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A 2022 New Year’s Resolution

I Have a Dream

By John Matthews Published 2 years ago 5 min read

The clocks right and left hand landed on the number 12 as a new day and year started January 1, 2022. It didn’t feel much like a new year as I fell asleep on my lounge chair and was awaked with a tap on the shoulder from my wife saying “Happy New Year”. We both were going to attend a New Year’s Eve Party but the hosts got sick. My wife sat and watched the ball drop. I was asleep and mind drifted to thoughts of what would be my New Year’s Resolution. Then the light bulb came on and said what if I could be more generous and kinder this year. The world is full of injustice and unkindness. I thought why not try to impact society by doing more good deeds this year. I live in the City of Brotherly Love (Philadelphia) Sometimes it does not feel as if there is any love here with all this violence and hatred amongst one another. I thought why not bring some positivity to this city instead of all the negativity. I decided to take on this task and create ways to help impact my community by becoming involved and immersed in this diverse City of Brotherly Love.

The Winter weather is here and temperatures are in the teens or even single digits. The homeless need warm clothes, blankets, socks, and gloves to help them face the frigid weather. I plan to help give out food and drinks. I never really thought of how many people out there need help. On my way to work each day, I see and pass many of them sleeping on the sidewalks. Some are looking for money for their next high while others are just struggling to survive because they lost a job or foreclosed on a home. I see anyway I can impact them and share the gospel is a great way to start the 2022 year off. My brother has a friend who does homeless outreaches. They that has block parties where they provide a DJ and sometimes live music, food, drink, clothing, free showers, counselors to help talk to homeless that are willing to receive treatment and change their lives. Is it great experience when you see someone’s life go from having nothing to having their own place, a job, and living a whole new life. Some that were in same position enjoy helping out and are able to share their success stories of how they changed their lives.

Another way I plan to show kindness is by giving back in my own neighborhood community by joining a local food pantry. The Food Pantry provides food for individuals that are either low income or don’t have housing. It is interesting to meet new people and see the some of the same faces each week. There are diverse groups of people from all backgrounds, ages, and families that show up on a regular basis. It feels good knowing that I am impacting someone’s life by providing food and simple conversation to help them through the day. Some Food Pantry regulars have actually joined and gave back to the community. This year the Food Pantry Manager is trying to find other ways that we can show kindness. Some ways are by providing clothing and possibly showers. An idea that was brought up was partnering with a local Laundry Facility to provide gift cards for individuals to use to wash their clothes. In order to do the showers, we would need more volunteers to be available to supervise showering and scheduling appointments for those who need a shower.

I thought of organizing a community cleanup where the neighbors would come together and clean up their blocks. Individuals could work together to pick up trash and wash their street down. Younger neighbors can help elderly one’s by mowing their lawn, watering their flowers, and shoveling snow during the Winter season. Doing this would allow the community to come together and work together as a team no matter age or ethnical background.

Another way I can spread kindness this year is through my musical talents. I am a musician and can use my music to make people feel better. Everyone knows listening to that favorite song can relax you after a hard day’s work. It can bring back memories of your first kiss, or love. I can use my musically talents to play music by creating a positive vibe in the community. I can write songs that make people feel happy and bring back good memories. This is a great way to spread kindness to others through the power of a good song.

There are many great ways to make an impact and show kindness amongst one another being inclusive within this diverse City of Brotherly Love and world. If we each did our part and provided one kind act to someone each day it could really make their day. A simple task of opening a door for someone, telling them you like their shirt, telling them you love them or kind words such as “Good Job”, “Hello, how are you?”, or just a simple smile can go a long way. Simple kind jesters can go a long way and to create a more equal, kind, loving society for the year 2022. Let us all show brotherly love amongst our brothers and make 2022 a good year.


About the Creator

John Matthews

I am a Singer, Songwriter, Musician, Writer, and Actor. I have recorded to CD's back 2004 and 2006. I also recently released two singles last year and currently working on an EP. I enjoying excercising, reading, writing stories & poems.

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