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A Woman Who Inspires

The Most Inspiring Woman of All

By Life Coach Queen BPublished 4 years ago 3 min read

When we think of an inspirational woman, we think of a woman who has accomplished something great. Whether it’s; overcoming a challenging obstacle,making sacrifices, or simply being able to endure adversity. Yes! All of that is truly inspirational. The woman that inspires me is a woman who has accomplished something that has never been done before. She has the strength of 1000 armies and more beauty than “Miss World 2019” beauty pageant.

What makes her inspirational is the love she gives. She gives the type of love that is never ending. We call this love unconditional love but, I’m not sure if we understand the meaning of the word unconditional. The word unconditional according to the Webster dictionary, means not subject to any conditions. So unconditional love means the love is still there no matter what the conditions are. When we love we all have our conditions. We love according to how a person loves us and appreciates us. Even that old school love our grandparents are always talking about has its conditions. Having unconditional love for something other than yourself is almost impossible. This takes strength and real love.

She wasn’t taught how to love this way. She was born with this type of love. With the strength of love she produced life. The life she produced was the test of her love. Love can’t be spoken. It is a verb that means it requires action. That was perfectly said by Tobe Nwigwe. Just like any mother she expressed her love by providing for her children. Her children became thirsty and hungry so she provided water and food. Her children began to eat things that weren't meant for them to eat so they became sick,but like any great mother she planned ahead. She put the medicine inside the food. That was the beginning of knowledge.

She loved her children so much she wanted them to be wise like her. With knowledge there is wisdom and to have wisdom you must have understanding. Her goal was to teach her children to love the same way she loved and enjoy the beauty of life. The more lessons she gave her children they began to have an understanding of how things work around them. They began to create art, music,science, and architecture. All of her children were very different. Some of them wanted more knowledge,some of them were filled with greed, and some of them were no longer interested in gaining any knowledge at all. The children who were greedy began to kill and conquer the unwise children.

As time went on the more her children began to get greedy and less concerned about gaining wisdom. The children have turned away from their mother's wisdom and began to create their own knowledge. They were no longer filled with love and understanding but with hate and greed. Her children are now becoming a burden on their mother. They are over-eating, over-reproducing,creating diseases, and using their knowledge for their own personal benefit. Now the water, food, and land is polluted. They are destroying everything she created for them. She still continues to provide for all of them. She is sacrificing her life for them to continue to live. Things are only getting worse but her love has never changed. She still hasn’t given up on her children. They have betrayed her for their own selfish reasons. They have torn her apart to create weapons to gain control over each other and testing out science experiments on each other. The conditions have changed but her love has not.

The woman I am speaking of is a woman that doesn’t get awards for her accomplishments. Many people don’t see her as inspirational but she is the inspiration behind every art masterpiece. The aroma of the alluring flowers she blooms is the inspiration behind the perfume fragrances we buy at our favorite department stores. This woman is Mother Nature. She is the inspiration behind everything that was ever created. She deserves trophies and medals of honor. She inspires me to love people unconditionally but I may not be as successful as her. Just like any other person to get my love I have some conditions. She inspires me to keep working towards my goals even when I feel like giving up.We were put on this earth to gain wisdom,love each other, and give back to the person who made all this possible. Lastly she inspires me to make sacrifices to help the well being of other people. I hope this story inspires others to do the same.


About the Creator

Life Coach Queen B

Life is what you make it. Either you create a paradise on earth or you create a prison. I’m 20 years old and I live a beautiful life full of love. I enjoy meditating,laughing and reading. I love who I am and I love others.


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