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A.Y.E's Universal Alliance Program

The Time is now!

By Apollo Published 4 years ago 17 min read
Public Service Announcement

Our Current Situation

We’re just about two months into our discovery of the worldwide Coronavirus Outbreak. As a united planet we have taken this surprise blow rather well maintaining peace in most areas and collectively coming together to support one another in this unusual time of change. Considering what we’ve been through I’m sure we will come out of this as a global community a trillion times stronger and more capable. This Virus got me to thinking about the Babylonian epic of Atrahasis and the great flood, which played quite a big role in influencing me to write the screenplay and story for the Under-Water City, the second addition to the Universal Alliance Trilogy (The first installment being Outer-Space). This brought on the thought, “Would this virus be able to spread like this underwater? Could a disease like this infect fish in the ocean like it’s affecting humans on Earth right now?” My immediate answer was, of course not. Still there is the question. “How can we support human life underwater?” Well, we can start with developing a more advanced air filtering masks to protect us from the spread of COVID-19. You see, every great era has its natural happening that causes a great reset, restoration or awakening that will churn the cosmos in its endless process of expansion. Every year countries around the world have these rinsing periods of change that are handled in infinite different ways. The two most common reactions from the public are one; panic and the spread of fear, anxiety, judgement and hate or two; the spread of peace, love and hope while creating munificent solutions that will benefit all life and help unite us to grow stronger as a global family. Normally its quite a balanced amount of both hopefully with the ladder tipping the scale to its side ever so slightly. An event that happened rather recently and caused one of these great restorations is Hurricane Harvey. A devastating natural disaster that tried to bring Houstonians to our knees but instead we came together to face it and created stronger bonds than ever before to rebuild our city. I remember working at Top Golf at the time, we filled up trucks with food and other things that we gave away to feed and support people that had lost a lot during the storm (sometimes even including the loss of their homes) to do our part to tip the scale in favor of the ladder. Then of course we can look to Hurricane Katrina where New Orleans was faced with another extreme natural disaster causing them to unite with each other to survive even going as far as transforming the Super dome (which is normally used for sporting events) into their temporary safe haven lifting many people out of despair. There are endless examples of these naturally occurring warnings from mother nature that work to signify that change is needed in our species to continue living a blissful life on this planet like; the extreme hastening of climate change, loss of biodiversity major sandstorms, droughts in Africa, tsunamis in Asia, blizzards in regions like Antarctica and Alaska or even avalanches and volcanic eruptions in certain mountainous regions these are all signs of this. We’ve received warnings like this from Mother Earth going back in time further than the era of Astrahasis and they've been occurring even before the extinction of Dinosaurs and will continue far after we have dealt with Covid-19. However, there is a significant similarity between these occurrences that if we understand can and will help us take care of Covid-19 more effectively while also propelling us to build a better future for ourselves on all fronts that will leave us better prepared for whatever the world decides to throw our way next to ensure our eternal advancement. I will first explain the connection of these occurrences, then go on to branching them together with the notion that now is the time to accept that further oceanic/astronomic research and studies are paramount in the advancement of all life in the universe. I’ll even explain how these new discoveries are not only required for our survival as a species but also desired by the masses by spotlighting certain trends that have been consistently favored in our entertainment and art industry. Finally, I’ll explain how these masks that will prevent this disease from continuing its rapid spread can be the force that tips the scale yet again in favor of faith, love and creation.

Mapping Our Way To Magnificence

I’ll begin in Egypt where there is a rich history of “myths” about celestial beings one with nature that brought tremendous advancements to their civilizations by embodying things like: the sun, Ra, or Horus the sky and Seth the desert. These individuals were like gardeners that found a huge open canvas to start a new garden that eventually became its own forest. In Greece you can find this with entities like Poseidon who is able to fully wield the limitless power of the sea demonstrating his benevolence by gifting humans with the horse , Apollo the God of the sun as well as lots of other cool stuff like music & archery or finally Dionysus God of wine and vegetation. People that spent their lives honoring Poseidon became great sea men while a follower of Dionysus would create vineyards and discover new ways of planting things, Apollo’s followers became great artists, poets or sporting champions. Even recently Asia has popularized stories like the Magus of Java or Dragon Ball Z that will live on for generations melding in the idea and possibility that there are beings attaining the ability to accumulate and focus massive amounts of chi (chakra, mana or energy) to accomplish spectacular things like flying or propelling energy blasts from their hands by attaining spiritual, mental and physical mastery through years of rigorous training.

Cover photo for season 1.

My Hero Academia is currently one of the most popular globally recognized animation cartoons for this new young generation (known as “Gen Z” that I’ve come to call “Gen chi”) that depicts a world of heroes where, most humans have special abilities and have even created unique gadgets that enhance their supernatural abilities further. This is a world where being a super-hero that fights crimes on the streets is a normal paying job, right alongside with being a police officer or school teacher. Can you imagine that? In the United States our entertainment programming is packed with a multitude of these types of characters in our cartoons and comics such as DC’s Justice League created in the 1960 or Marvels Avengers

Poster from their latest film.

(teased that they are called Avengers because they are brought to us three years after the Justice League) and yes of course, A.Y.E’s Universal Alliance of Heroes that surfaced in the early 2000’s that brought to life some of the universe’s most loved and beneficent heroes. These examples from across the world are all connected in the way that these heroes are always called to action at some dire time in history where either a natural disaster or inexplicable problem comes along that can only be solved by heroes working together and they always ensure the possibility for the ascension of human; capabilities, understanding and fluidity with our roles in the universe on a cosmic level. Often-times, bringing about different advancements in technology, science and physiology along with them.

Bridge Between The Ocean and Space

Let’s take it back to Atrahasis for a moment, a man is instructed to build a ship to prepare for a great flood. So, after he is turned down by peers, he decided to still go ahead and build what can be described as the world’s first aircraft carrier. Now on his Arc he may not have had actual airplanes however he did have birds that he was able to use in a way that allowed him to decipher whether safe land was near or not signifying when it was the right time to exit the ark. Nature became an extension of himself at this point and through this advancement in understanding he and all the lifeforms on the ship with him where able to get through that disaster more unified and more prepared for the future. With a story like this, one can conclude that once we accept that we are growing at a rate and in such a way that calls for the advancement and expansion of our species beyond land on Earth as we’ve grown accustomed to know it these last 2000 years we will begin to transition into discovering new ways to exist in different terrains by making major leaps in sea exploration, oceanography and space travel. Yes, space travel. The reason I pair these two things is because no man has physically reached the bottom of our Ocean. In 2012, the man known by the public that had been the closest to reaching the bottom of the ocean was James Cameron, The Director of Avatar the incredibly popular film focused on an alien moon that was home to endless beautiful lifeforms different than anything we had previously seen on Earth. He traveled 35,787 ft deep into the ocean. Since then Victor Vescovo has taken 4 different trips where he has went a couple hundred feet deeper still even he openly expresses how little our best scientific institutions really know about what’s going on in 80% of our ocean. What we do know however is that once you go deep enough in the Ocean’s abyss everything is pitch black. Scientists have speculated that black holes are what link space and time to gravity. If so, it is possible then to confer that these black holes can act as portals to different places. Picture this, when we reproduce as humans a man releases his sperm (AKA lifeforce) into a women’s “black hole”. Now, gravity and her body are so powerful that it rips most of your sperm cells apart killing them however in the special case that one cell survives and reaches the egg through love, focus and will, life is created. I believe that we can be the cell that lives to reach the egg because in comparison to the universe we are as minuscule as a sperm cell with minds that have infinite potential and at this time in particular have more focus and drive than ever before to complete the task. Meaning we can use these black holes as portals to birth life and consciousness to parts of the universe that have been unreachable for humans in the past. More so, I believe at the bottom of the Ocean there is a black hole (if not multiple) that has been used many times over the lifespan of our planet that will one day become of great use to us again. Granting reason to the pattern of these celestial sea beings like Poseidon, Aqua-man, and Murki having such close relationships to the ruling entity’s of the sky Zeus, Superman, Selene. When scientists look to other planets to decide whether they are livable or not one of the first things they check for is water. It’s noted by scientist at USGS that, roughly 60 percent of a human body is made up of water, while scientist at NASA state that 71 percent of the Earth is water. Following this structure we can figure that around 80 percent of the universe is void space similar to water in the way it is filled with untapped potential for new discovery. I conceptualize Outer-Space and Deep sea understanding as one because I believe that by combining our research in these fields of study we will discover and develop bountiful breakthroughs in both. If we invest our resources into something like building communities with establishments that are able to withstand major flooding being submerged partially underwater while keeping the inside safe and dry we will not only save lots of money in the future we will also save even more lives as well as build the foundation for the discovery of how we can structure similar communities thousands of feet below the Ocean’s surface to support our rapidly growing population. One of the many things love is capable of is creation and our enhanced connectivity among each other has boosted our ability to share love magnificently. This here is proof that our ability to work together and unite is growing immensely along with our curiosity and creative activity. So much so that it can no longer be limited to just this planet’s outer crust of dry land, better yet there simply is no reason for us to be bound to just one planet. The natural disasters are showing us this and even our inner consciousnesses have been making this apparent by bringing to us stories like Interstellar (Oscar Award Winner), Cloud Atlas (AFCA Award Winner) and Tomorrowland along with any of the other works of art or legends that I mentioned earlier. These stories are calling for us to accept our unique purposes in the journey of evolution that is life and bring a diamond age of humanity upon the universe. This transition always begins with a group of individuals that are compassionate and caring enough to focus on growing their mind, body, technology and spirits to a level that enables them to move freely between the realms of sea, space, land, desert, tundra or jungle while bringing some sort of value everywhere they visit in turn giving a chance for the masses to follow so that new communities can be birthed around the cosmos enhancing our complimenting relationship with the universe. Films like Star Wars and The Star Trek or books like The Foundation, are instances where these communities are built in an intergalactic sense. Where as Neo Yokio, Muraket and the stories of Atlantis as examples of communities like this underwater. Sometimes these courageous explorers that look beyond to go on and create such communities come to be known as; great explores, geniuses, kings, queens, philosophers, scientist or artist. Whatever you would like to call these beings, now is the time many of us are realizing that it’s time to step up to our duty and bring fruitful growth to the universe through discovery and creation. Our art and activities at Apollo’s Youth Entertainment will ensure that this transition is as smooth and harmonious as possible for all life.


We can start this process by developing an advanced safety mask that is proficient enough to prevent the wearer from inhaling the virus from someone else or exhaling it out to another while simultaneously allowing the wearer to breathe comfortably and communicate with ease. Accomplishing this will save many lives and swiftly stop the spread of this virus. Once the vaccine is created and people begin to develop an immunity to this virus people will choose whether- or-not to continue to wear the mask. Either way, what we will have created to achieve this can help us better understand how to live underwater, in space, on Mars or in any other alien terrain out there. This mask can be the stimulant we need to push further on our journey of knowledge and actualize the things we currently only get to experience while watching a movie like Guardians of The Galaxy. Now is the time for this. When talking about traveling further into the cosmos time becomes significantly altered. Just as there is a shift in time when someone takes an airplane trip from Texas and lands in Japan there is also one when someone chooses to travel from Earth to Titan. Once we go into deep space however that shift becomes infinitely different and more apparent making the past’s formally accepted conceptualization of time rather trivial. Early attempts to get to Mars have been shelved because individuals were unable to develop a way to support their life long enough to complete such a trip. Now let me break this down, Plato is known to have once said “Knowledge is recollection.” So, once we accept that we’ve always known how to live longer, happier healthier more loving lives like by exercising, practicing healthier diets, staying hydrated, sharing compassion, utilizing teamwork and cultivating a more complimenting relationship with the Earth and the Cosmos we will also unlock the ability to travel through space at a much faster rate. It starts with acceptance of our multi-sensory perception. Next, it’s about understanding the numbers. In 2019 the United Nations documented the average lifespan for a human is 73 years old. Those years are then broken down to months, weeks, days, hours, minutes then seconds. That allows the average person to wrap his or her mind around guessing how many minutes he or she will live. After that they can then roughly imagine how many minutes it will take to walk a mile. This understanding is all plausible because of the equations taught in schools about physics and distance running through an individual’s subconscious which are applied to the life expectancy given by the UN allowing the average person to make since of why it takes four hours to fly from California to Texas but many more to drive that distance. This acceptance allows us to manipulate the speed at which we can travel these distances. Once the first person rode a horse from Oregon to New York it became possible for him or her to figure out ways to then travel that same distance faster taking up less time, naturally our mind allows our body and surroundings to adapt to make the trip in a smaller amount of time. So, when we speak about traveling light years away to distance planets one must first accept that we’ve always known how to survive for far greater lengths than 73 years, there’s been evidence in certain highly acclaimed historic literature that people once lived to reach ages up to 900 years old. In the film The Martian after a successful mission to Mars the main character Mark gets stuck there alone and must remember his botany skills along with all the other fundamental tools he’s acquired during his life leading up to his current situation that astonishingly allow him to survive for about a year and a half until he is finally picked up by his fellow astronauts. What this means is that we must let our light shine in those areas of possibility in our mind that we’ve allowed to go dark thus doing the same to the dark patches of the undiscovered universe by realizing we’ve always been light simply choosing how high or low we want to run our frequency. Eventually this will grant us the ability to travel 3 trillion light years away in hours with the same ease as hopping in our car for an evening cruise. If we are looking at this from a cosmic level, we must make this conscious shift now or in the blink of an eye become a forgotten underwater city like Atlantis. By becoming beings able to live underwater, in space and on land while maintaining a complimenting relationship with each new environment encountered, humans will begin to experience time much differently.

In Conclusion

Apollo’s Youth Entertainment will help the world utilize COVID-19 as a catalyst for us to focus on advancing our physiology, minds, spirits and technology so we can smoothly transition into a new epoch harmoniously and ensure that the human species experiences many more epochs to come. Today we can start tipping the scale into favoring progression and growth by creating these specialized safety face mask to prevent COVID-19 from causing any more death, tomorrow we can use it along with gold weaved diamond plated solar powered electro-suits that allow us to travel to and explore Neptune or take a family vacation to a far-off planet in Centaurus A. Maybe even use it to help us create an underwater city off the coast of New York. All these things are possible if we keep our heads up, stay calm and consciously progress into the eternally evolving world that we’re in together. We are currently seeking to raise $200,000 to fund this program's foundation as well as help manufacture the safety masks. Here at A.Y.E we have an outline for the rest of this century for releasing music, film and comic book s that will campaign for the plethora of societal improvements I’ve written about here, doing our best to ensure we bring about these new changes with grace by producing some of the most inspirational art (Music, Films and Stories) the world has ever enjoyed!

Links from video: Halo Frequency


About the Creator


A.Y.E, stay shining always. ☀️💎☀️

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