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The following text was taken and adapted from the book The Black Sun - The Return of the Secret Societies of Vril - M. C. Pereda, a magnificent book where it portrays some stories that not all humanity will be able to understand, only those with an open mind and prepared for new knowledge and advanced curiosity.

By Georgenes MedeirosPublished 2 years ago 3 min read

The following text was taken and adapted from the book The Black Sun - The Return of the Secret Societies of Vril - M. C. Pereda, a magnificent book where it portrays some stories that not all humanity will be able to understand, only those with an open mind and prepared for new knowledge and advanced curiosity.

Two Yugoslavs on both sides of the great Atlantic Ocean kept a large number of confiscated correspondence about the construction of an anti-gravity ship.

Maria and Nikola were related to the construction of an anti-gravity flying machine and contacts with extraterrestrials. Nikolas was a scientist, a genius of electromagnetism and Mary began to have continuous mediumistic experiences in which she received all the technical data and drawings for the construction of an anti-gravity flying ship, for me two energies that met not by chance.

Maria received technical data in the Sumerian language from beings who claimed to be messengers from the planet Ashtari / Aldebaran.

Both were constantly and closely watched by military and intelligence agencies. If these security agencies treated with immense secrecy the discoveries in the electromagnetic field that Tesla and Maria made, each one in their home country, the confidential treatment of their correspondence was even greater. Extremely under surveillance and, to this day, the military perhaps hide things through strategies that not everyone is prepared for this advanced knowledge.

Tesla refuted Einstein's theory of the curvature of space-time and recognized only the existence of a Force Field (Vril) which can explain the motions of bodies, as observed, thus again agreeing with Maria Orsic's data.

In Nazi Germany there were two different lines in the construction of anti-gravity flying ships, which makes me strange that any appearance of UFOs at the time was always the military who would be behind it all and even took possession of the shrapnel that fell in the regions. ..

The first was led by German and Austrian scientists working on propulsion systems based on scientific data that quickly passed into the SS domain. This is just one more proof that the majority of UFO accidents were nothing more than the military's experiences in this type of aircraft.

The second project was especially led by Maria Orsic and Dr. Otto Schumann, based on data channeled by the mediums of the Vril Society, who claimed to belong to a civilization that inhabited a planet called Ashtari, in the orbit of the alpha star of the Taurus constellation, Aldebaran. So we summarized that some beings passed all the details and flight techniques in addition to secret files for the construction of these ships. Imagine the sightings across the country of UFOs, which were secretly tested..

The genius Nikola Tesla died poor and forgotten in New York on January 7, 1943. The scientific community did not recognize him, perhaps because of his eccentric behavior in claiming that celibacy helped him to reason better, and for attributing his genius to messages received from extraterrestrials. This is unfortunate, living in a time where they were not prepared for this technology. Currently we already have a lot of people able to understand all this, we call it human evolution but there are still people unprepared for this new phase we have entered..

A few years later, the Vril Society met near Berchtesgaden with other mystical groups in order to discuss possible contact with the Aldebaran aliens. In 1945, both Maria Orsitsch and her Vril Circle mediums mysteriously disappeared. This is a great proof that they did not belong to this world and returned to their true place, leaving the teachings there, as they always did in ancient times...


The Black Sun - The Return of the Secret Societies of the Vril - M. C. Pereda

Translation and adaptation: Georgenes Oliveira

astronomyevolutionextraterrestrialfact or fictionfuturehumanityintellectopinionsciencescience fictionstar trek

About the Creator

Georgenes Medeiros

53 years old, divorced, graduated in Business Administration, writer, translator, available for new challenges.

Despite everything still in search of a soul mate.

If it's you call me....

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