, they have violet eye's and violent tempers. Being very strong, fast, and some clever, has now become a problem. Some how they have obtained axcess to our city streets.

Adele, a Hunter.

We meaning all Hunter's, are gifted with wings like an angel. We are able to fly the skies. I folded my wings, the tips touching the ground. Some people thought my wings were a genetic modification, like my lips which are olive green. This is due to artificial substances in the air. We are of the amber eyes, slender beings. Our race has evolved over time, to fly the skies and look the way we do. We are peaceful beings; yet we are fighting a war. A war against the Marturians and the Ministries. The Marturians have taken over the Ministries, capturing the goddess of the planet. Now we are forced to hunt with the Cosmos, among the shadows. It is too dangerous to hunt alone, so we move in packs, becoming more like the Maturians. The Marturians are flesh-eating monsters, who fight and hunt in packs like animal's. We have to stay inside to survive. Our people have forgetten how to fly, because of the fog. We are dying.

The Advexion rule the natural world. The Advexion, are goddess and god of the planet. They guard the first light, and end light--our beloved sun rulers. Without the Advexion the world would plumit into darkness and chaos. This is something we fear. Due to the Marturians, the Advexion have forgotten the key to the temples. Enabling the capture of the first-light the morning star, our great mother goddess; the sun ruler, and provider of all life, and all existence on our beautiful planet. In sadness I scribe these words. But words for you also to hear and fear. The Advexion have been taken, to an underground facility outside the city gates. There they are held hostage. No more bird song, or music can be heard. This was part of the Advexion's heritage to encourage, renewal and resurrection with the birds of the morning and evening. With this music created the rising sun, deep wind and blue sky. The trees and flowers grow wild, water flows clean and clear in our streams and animals live at peace. Now we are starving.

My friend Adrean arrives at the window. He is called the night owl. A nickname given to him for his love of the night.

"You're not mean't to be here, I say to him."

Knowing he will be sad if I ask him to leave. I open the window for him to climb through. He smiles at me, as I let him enter the room.

"Hi," he says what's up?

I let him touch my face, gently with his hand. We have been friends forever. He dosen't have wings like me, but spikes like a hedgehog. I can't touch him.

"Hi Adrean," I say. "Just to warn you it is past my curfew to have visitors. We have to be quiet or mum and dad will flip the lid. You will need to hide under the bed if mum comes up to my room. She will announce she is coming in her beautiful singing voice. That is your cue to hide. Oaky!"

"Got it," says Adrean, "When I hear your mothers singing voice, I hide under the bed. Not very dignified," Adrean sighs.

"Well learn to use the front door then," says Adele. Instead of climbing up the walls of my house."

Adrean just grins. He know's Adele's parents would not let him in the house if he knocked on the front door.

'What does he really want,' Adele thinks. Adele turns her back on Ardean and pouts in the mirror.

"It is Josh isn't, it" I say, you have come to see Josh, not me at all. My wings flutter on my back a little as I become ruffled by his presence. I wait patiently. Looking at Adrean I see sadness in his eye's, but he is smiling.

"Why are you sad," I ask Adrean, but he won't answer. He just stares into space as if to find the words without hurting me. I sit down on the bed and offer Adrean a seat on my rolled arm chair. He flicks his spikes into his body, as they receed they flick shut, and his body is more human. It's a genetic modification of his body. His clothes are loose on his body. But it is so he can sit down, without the spikes distroying furniture. His armour is now hidden. All Cosmos look the same and have the same adaptaions. They can climb walls, and run as fast as the strongest winds.

"Nothing," he says. "It was hard to get to you."

He stands up, crossing the room slowly, taking off his bag. There is something hidden inside. It is a square object. I can see the shape outline, through the soft cotton satchel back-pack. It sounds heavy, as it clinks against his laptop, as he walks.

"The Maturians are harming my people, Adele. "We are worried. It is not safe anymore," he says. "Too many may die, in the forgetful fog. They forget how to run, how to climb, and then how to eat. They just lie there and then there is nothing we can do, not even the priests from the great temples can save them."

He pulls an object out of his bag. It is one that I have never before seen. It is more in the shape of a hexagon than a square, and it is made of mango wood. It is beautiful when it glows, with a soft green light. I can't help but stare. I want to touch it, and feel its soft smooth surface. Adrean is looking at me. He smiles. I think he is beautiful. I turn away from him, my mind feeling ruffled by his melchanoly. I fold my wings behind my back. I don't believe him, he is lieing I just know it! I eye him suspiciously.

"Watch this," he says.

He pushes the side, and the top panel opens up a small drawer. He reaches inside, and pulls something out of the drawer. Then he places it on the bed. I walk over to the bed. Looking down at the paper thing he has put there.

"Oh, it's a map," I say.

"Yes, it is how to find the Advexion."

"Who gave it to you?" I ask. "Was it a Doron?"

The Doron's are gentle people that live outside the city walls. They have been effected by the aftermath of war, living in caves and underground hideouts. Hiding from the Matuarins, who feed on the less fortunate. My family fly the skies, and drop food parcels off to the Doron. One of the Doron's is my friend. Her name is Catherine. We take medications to her family. I wanted to bring Catherine inside the city walls. But my parents, said no and that it is forbidden, and I would have been exiled.

Adrean nods, "Yes," a Doron. "They are the only ones that know the underground cave system."

"That means you have been outside the city walls."

"We can't do it alone Adele, it is too dangerous. The Dorons will help us," Adrean says.

"But only the Hunters are allowed outside the city walls."

"I thought you were my friend," Adrean says.

"I am you're friend, Adrean," I say.

Adrean looks sad again.

"You don't seem to understand the importance of what is happening Adele."

"And you do," I say. Annoyed by his thinking.

"Come on Adele this is no time to argue, we need action, not reaction."

"Of course I understand, that is why I let you into my room. I want to join the P.O.T.F.K.," I say to him. "They can help. Can I show Josh please? I know he is planning something with the P.O.T.F.K. tonight," I pause.

I am thinking out loud. Some of the Hunter's can't fly but I can. I don't feel safe to tell Adrean so I am keeping this information secret.

"I was worried about me and you," Adrean says.

"Why," I ask him?

"It is dangerious, and you are imperious," says Adrean.

I ignore his critism of me.

"Josh is giong out tonight. I want to go too. I know I can help."

"You won't be able to Adele. You have to stay at home. You can't fly."

I look downwards. "I can fly Adrean."

"Then you can come to the meeting," Adrean says. "First we need to go online, and ask the Cosmos council about the fogs whereabouts so we are safe," Adrean says.

"Survive," I thought.

Gosh, it was deathly silent. I would speak to Josh, maybe he would take us with him to the meeting. I open my door.

"You stay here," I say to Adrean. "Look online, I will go see Josh."

Adrean nods. As he opens his lap-top.

I walk to my door. Stepping outside into the dark hallway. Josh's room is only five meters from mine. I can see a shadow, it is inches away on the other side of the hallway. It is closing in on me as I stand alone. I move quickly, my heart beating fast.

"Josh," I yell, "let me in, let me in."

I panic. The shadow moves closer, it touched my hand, as I knock on Josh's door, it is wrapping a long slender tentacle around my wrist. Scared I scream out, it will take me away to a place that I can't escape from. The shadows are dangerous. I pushed against Josh's door.

"Help me!" I scream. "Let me in!"

Josh opens the door fast. Grabbing my wrist, the shadow lets go, and Josh pulls me into his room. My brother's room is a mess. There is stuff everywhere.

"Don't you clean you're room," I say arrogantly.

Josh ignores my comments.

"You could have been killed," he says quielty. Wistfulness surrounds me. "Next time, text me!"

When Josh is angry with me his white wings unfold. They beat gently backwards and forwards. I hear a slight hum.

"Sorry," I say, looking downwards. Please forgive me. "Am I bad, now I ask?"

"No," Josh answers slowly. Giving me a hard stare, that makes me wish that I had never entered his room.

"You need to listen to me, it is dangerous Adele."

He is my beautiful brother, with golden hair like mine and olive lips. His amber eyes look at me protectively.

"Sit down," he says.

I sit down slowly, on the large leather chair he has in his room. I wait patiently. He stands tall in the center of the room. His strength is in his stare. I open my mouth to speak, but think the better of it, as he lifts his arm to be silent. I know not to interrupt him.

"What do you need Adele," Josh asks.

I wait for a few moment, as I put my words together neatly in my mind.

"I want to come to the meeting, tonight with the P.O.T F.K. with Adrean."

He smiles at me. Looking at me straight in the eye. I know he is going to say no. I sigh.

"We are the Blue Devils, Adele, the P.O.T.F.K., it's not for little sister's," he says. "We not the athletic team at school, we are soldiers."

I don't understand. So instead, I turn away and pout.

"That is not fair. We want to show you a map, we have to the underground facility, where the Advexion are being held captaive."

"No, it is dangerous Adele. You stay here at home with Adrean."

"But," I pause. "I can fly with you Josh, they haven't taken my powers away."

"No," he says again. "Go back to your room, Adele you are too young, and it is dangerous. I am saying this for your own good."

Josh's phone rings. He answers it gruffly, muffling something about helping his little sister, and can they hold. Then he open's the door for me to leave. He waits, looking into the shadows to see if the danger is threatening.

"Go," he says. "Quickly."

I do as he says. Adrean is sitting on my bed talking in the chat room, when I enter the room.

"Josh won't help," I say to Adrean. "The Matruians are looking for the P.O.T.F.K members, it is not safe Josh will never let me join, or you either."

"I will ask the cosmos," Adrean says, he has been talking online with them.

He stares at me for a bit, looking deep into my eyes. It makes me feel nervous. I flutter my eyelashes at him. He grins, as his spikes flick upwards on his back, looking extra scary. I will move to where my computer is located. I sit down and join his chat group.

"My meeting is online with Luna, the head of the cosmos and the human group called the Luxon," Adrean tells me.

Her urgent message tells us where the fog is, and to get off the city streets, a warning flashes up on the laptop. There is a small photo of her, with a microphone around her head. She is a human. Adrean moves to stand beside the desk. He stares at the screen. We are in the zoom chat rooms, nine different faces stare back at me.

"Connect it to your phone Adele," Adrean says. "Now you are safe, you can check it daily, see the map which show's the streets that are safe and the ones to stay away from."

Adrean is kind and he is caring about me, my well being is important.

"Thank you," I say.

I am thinking out loud again. We are a different species. I have a right to be suspicious.

Jerome is talking. He is a Hunter like me. But his wings are black. He can still fly, he has not been effected by the fog. The chat room is extra busy. I have to keep quiet.

Jerome is talking about meeting Adrean. Adrean closes his laptop. Putting it back inside his bag. He also folds the map, and it go's back into the top drawer of the hexagon box.

"Come with me tonight Adele. There is someone, I want you to meet."

"Josh will be angry with me," I say. "He wants me to stay here!"

"But you are imperious," says Adrean, "You need this, it will end your restlessness."

"That will never end," I say. "We are born with restless hearts they will never sleep. You can never change this part of me unfortunatly, now accept your fate."

We walk to the window it's five stories high. I spread my wings. Standing at the window with Adrean, we look down into the back garden. Adrean is climbing out the window, he rolls into a little ball, and bounces down the side of the house. I follow. Adrean is on the ground. I fly and he runs fast as the wind. After flying for thiry minutes, from the sky I see him, entering a gateway arch. The building looks abandoned, I circle the building, and slowly drop down and land on the grass verge beside him. We both are puffing hard.

"And impulsive," says Adrean, smiling at me, as he takes my hand in his holding it gently, while we catch our breath. We check our phones for safety reasons. Walking towards the rundown rubble buildings. No one is about, impossiably quiet I think. At the door which is covered in graffiti, Adreans knocks five times, hard with his fist, due to the thickness of the wooden door. A small latch opens up, and I can see blue eyes looking at me. They announce that we must move fast. We slip inside quietly as the door opens. A long hallway is infront of me. Surprisingly, the wooden floors are clean and the walls freshly painted with creamy coloured paint. The Cosmos, that let us in is quirky, she smiles at me.

"Here," says the Cosmos, who has introduced herself as Cat. She hands me an information guide, telling me everything I need to understand about the Luxon freedom group. It has today's meeting in the menu topic; a guest speaker will be talking about the espionage, and later Luna will talk about the rescue.

"Thank you," I say, excitedly.

Everyone is exceptionaly nice to me. And I am overwhelmed, and thankful to be there. We sit in the seats provided. As the meeting commences with a musical band, we are handed a cup of herbal tea. I watch the dancers that glide with the music. Then each speaker tells information, that they have gathered. It is interesting and I sigh with relief, at the knowledge that has been obtained. The Luxon, are planning a salvage of the Advexion, in three weeks time. As we take a break, Luna approaches me.

"Hi," she says confidently. "We could really use your gifts."

"I will help Luna," I answer.

The meeting is over and it is time to leave. We are once again escorted to the front doorway. Adrean and I slip outside. He starts to run, and I run opening my wings which let me sore high above the city streets. At my house I hear my Mum calling me. I siginal to Josh to wait, as I slip inside the window. I am puffing. Mum opens the door, just as I pretent to close my lap-top.

"Hi Mum," I say.

"Come for dinner, when you are ready. I love you Adele," my Mum says hugging me, then she closes the door.

I signal to Adrean, to come back up, but he has gone from my garden. I sigh, walking to the bathroom were I wash my hands and my face, before I head downstairs to face my family.


About the Creator

Rebecca Jane Edmonds

I enjoy writing and expression. I hope you like, what I have written.

Thank you from,

Rebecca Jane Edmonds.

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    Rebecca Jane EdmondsWritten by Rebecca Jane Edmonds

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